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Deleted user

But obviously you see that blaming the Jews is both wrong and illogical. I say the same with those who blame the SWMs for oppression against (insert here).

But why?? SWMs are to blame for the oppression they cause over others. It's not illogical to place blame where blame is due.
Africans were not richer, did not have better lives than the SWMs of the United States during slavery, and yet they were put down and considered wrong simply because of the color of their skin. So how was it the African's fault that they were oppressed?

@HighPockets group

But obviously you see that blaming the Jews is both wrong and illogical. I say the same with those who blame the SWMs for oppression against (insert here).

But oppression against people who aren't straight, white, or male is literally caused by SWMs…..

@HighPockets group

Because others have it worse the problem should not be addressed? Are you sure you want to argue that?

No, when you show me an actual issue that SWMs have that isn't 'we get made fun of sometimes :(', we can argue that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Because others have it worse the problem should not be addressed? Are you sure you want to argue that?

No, when you show me an actual issue that SWMs have that isn't 'we get made fun of sometimes :(', we can argue that.

I know many people in my school who have been physically harmed for being white. Their attackers even stated this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It would suck, but that doesn't mean I could just kill the person, that's cruel and messed up…

As I also explained before, it's a humane process that I have witnessed myself. It's not cruel. If you did not have the right to control your body you wouldn't be so happy sunshine about the reason for that. Read the damn argument. I'm over this. When you have a proper argument other than 'It hurts my feelings', then we'll talk.

How bout: birthing is a completely natural process that allows humans to exist. Also, there are truely detrimental things that happen in our bodies that we do not control simply because we can, due to the fact it is nature.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But obviously you see that blaming the Jews is both wrong and illogical. I say the same with those who blame the SWMs for oppression against (insert here).

But why?? SWMs are to blame for the oppression they cause over others. It's not illogical to place blame where blame is due.
Africans were not richer, did not have better lives than the SWMs of the United States during slavery, and yet they were put down and considered wrong simply because of the color of their skin. So how was it the African's fault that they were oppressed?

Never said it was.

"SWMs are to blame for the oppression they cause over others." Well yes, but you can't use that as a definite argument if that is the thing we are arguing about.

Now about the slavery. There were black slave owners. Also many of the abolitionists were SWMs. If there are exceptions then it is a Generalization not a true statement.

Let's get a little personal here. I would be counted among the SWMs. I disagree but others wouldn't care about that. How is oppression my fault?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because others have it worse the problem should not be addressed? Are you sure you want to argue that?

No, when you show me an actual issue that SWMs have that isn't 'we get made fun of sometimes :(', we can argue that.

I know many people in my school who have been physically harmed for being white. Their attackers even stated this.

Thank you!

@HighPockets group

Because others have it worse the problem should not be addressed? Are you sure you want to argue that?

No, when you show me an actual issue that SWMs have that isn't 'we get made fun of sometimes :(', we can argue that.

I know many people in my school who have been physically harmed for being white. Their attackers even stated this.

Thank you!

And do you know how many people have been killed for being female, POC, or LGBTQA+?
Read The Hate U Give, watch The Laramie Project, and look at articles about women who were killed by their boyfriends, or by SWM, and say that that's not far worse.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because others have it worse the problem should not be addressed? Are you sure you want to argue that?

No, when you show me an actual issue that SWMs have that isn't 'we get made fun of sometimes :(', we can argue that.

I know many people in my school who have been physically harmed for being white. Their attackers even stated this.

Thank you!

And do you know how many people have been killed for being female, POC, or LGBTQA+?
Read The Hate U Give, watch The Laramie Project, and look at articles about women who were killed by their boyfriends, or by SWM, and say that that's not far worse.

You are ignoring what I have said! I know. Others have it way worse. We agree on that. You are moving the goalpost. You just said give real evidence, then it might be a legitimate problem that needs to be addressed. As soon as decent evidence is shown you fall back on what we have already dealt with like I have not already plainly stated an answer.


I know this isn't the Rudeness chat so saying this probably makes me an awful human being, but am I the only one who finds it funny that the same people saying "SWMs are never judged for who they are" tried to silence Dom's opinions in a past debate simply because he's straight, even though due to his religion that debate effects him as well?

@HighPockets group

Then why, exactly, should we focus on fixing the egos fixing the minor issues that SWM have when others are literally dying? It seems like since, as you said, they're at the bottom of the pole, we should fix issues that, y'know, matter.

@HighPockets group

I know this isn't the Rudeness chat so saying this probably makes me an awful human being, but am I the only one who finds it funny that the same people saying "SWMs are never judged for who they are" tried to silence Dom's opinions in a past debate simply because he's straight, even though due to his religion that debate effects him as well?

They're not 'judged for who they are', they're judged for butting in on things that don't concern them. Like LGBTQA+ rights, for example.


