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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

EXACTLY. The thing I didn't enjoy the most in the books was introducing Dylan. I mean, I get that conflicting love interests can work, but this was one of the weaker ones I've read. It just didn't get me invested, because I was already deep into Max and Fang. He was introduced too late in the series to work.

@Moxie group

I've taken the patronus quiz 3 times and I got a mouse, a cat, and a horse. I'm gonna go with cat but I really feel like I'd be a bird

Deleted user

Not to mention that the premise completely changed


That's fair. But I read it when I was young enough to be all 'EEK no Max pick Fang noooo!' But I loved the books to much to criticize them at all.

@HighPockets group

They were okay until the shoehorned in 'humans are the real villains! save the planet!' message came in.
Weirdly enough, that also happened in Patterson's Treasure Hunters series.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That's fair. But I read it when I was young enough to be all 'EEK no Max pick Fang noooo!' But I loved the books to much to criticize them at all.

I'm the opposite: the more I love something, the better I get to know it, the more I nitpick. Just ask my family. XD

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

To me, it seems some of the best book series just get fecked up near the end and get weird and confusing as crap. There was one series I read in middle school (Can't remember what it's called) about this dude who rents a room, and the owner of the house sculpts dragons with her daughter. The dragons are actually alive, though, and if they cry, they die. I loved it, but the last book was confusing as sh*t.


I think I read something similar to that, with alive dragons. By I think the third book, they seemed so weird and creeped me out to the point I returned the whole series and just stopped altogether.

@Starfast group

EXACTLY. The thing I didn't enjoy the most in the books was introducing Dylan. I mean, I get that conflicting love interests can work, but this was one of the weaker ones I've read.

I didn't even get to that point. I stopped reading after book 5, I think (What's the one where they're all on the submarine)? That series should have stopped at book 3. Also, I hated that they gave Max a love interest. She was like the perfect strong, female character that we all deserved until book 4 when she turned into every single generic YA protag ever.


I have to disagree, I loved the submarine. Max was an amazing character, but I personally liked that she ended up falling in love with Fang. (And Angel on the submarine was the best)

Deleted user

James Patterson just uses the same character and plots over and over again. I really don't think that he is a good writer.

@Starfast group

I have to disagree, I loved the submarine.

Idk I found it a little weird. Like what's the point of writing a story about kids who can fly if you're just going to stick them in a setting where they can't do that? Granted, it's been a while since I've read any of the books, but from what I remember I just also didn't like the overall story for books 4 and 5. 1-3 were great and packed with action, but 4 and 5 were really preachy and just basically boiled down to "hurr durr climate change is bad!"

And like, yeah I get that most authors are going to write about issues that they're very passionate about, but I don't think it should be so blatant (has anyone watched the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? I have some really similar feelings).

Not to mention everyone kept developing these random powers? They're humans with avian DNA. Why can they all breathe underwater all of a sudden? Plot convenience?

Max was an amazing character, but I personally liked that she ended up falling in love with Fang

Fair enough, but to me it just felt a bit… cheap, I guess? Like "Oh, everyone else is putting romance in their stories so I'd better do that too." I don't think that every YA novel needs a romantic sub-plot, and I think Maximum Ride was one series that probably could have really benefitted from not having one.

James Patterson just uses the same character and plots over and over again. I really don't think that he is a good writer.

I've read a few of his other YA books and yeah, I have to agree. Maximum Ride was pretty great, but everything else I've read by him was just kind of… okay, I guess.

Deleted user

Has anyone watched the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? I have some really similar feelings.

Although I didn't notice any underlying random themes?

@Starfast group

To me there were moments where it was being really preachy about feminism/women's rights. Like the whole part where they create that Wicca club? Like it felt kinda "fake woke".

Deleted user

Yea Im not a fan of the humans

@HighPockets group

I like Patterson's books, but they're not that good. I've read the I Funny, Treasure Hunters, and Jacky Ha-Ha books because they're funny.