forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


Does providing affordable healthcare and free products to people can properly take care of themselves spark joy? Yes.

Well of course giving people free stuff makes them happy, but it doesn't make the people that are forced to pay for them without getting anything in return very happy.

Besides, if someone is truly in an emergency situation where their health, their life even, could depend on this, there are places you can obtain pads/tampons for free, such as church outreaches and even politely asking strangers in public bathrooms. It can be awkward and definitely not the most convenient, but it works-
Not to mention there are many possible substitutes out there, along with multiple reusable yet still sanitary options you can purchase that aren't as expensive over time as the regular, disposable pad/tampon.

I just don't know if it's really necessary to take other people's earnings away over feminine care products.

Deleted user

Does providing affordable healthcare and free products to people can properly take care of themselves spark joy? Yes.

Well of course giving people free stuff makes them happy, but it doesn't make the people that are forced to pay for them without getting anything in return very happy.

Free healthcare is for everyone, Ella. Everyone would be getting something in return for the taxes they already pay. It's completely possible to do with with zero increase in what citizens have to pay. If the government reallocated where the taxes are going towards right now (mainly military) it would be possible to provide this service. (same goes for education–that's constantly getting cut in favor of military spending–but that's and argument we've already had).

Also, no need to grip about being forced to pay taxes. Everyone has to do it and we cannot chance that so can we quit using that as an argument??

Besides, if someone is truly in an emergency situation where their health, their life even, could depend on this, there are places you can obtain pads/tampons for free, such as church outreaches and even politely asking strangers in public bathrooms. It can be awkward and definitely not the most convenient, but it works-

No one should ever have to be in that situation. That is wrong. Not to mention if someone's life is in danger they're not going to be driving down to their local church.

Not to mention there are many possible substitutes out there, along with multiple reusable yet still sanitary options you can purchase that aren't as expensive over time as the regular, disposable pad/tampon.

Again, people shouldn't have to resort to making their own products because they can't afford a product that is ridiculously cheap to produce and heavily taxed because asshole white men politicians think that they are a luxury item. Not to mention that the reusable items tend to be twice as expensive as the disposable. If someone cannot afford disposable how do you expect them to afford reusable?

I just don't know if it's really necessary to take other people's earnings away over feminine care products.

Well, when you have to pay for your own every month, instead of eating for the day, you'll understand.

Deleted user

So you are saying it benefits more than harms and should therefore be put into place correct?

Correct. The free heathcare bit would benefit for sure. Just look at other countries with universal healthcare.

Deleted user

Also, this plan requires the gov looks out for the people before itself on a regular basis. Do you really think that will happen?

It should be already doing that. The government should be a service to the people of the country

Deleted user

shrugs helplessly

I can't argue that. It should be doing all of this for us.


How would reducing the price, or making them free, affect the companies that makes pads/tampons? (I don't really have a strong opinion, but I think I'm leaning towards having them free. or at least heavily reduced prices, because that's a really important need.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It is the nature of government to grow and become a selfish corporation. George Washington said something along those lines and I agree wholeheartedly. We already have Big Government. Big Brother is just over the horizon. Then, I believe you will get your wishes. But the answers will not be what you thought they would be.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

How would reducing the price, or making them free, affect the companies that makes pads/tampons? (I don't really have a strong opinion, but I think I'm leaning towards having them free. or at least heavily reduced prices, because that's a really important need.)

Well then they would have to be paid directly by the gov. Which means that it would not be unlikely for the gov to dictate the price, leaving the companies in a bad position when they are not getting paid enough.


How would reducing the price, or making them free, affect the companies that makes pads/tampons? (I don't really have a strong opinion, but I think I'm leaning towards having them free. or at least heavily reduced prices, because that's a really important need.)

Well then they would have to be paid directly by the gov. Which means that it would not be unlikely for the gov to dictate the price, leaving the companies in a bad position when they are not getting paid enough.

That's my concern here… Other than that, it should definitely not cost as much.

Deleted user

Literally one of the top 5 things a woman has in her purse at all times.

@Moxie group

Uh there's a third possible option. It's just how someone is, not learned or taught.
In my opinion, this is a dumb argument that will get us nowhere but hurt. The straight people who think lgbtq+ is learned or taught will argue as such. The lgbtq+ people who have first-hand experience will argue that it's just the way something is. And since straight people have never experienced this, they can only take our word that it is like this. This argument isn't going to make a straight person realize being lgbtq+ is just the way a person is, and it isn't going to make any lgbtq+ person realize they've been wrong all this time and the way they are is learned or taught.
But I might be wrong. If someone thinks this could go somewhere, then go ahead.