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Deleted user

Reading the classic horror books would be way more entertaining and educational than all these 'literary masterpieces'. I mean Shelley invented science fiction with Frankenstein. Stoker blended myth and modern times in such a way that sparked an entire sub genre! Wilde brought philosophy into horror that made people shift the way they thought about life and beauty….

I mean… come on.

I'm so excited for my Gothic Lit course!!!!
I read The Strange Case Of Doctor Jekyll And Mr. Hyde for 7th grade, that was a good one.
And The Outsiders, since it was the 1st YA book.
The Giver was also good.
Do you know what books are required nation/state wide for each grade?

Ehhhhh. No I don't. I barely know what they are for CA. I was in a special English program at my school so we kinda had free reign of what we did/read.

@HighPockets group

For some reason Honors World History read Animal Farm but not the English class? I mean, it was for the Russian Revolution unit and it's about communism so yeah I get it, but why make them read an entire book?

@HighPockets group

Other common Freshmen books seem to include:

  • The Pearl
  • The Odyssey (Troy Story 2 lol)
  • Of Mice and Men
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Little Women
  • The Crucible
  • The Hobbit
  • A Wrinkle In Time
  • The Count of Monte Cristo (ISN'T THAT A BRICK?! THOSE POOR KIDS!!)
  • To Kill A Mockingjaybird
  • Great Expectations
  • The Curious Inciedent of the Dog in the Nightime

Ella and Dom, as homeschoolers, did you have to do RR or was that just for public schools? We did it at my Catholic school so I would assume everyone had to do it?


(Maybe focus on the debate at hand? Like everyone else?)

(Except the reason I was asking was because I kinda already did the research and wrote a response… Maybe I’ll save it for times when there aren’t other debates going on?)


I'm homeschooled, but for my homeschool co-op group, we read The Chosen, Pride and Prejudice, the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, To Kill a Mockingbird, Animal Farm, and the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Deleted user

  • The Hobbit
  • A Wrinkle In Time
  • The Count of Monte Cristo (ISN'T THAT A BRICK?! THOSE POOR KIDS!!)

I would have died to study these in school.

I had to read Crime and Punishment dude….talk about a brick to drown myself with.

@HighPockets group

(Maybe focus on the debate at hand? Like everyone else?)

(Except the reason I was asking was because I kinda already did the research and wrote a response… Maybe I’ll save it for times when there aren’t other debates going on?)

(I frankly don't care what your response is, and we're onto a new topic sooooo….)

@HighPockets group

  • The Hobbit
  • A Wrinkle In Time
  • The Count of Monte Cristo (ISN'T THAT A BRICK?! THOSE POOR KIDS!!)

I would have died to study these in school.

I had to read Crime and Punishment dude….talk about a brick to drown myself with.

I have War And Peace, not for school though. I picked it up for fun over the summer, read about half in July, and then put it down and forgot about it. I want to finish it this year though!

Deleted user

(Maybe focus on the debate at hand? Like everyone else?)

(Except the reason I was asking was because I kinda already did the research and wrote a response… Maybe I’ll save it for times when there aren’t other debates going on?)

(If you're going to bring up abortion or religion again, I rather you didn't.
Firstly, because we've talked those subjects to death and myself/ others are tired of regurgitating the same information for the same arguments you present.
Secondly, there is no plausible ending/outcome for said arguments because no one is willing to change their views, no matter how blockheaded they are.
But I digress, I can't stop you from posting your response.)

Deleted user

  • The Hobbit
  • A Wrinkle In Time
  • The Count of Monte Cristo (ISN'T THAT A BRICK?! THOSE POOR KIDS!!)

I would have died to study these in school.

I had to read Crime and Punishment dude….talk about a brick to drown myself with.

I have War And Peace, not for school though. I picked it up for fun over the summer, read about half in July, and then put it down and forgot about it. I want to finish it this year though!

Oh see that one is good though. You should pick up Siddhartha. I feel like you would like it.

@HighPockets group

  • The Hobbit
  • A Wrinkle In Time
  • The Count of Monte Cristo (ISN'T THAT A BRICK?! THOSE POOR KIDS!!)

I would have died to study these in school.

I had to read Crime and Punishment dude….talk about a brick to drown myself with.

I have War And Peace, not for school though. I picked it up for fun over the summer, read about half in July, and then put it down and forgot about it. I want to finish it this year though!

Oh see that one is good though. You should pick up Siddhartha. I feel like you would like it.

Not gonna lie, I picked it up solely because of Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812….
Ooh, I'll have to look into that one!

Deleted user

oof What a BAE tho. I love that slutty cinnamon roll


Hmm… let me see here. I've taken two AP English courses and hoo boi have I read some shit.

A Modest Proposal, Thanatosis, The Raven, The Cast of Amantillado, Frankenstein, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Grapes of Wrath, Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men, To Kill A Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, Nature, Middle Sex, Invisible Man, Crime and Punishment, Moby Dick, The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, The Catcher in the Rye, The Sound and The Fury, The Jungle, Sigmund Freud, and among other literature pieces I've read yet can't remember at the moment.


I cringed at 90% of those

Oh trust me I did too. Especially the ones I read in my first AP course and the teacher's prompts literally were: "Write down your feelings. Logic doesn't matter. Just eMoTiOnS~"


@HighPockets group

From grades 4 to 9, I've read:

  • Ella Enchanted
  • Black Beauty
  • The Bridge To Terebithia (Ella, you should check that one out if you haven't already. Same with Ella Enchanted)
  • Misty of Chincoteague (Not to be dramatic but this is the first book I have ever hated)
  • Abel's Island (This was the second book I have ever hated)
  • The Westing Game (A mystery must-read)
  • Number The Stars
  • Red Midnight
  • The Voyage Of The Frog (The third book I ever hated)
  • A book about the Trail of Tears that I can't for the life of me remember the name of
  • Petey
  • The False Prince
  • City of Embers (The fourth book I have ever hated)
  • The Giver
  • The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde
  • A Night Divided (Really good book about the Berlin Wall)
  • The Outsiders (<3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
  • A Christmas Carol (The Muppet Christmas Carol is the best Christmas movie)
  • Elijah of Buxton (Not gonna lie, I had a high fever when I read this and remember like none)
  • Mark of the Thief
  • The House of the Scorpion
  • Frankenstein
  • Hamlet
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream (Not technically for school, but for the school play)
  • Of Mice And Men
  • The Alchemist
  • Romeo and Juliet

@HighPockets group

I cringed at 90% of those

Oh trust me I did too. Especially the ones I read in my first AP course and the teacher's prompts literally were: "Write down your feelings. Logic doesn't matter. Just eMoTiOnS~"


My class had to take notes on Frankenstein and for all of Victor's interactions with Henry I just typed 'GAY'