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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

I can understand being concerned about the amount of people increasing, but like… Limiting children? That's really just awful.

yeah and i was gonna get a summer job DANG

Loki– second warning.


I agree it's awful but you could relatively easily argue its necessity

Exactly. That's why I'm not really comfortable debating it, because both sides make sense. It's just a moral thing, but even then. Limiting/killing children is obviously bad, but limiting the population is kind of important. So maybe there's a better method out there?


I agree it's awful but you could relatively easily argue its necessity

Exactly. That's why I'm not really comfortable debating it, because both sides make sense. It's just a moral thing, but even then. Limiting/killing children is obviously bad, but limiting the population is kind of important. So maybe there's a better method out there?

There very well could be, but until it's found and implemented, I would have to argue for child control.
But yeah, find another method that's less morally charged and I have nothing but respect for you

Deleted user

Oh no no no, you misunderstand. I only included the tidbit about China as an example of population control. We do not have to discuss the killing of children, obviously that is horrid.

I only meant to discuss population control in general. For or against. Ways it could be done…etc.

Sorry for the confusion! D:

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So the gender age gap is largely false. The biggest reason is that it is simply the money women make vs the money men make.

Do you see the flaw? Far fewer women work than men. This really skews the numbers.


It is not necessary. I read a study that concluded that all the worlds population could fit in Texas at less than the density of New York.

That… sounds pretty impossible. Could you link the study?


I think you have a pretty good understanding of the difficulties of your father's job, but I don't know if you fully understand how hard it is for your mother. And maybe you realize how hard it is for her, but maybe not for most mothers. Mother's don't get paid, most have to go through an extremely difficult and body-ruining process to become a mother (or they have to go through the really really difficult adoption process) to children who are definitely going to be rude to her and are definitely going to hurt her (whether intentionally or unintentionally) at one point at the very very least.

Plus cleaning and cooking and raising children are no easy feats, and I think that you should acknowledge more how hard being a mother is.

I'm aware of how hard it is, and I wasn't trying to make it sound like mothers have it easy. I have a mile-long list of nightmare stories from babysitting my younger siblings, and I usually only have to watch them maybe once a month. It's especially difficult since one of my brothers has anger issues and has tried to punch, kick, and attack me multiple times, usually over small things, and refuses to listen to anyone but my mom.
Watching/caring for small children is a truly difficult task that not everyone is capable of doing well, and I have loads of respect for all the people who can.

What I was trying to show with the whole "Oh, she has to cook, boo hoo"/"women are only expected to care for their children, while men have to do all this" thing was how ridiculous and offensive the "Men have it easy, all they do is sit around at a desk working, poor them" argument that I've seen on the internet truly is, although I really didn't make that clear enough at all 😅 and instead ended up sounding like a terrible person

Thoughts on population control? Specifically, policies that would limit how many children a couple could have. (Biologically or non biologically) For example, China (I believe. Don't quote me on this), implemented a policy that couples could only have one (or was it two? IDR) child. This led to an increase in infant mortality because people would kill off the 'extra' children, especially if they were girls.

I don't have much of a thought on this other than killing off smol babies to stop overpopulation is messed up, however, that's something we seem to have all agreed on.

Deleted user

So the gender age gap is largely false. The biggest reason is that it is simply the money women make vs the money men make.

Do you see the flaw? Far fewer women work than men. This really skews the numbers.

It shouldn't matter the amount of women that work. They should still get equal pay, which they do not, the gap it only increases when you factor in race discrimination.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So the gender age gap is largely false. The biggest reason is that it is simply the money women make vs the money men make.

Do you see the flaw? Far fewer women work than men. This really skews the numbers.

It shouldn't matter the amount of women that work. They should still get equal pay, which they do not, the gap it only increases when you factor in race discrimination.

But they calculate the wage gap based on total earnings, so having fewer women working really does skew the numbers.

Deleted user

Interesting point, but just because the world population can possibly fit in Texas back in 2010 doesn't mean it always will be. The author mentioned that the population was about 6.8 billion, correct? Well in 9 years the population has increased to 7.7 billion people. If humanity keeps growing at this rate we will run out of resources. Population control (done properly & morally) has benefits including resource management, health/mortality increased, and economic turn around for citizens.

Deleted user

So the gender age gap is largely false. The biggest reason is that it is simply the money women make vs the money men make.

Do you see the flaw? Far fewer women work than men. This really skews the numbers.

It shouldn't matter the amount of women that work. They should still get equal pay, which they do not, the gap it only increases when you factor in race discrimination.

But they calculate the wage gap based on total earnings, so having fewer women working really does skew the numbers.

Factor in the sexism that is still taught to generations of young women as Nutella brought up. "Women shouldn't work because they will marry a man who will do all the work for them." Women are constantly being put down and not hired for jobs they are fully capable of, because they are seen as weaker and not as intelligent as men. Women want to provide and care for themselves and their families just as much as men. If they were given equal opportunity, I'm sure those numbers would increase.

But all that doesn't matter because even two people working the same job right now, the women would be making less than the man. If women made the exact same as men there wouldn't be any gap intelligible in any study, no matter how many women or men work. It would just be the same.

Deleted user

Wrong. Women at the same level with the same experience and education will be payed the same except for very rare circumstances.

No. Not wrong. This is correct. I can name 5 people including myself that this has happened to, including a time where a woman had more experience and education got paid less than her coworker in the same position.

Where did you get that information anyway?

Deleted user

The sexism usually comes out in terms of hiring, not pay. (Because women statistically leave and take longer time off more than men.)

No it doesn't only come out in terms of hiring. There is sexism in every tier within a work place.
"Because women statistically leave and take longer time off more than men." I can tell you with 100% certainty that this never comes up within the hiring process, because that's actually a part of my job right now.

Deleted user

(i'm bored)

Seriously? Dude I've told you that if you cannot contribute to the chat under it's rules then I'm going to ask you to leave. This is the third time now. This is not the chat to tell people you're bored. This is the chat to discuss and debate real world (sometimes odd) stuff.

If you are going to be a troll then please leave.

Deleted user

Then post a topic you'd like to discuss? One that isn't random and ridiculous. Honestly.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Where did you get that information anyway?

Here are some of the ones I've been using.