forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Moxie group

I think some of the things you're saying are a bit true, but I think you're missing the point/ just don't know about certain topics, which isn't your fault.

1: Despite the fact that women are more likely to end up with depression, male suicide rates are far higher than female, and no one ever talks about it.

I'm pretty sure this is fair.

2: They're expected to work harder and longer on more stressful/dangerous careers.

Not . . . exactly. Sure the rules of 1950's misogyny state that men are supposed to provide for the family and women are supposed to stay home and cook and clean and care for the children, but that's not the way it is anymore. Or maybe it is where you live. We do live in different states and the difference in culture in America is shocking. Anyways, even if men are pushed to have a career, the careers they are typically pushed to are more white collar, office type of jobs.

Believe me, I understand the stress of a father's job when he is working to provide for his family. My dad is a first responder and I've seen it affect him both mentally and physically. But he chose this. He was hardly pushed into any type of job and it was always something less hands-on then what he currently does.

I think you have a pretty good understanding of the difficulties of your father's job, but I don't know if you fully understand how hard it is for your mother. And maybe you realize how hard it is for her, but maybe not for most mothers. Mother's don't get paid, most have to go through an extremely difficult and body-ruining process to become a mother (or they have to go through the really really difficult adoption process) to children who are definitely going to be rude to her and are definitely going to hurt her (whether intentionally or unintentionally) at one point at the very very least.

Plus cleaning and cooking and raising children are no easy feats, and I think that you should acknowledge more how hard being a mother is.

Also, I'm sorry to tell you this, and you may disagree, but your mother not pushing you into something other than art because you'll marry a man who will provide for you is sexist (because the notion of a woman not having to worry about a career is sexist) and belittling your art. By telling you that you don't need to worry about it because you'll marry a man, it doesn't really sound to me like she believes in your career as an artist.

3: They're often stereotyped as violent, heartless, and/or complete perverts.

I think . . . that men are often stereotyped as violent, heartless, and/or complete perverts is true because statistically, they are. But I don't think that's the point you're making, I think the point you're making is that violence against men goes overlooked. Which I think I agree with. And the point about how men are expected to want sex. But yeah, I think you may have wanted to title this point differently because the current point you're advertising is correct.

See? You can't come up with an answer. So don't go and say that men are judged unfairly. Men are given everything simply because they are men.

As a woman, I'm sorry, but this ticked me off and I'm really hoping you aren't serious… Men aren't given everything simply because they are men. A lot of the things they're given come from their own hard work and efforts that most women typically don't achieve, not just their biological sex.

When I say both sexes have their own problems, I mean it. It doesn't matter if women have things worse, that doesn't instantly mean that men are just handed everything without question and live perfect lives. To say otherwise is, in my opinion, quite sexist.

I think you're overlooking the privileges that men have over women, which I think was Eris's argument. Men get a higher salary, they are more likely to be hired for a job over women, and those are just two examples I could think of off the top of my head.

As I said, I think you made some good points, but I also think you're either overlooking some things, or you just don't know.

Deleted user

"Besides, what's the point of trying to educate you anymore? You say you want to learn, but only sit around telling everyone how they are wrong by giving out your narrow views. I've told you multiple times before to actually listen to what people have to say but you refuse to open your mind to other possibilities than what mommy and daddy tell you or whatever pops up on the first page of google."

Well we told her to get educated before she entered the debates and she tried. And it is not inherently because of narrow mindedness that she has not changed her views that much. Neither have you. “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

Have I not entertained everyone's thoughts here? The point of this thread is to do so.
My views have gone through drastic changes over the years and as I have gone through my life. I am set in my views because I have learned and have been taught/taught myself. My views are a culmination of who I am as a person, not what my parents/family/school/internet/media tell me to think. Don't belittle the fact that I have held strong to my views and not turned wishywashy to appease people for arguments sake.
She said she wanted to learn and yet in truth she really didn't and that's okay. Just a little disappointing.

Deleted user

"Men get a higher salary" Nah. I'm supposed to be writing a paper that's due tomorrow morning about it right now.

Women make 70 cents to a man's dollar. That's kind of a fact. The wage gap is real. Why do you think it is such a hot topic in congress?


Silently applauds Ella because sheltered people stick together and those have been some excellent arguments in my humble opinion

I really want to add my own views, but I have to go to bed because it's my bedtime.
And honestly, maybe telling men that everything they're earning is only given to them because of their gender is a kind of discrimination. It's telling them that nothing they're personally good at matters, because the world only gives them privileges because of their gender, not talent.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Men get a higher salary" Nah. I'm supposed to be writing a paper that's due tomorrow morning about it right now.

Women make 70 cents to a man's dollar. That's kind of a fact. The wage gap is real. Why do you think it is such a hot topic in congress?

Have you heard the common arguments against that yet?

@Moxie group

And honestly, maybe telling men that everything they're earning is only given to them because of their gender is a kind of discrimination. It's telling them that nothing they're personally good at matters, because the world only gives them privileges because of their gender, not talent.

Well I mean it’s true. I’m not trying to be hurtful. It’s just facts. If anything it’s more hurtful towards women because it doesn’t matter whether we’re better or equal than men at our jobs, we’ll always be paid less. Just something to think about


And honestly, maybe telling men that everything they're earning is only given to them because of their gender is a kind of discrimination. It's telling them that nothing they're personally good at matters, because the world only gives them privileges because of their gender, not talent.

Well I mean it’s true. I’m not trying to be hurtful. It’s just facts. If anything it’s more hurtful towards women because it doesn’t matter whether we’re better or equal than men at our jobs, we’ll always be paid less. Just something to think about

The facts can hurt either side, I guess. But you make a good point, (And my not adult self hasn't encountered a lot of that kind of thing, but I've heard of it)

@HighPockets group

The Giver is a classic, I love it so much.

i loved the book and the movie faves language arts read

There's a really neat graphic novel that just came out for it!

@V01DtheFae group

The Giver is a classic, I love it so much.

i loved the book and the movie faves language arts read

There's a really neat graphic novel that just came out for it!

i would read it

Deleted user


I came across an interesting subject to discuss.

Thoughts on population control? Specifically policies that would limit how many children a couple could have. (Biologically or non biologically) For example, China (I believe. Don't quote me on this), implemented a policy that couples could only have one (or was it two? idr) child. This led to an increase in infant mortality because people would kill off the 'extra' children, especially if they were girls.



I can understand being concerned about the amount of people increasing, but like… Limiting children? That's really just awful.

Deleted user

What about the gender gap?…

I'm waiting on an actual explanation. :P

@V01DtheFae group

I can understand being concerned about the amount of people increasing, but like… Limiting children? That's really just awful.

yeah and i was gonna get a summer job DANG

Deleted user

I can understand being concerned about the amount of people increasing, but like… Limiting children? That's really just awful.

How else would you regulate the population aside from controlling how many children a couple can have?