forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user


………….what is there to debate about…transformers.?

Deleted user

Where did you get that information anyway?

Here are some of the ones I've been using.

none of the links work. D:

@V01DtheFae group


………….what is there to debate about…transformers.?

yes there is actually and never ask a comic geek for debating topics



………….what is there to debate about…transformers.?

yes there is actually and never ask a comic geek for debating topics

Then why are you in a debate thread???

Deleted user


………….what is there to debate about…transformers.?

yes there is actually and never ask a comic geek for debating topics

Please leave. I created this thread to debate issues and to educate people on subjects that impact our lives. You are mocking that and I do not like it. Please leave if you have nothing to say about the current topic of discussion.
Thank you

@V01DtheFae group


………….what is there to debate about…transformers.?

yes there is actually and never ask a comic geek for debating topics

Please leave. I created this thread to debate issues and to educate people on subjects that impact our lives. You are mocking that and I do not like it. Please leave if you have nothing to say about the current topic of discussion.
Thank you

ok it was boring while it lasted no offense

Deleted user


………….what is there to debate about…transformers.?

yes there is actually and never ask a comic geek for debating topics

Please leave. I created this thread to debate issues and to educate people on subjects that impact our lives. You are mocking that and I do not like it. Please leave if you have nothing to say about the current topic of discussion.
Thank you

ok it was boring while it lasted no offense

It's only boring to those who are either unintelligent enough to not understand or to those unwilling to learn.

Which honestly surprises me, since you claimed to have read Invisible Man I would have expected you to be more interesting in racial equality and issues of the like.

@HighPockets group

I saw Invisible Man at Barnes and Noble yesterday.
Along with an Edgar Allen Poe coloring book, and one called Chill The Fuck Out: Sweary Saying To Help You Relax or something along those lines.
It was beautiful.

Deleted user

Chill The Fuck Out: Sweary Saying To Help You Relax or something along those lines.

It was beautiful.

Oh you saw the book I wrote? XD


When there's a topic, it's a very intense debate. Otherwise we just kind of wait for the next one. Right now we're between gender equality and population control.

Deleted user

I can't tell if this is sarcasm cause it sounds like something you might do.

Definetly sarcasm, but doesn't that honestly sound like something I would do?
Especially because:

a sloth in a hammock saying 'fuck you' while wearing sunglasses.

Is basically my spirit animal.

Deleted user

Playful question:

What's everyone's patronus? (assuming everyone is a Potter fan as you should be)