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@HighPockets group

The test Eris proposed to make sure that people unfit to have children wouldn't have them? I'm sure it would have something to keep pedos and abusers from having kids.


(I had accidentally unfollowed this discussion so I missed some stuff, sorry for the late responses and everything-)

Out of curiosity, why not?

Well, I dunno, I just really don't like the thought of children. I kinda want to go out and see the world in all its beauty, the arts, languages, foods, cultures- without having to stress over extra travel costs, missing teddy bears, or the expiration dates on mashed baby food.
I've spent enough time stuck in a house in the middle of nowhere watching over screaming 4-year-olds and being unable to socialize to know that it's not my thing.
Not to mention I would be the world's worst mother

Don't get me wrong, babies are wonderful and can bring a lot of joy to someone's life, I just don't want any of my own.

Now, baby animals, on the other hand, are an entirely different story-

oh hey unpopular eris opinion: I think there should be a license to have children and that people should be on semi-permanent forms of birth control until they pass the license test and have a healthy partner.

(I don't really have an opinion so I'll probably stay silent here)

@Moxie group

I think thats a really good idea Eris. It would help with overpopulation, cut down the number of kids in foster care, and ensure parents have the capacity to care for a child.
I think the test should be like when a person is looking to adopt, or when a parent is trying to get custody rights for their child (making sure they have a stable job, home, etc). Maybe like a couples counselor can meet with the prospective parents for a session to make sure they'd be . . . stable (for lack of a better word)?


The test could fail, in a lot of ways. And it isn't always going to work, without giving the government access to every aspect of everyone's lives. At the same time, something like that should definitely exist, just maybe not in the form of a test.

Deleted user

I think thats a really good idea Eris. It would help with overpopulation, cut down the number of kids in foster care, and ensure parents have the capacity to care for a child.
I think the test should be like when a person is looking to adopt, or when a parent is trying to get custody rights for their child (making sure they have a stable job, home, etc). Maybe like a couples counselor can meet with the prospective parents for a session to make sure they'd be . . . stable (for lack of a better word)?

exactly! There are all these limitations for 'buying' (for lack of a better term) a child but nothing for having one?? It's a bizarre double standard that needs to be rectified.

Deleted user

The test could fail, in a lot of ways. And it isn't always going to work, without giving the government access to every aspect of everyone's lives. At the same time, something like that should definitely exist, just maybe not in the form of a test.

The government already does have the ability access to all of that. They just cannot (legally) access it without our consent. If one were to give it to them, say to apply to have/gain a child they would be able to properly test the validity of the person.


Would the creeps in the world want to have kids? Like, obviously some of them have kids already. But if there was a decent testing system and, like, permits for having kids, would they go to all the trouble? And would it even be possible to get some kind of required birth control to everyone who didn't have a special permit to have/raise kids?

Deleted user

I think your test ideas are relatively good. But what would prevent a creep from getting through the screening? Also overpopulation isn't a thing. And passing a test doesn't mean you are good at the job.

It wouldn't be one written test though. There would be extensive psychological tests among other things. If it was created properly there woulc/could be a high chance of preventing offenders from access.

Over population is very much a thing in cities. Just because that person claims we can all fit into texas back in 2010 doesn't mean we can or should going into the future.

Deleted user

And would it even be possible to get some kind of required birth control to everyone who didn't have a special permit to have/raise kids?

More than likely. Studies showed that most women would be 100% more willing to take birth control if it was free or more affordable. As it should be.
Schools are requiring vaccinations now for registration, they can easily just add necessary birth control to that. (For the appropriate age groups that is. I wouldn't expect a kindergartner to get it.)


And would it even be possible to get some kind of required birth control to everyone who didn't have a special permit to have/raise kids?

More than likely. Studies showed that most women would be 100% more willing to take birth control if it was free or more affordable. As it should be.
Schools are requiring vaccinations now for registration, they can easily just add necessary birth control to that. (For the appropriate age groups that is. I wouldn't expect a kindergartner to get it.)

This is starting to sound like an excellent idea…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And would it even be possible to get some kind of required birth control to everyone who didn't have a special permit to have/raise kids?

More than likely. Studies showed that most women would be 100% more willing to take birth control if it was free or more affordable. As it should be.
Schools are requiring vaccinations now for registration, they can easily just add necessary birth control to that. (For the appropriate age groups that is. I wouldn't expect a kindergartner to get it.)

Why should birth control be free?


And would it even be possible to get some kind of required birth control to everyone who didn't have a special permit to have/raise kids?

More than likely. Studies showed that most women would be 100% more willing to take birth control if it was free or more affordable. As it should be.
Schools are requiring vaccinations now for registration, they can easily just add necessary birth control to that. (For the appropriate age groups that is. I wouldn't expect a kindergartner to get it.)

Why should birth control be free?

Same reasons condoms should be free. It's preventative.

Deleted user

Why should birth control be free?

Why shouldn't it be fee? Preventative healthcare should not be a privilege. If someone doesn't want to have children they should be able to take every measure to prevent it for free.

Deleted user

That's unrealistic on so many levels.

Flu shots are free. Why not birth control?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So you think stuff should be free because people don't control themselves? I think with that argument you could say that all things in stores should be free as people steal from there anyways.

Deleted user

I believe I said that birth control should be free because preventative healthcare should not be a privilege.