forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


Well, I see being a good ventriloquist comedian as a very hard feat, and Dunham does it very well. It takes talent to do what he does. Also, I said it so there would be an actual debate and not just quoting comedians.

I would debate but I don't actually know Dunham

Deleted user

I think Mulaney has a better understanding of today's world and connects with the Millennial audience.
Jeff Dunham is like a weird uncle trying to connect with the kids.

@Moxie group

But he is also a very successful comedian. He uses the ventriloquism to his advantage and is able to come up with even more content based on this.

But John Mulaney is a successful comedian as well. He's hosted on Saturday Night Live twice, which has an average of 7 million viewers. He's an incredibly influential and well-known comedian. How many comedians do you know that are so popular that they have such a wide influence on the internet? Even just on Notebook. We're using things he's said in his comedy shows as "things our characters would say".

@Moxie group

I think Mulaney has a better understanding of today's world and connects with the Millennial audience.
Jeff Dunham is like a weird uncle trying to connect with the kids.

And the Gen Z audience

Deleted user

John Mulaney is a young immortal. Confirmed.

Deleted user


Idr if we've already talked about this but: Is anyone and anti-vaxer or flat earther?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

We're doing both dude its all good.

Just because you are good at ventriloquy doesn't mean you're a good comedian. Sure, being a good ventriloquist is very difficult, but just because you're adding something harder to a certain task, doesn't necessarily mean you're better at that task.

Really good rebuttal btw.



Idr if we've already talked about this but: Is anyone and anti-vaxer or flat earther?

My aunt is an anti-vaxer.
My cousins asked my mom to take them to get their shots when they were teenagers. It's kind of ridiculous.