forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

His constant denial of anything wrong was so infuriatingly toxic and just the way he handled things by not handling them was so bland and one dimensional.

Deleted user

But Javert had such a deep inner turmoil!!

Deleted user

You just don't like her because you stan Eponine. :P

marius can be a little bland though

@HighPockets group

I feel like most secondary/minor characters in media aren't developed that much and the reason why people love them is headcanons and personal interpretation.


For once, I have a debate topic I think I can actually argue. Did anyone here watch the Kentucky Derby, and if so, what do you think of the decision made? (I have my own opinions, but I'll wait until I know at least some of you know what I'm talking about.)


For once, I have a debate topic I think I can actually argue. Did anyone here watch the Kentucky Derby, and if so, what do you think of the decision made? (I have my own opinions, but I'll wait until I know at least some of you know what I'm talking about.)

Well, Maximum Security DID cause Long Rainge Toddy and Country House to move out of the way, even if it wasn't very much. But the three people who made the final decision didn't even defend it, or answer any questions about their decision. MAYBE they could have answered some questions as to why they chose to disqualify Maximum Security.

And the controversy over this is really not what American Horse Racing needs right now. The debacle about the 23 horse deaths in California this winter is already throwing some dirt on the sport, and now this? It just isn't looking good for horse racing.

But I have mixed feelings on the issue….Maximum Security bumped into those two horses and messed them up, but at the same time, what if it was an accident? And it wasn't even that much, just an inch of movement was required from the horses. So I'm not sure what side I'm on.


But to be fair, they are horses. It may or may not have even been a decision from the jockey, Maximum probably just spooked or something. It also means, if Country House wins Preakness and Belmont, will it have been a fair win? It's basically rendered the other two races pointless, since no matter who wins, it can be argued that they shouldn't have won in the first place.
At the same time, cheating is definitely not okay, so it does make sense why they would need to disqualify any cheaters.


But to be fair, they are horses. It may or may not have even been a decision from the jockey, Maximum probably just spooked or something. It also means, if Country House wins Preakness and Belmont, will it have been a fair win? It's basically rendered the other two races pointless, since no matter who wins, it can be argued that they shouldn't have won in the first place.
At the same time, cheating is definitely not okay, so it does make sense why they would need to disqualify any cheaters.

True true… Like I said, I'm kinda torn between both sides.

@Starfast group

Can someone please fill me in on what happened at the Kentucy Derby…?

I haven't been following it super closely, but apparently the horse that won got disqualified because he cut off other horses. This article explains it pretty well and has a pretty good video. I kind of wonder whether this would still be as controversial as it is if Maximum Security had placed differently. I had to watch the video a couple times before I kind of realized what was going on.

Regardless of whether it was an intentional move on the jockey's part racing is already super dangerous, and it's not exactly unheard of for horses and riders to get seriously hurt. I'm not sure I 100% agree on whether a DQ was warranted here, but I feel like it should be addressed. No one got hurt, but it looks like someone easily could have. Look at how close the other horse is behind him– Yikes D:
It also could have easily just been an error on the jockey's part. Like maybe he didn't realize the other horses were as close behind him as they were.


Woah. Holy shit. That's insane.

I legit thought the horses were going to hit each other's legs and crash but I'm really glad they didn't. War of Will must've had nerves of steel to deal with that and not spook mid-race.

Just, wow.

@HighPockets group

Horses are cool but up close they scare me a little.
Like…why are you so big?
They're cute though.
ThErE'S a HoRsE lOOsE iN tHe hOSpiTaL!!!


Horses are amazing. They aren't really scary, as long as you know how to handle them. I'm super super happy because I get to go to my barn tonight and maybe see my horses. (Not literally mine, but I wish)