I know this isn't the Rudeness chat so saying this probably makes me an awful human being, but am I the only one who finds it funny that the same people saying "SWMs are never judged for who they are" tried to silence Dom's opinions in a past debate simply because he's straight, even though due to his religion that debate effects him as well?

They're not 'judged for who they are', they're judged for butting in on things that don't concern them. Like LGBTQA+ rights, for example.

The debate was whether or not homosexuality would be considered sinful in the Bible. He's Christian, the debate does concern him.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Then why, exactly, should we focus on fixing the egos fixing the minor issues that SWM have when others are literally dying? It seems like since, as you said, they're at the bottom of the pole, we should fix issues that, y'know, matter.

"Because others have it worse the problem should not be addressed? Are you sure you want to argue that?

No, when you show me an actual issue that SWMs have that isn't 'we get made fun of sometimes :(', we can argue that."

Deleted user

It would suck, but that doesn't mean I could just kill the person, that's cruel and messed up…

As I also explained before, it's a humane process that I have witnessed myself. It's not cruel. If you did not have the right to control your body you wouldn't be so happy sunshine about the reason for that. Read the damn argument. I'm over this. When you have a proper argument other than 'It hurts my feelings', then we'll talk.

How bout: birthing is a completely natural process that allows humans to exist. Also, there are truely detrimental things that happen in our bodies that we do not control simply because we can, due to the fact it is nature.

Yea no. Firstly, not talking about birth, talking about pregnancy, which is a natural process, that I will agree on. But you know what else is? Abortion. The body can and will naturally abort a fertilized egg. This actually happens so commonly that most women think that it is a natural period. Miscarriages are also natural. Lastly, we can control anything and everything in our bodies, we remove sickness with antibiotics, we go through immense therapy to get rid of cancer. Sickness and Tumors are 'natural' and we get rid of them. Next time actually READ what I wrote in the argument before. We've talked about all of this already.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I know this isn't the Rudeness chat so saying this probably makes me an awful human being, but am I the only one who finds it funny that the same people saying "SWMs are never judged for who they are" tried to silence Dom's opinions in a past debate simply because he's straight, even though due to his religion that debate effects him as well?

They're not 'judged for who they are', they're judged for butting in on things that don't concern them. Like LGBTQA+ rights, for example.

The debate was whether or not homosexuality would be considered sinful in the Bible. He's Christian, the debate does concern him.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It would suck, but that doesn't mean I could just kill the person, that's cruel and messed up…

As I also explained before, it's a humane process that I have witnessed myself. It's not cruel. If you did not have the right to control your body you wouldn't be so happy sunshine about the reason for that. Read the damn argument. I'm over this. When you have a proper argument other than 'It hurts my feelings', then we'll talk.

How bout: birthing is a completely natural process that allows humans to exist. Also, there are truely detrimental things that happen in our bodies that we do not control simply because we can, due to the fact it is nature.

Yea no. Firstly, not talking about birth, talking about pregnancy, which is a natural process, that I will agree on. But you know what else is? Abortion. The body can and will naturally abort a fertilized egg. This actually happens so commonly that most women think that it is a natural period. Miscarriages are also natural. Lastly, we can control anything and everything in our bodies, we remove sickness with antibiotics, we go through immense therapy to get rid of cancer. Sickness and Tumors are 'natural' and we get rid of them. Next time actually READ what I wrote in the argument before. We've talked about all of this already.

So are you of the sect that thinks if a fetus is lost in a miscarriage the mother shouldn't grieve?

@HighPockets group

I know this isn't the Rudeness chat so saying this probably makes me an awful human being, but am I the only one who finds it funny that the same people saying "SWMs are never judged for who they are" tried to silence Dom's opinions in a past debate simply because he's straight, even though due to his religion that debate effects him as well?

They're not 'judged for who they are', they're judged for butting in on things that don't concern them. Like LGBTQA+ rights, for example.

The debate was whether or not homosexuality would be considered sinful in the Bible. He's Christian, the debate does concern him.


It's honestly none of his damn business who people love, and if all he's going to do is scream "IT'S SINFUL!" at us, then no, it doesn't concern him at all.


I know this isn't the Rudeness chat so saying this probably makes me an awful human being, but am I the only one who finds it funny that the same people saying "SWMs are never judged for who they are" tried to silence Dom's opinions in a past debate simply because he's straight, even though due to his religion that debate effects him as well?

They're not 'judged for who they are', they're judged for butting in on things that don't concern them. Like LGBTQA+ rights, for example.

The debate was whether or not homosexuality would be considered sinful in the Bible. He's Christian, the debate does concern him.


It's honestly none of his damn business who people love, and if all he's going to do is scream "IT'S SINFUL!" at us, then no, it doesn't concern him at all.

Except he isn't, he specifically stated multiple times that people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, regardless of whether his specific viewpoint sees it as wrong or not. That includes liking someone of your own gender.

However, since that was a debate that involved his religion, he voiced his own opinions. He believes it's sinful, although he wouldn't shove that down people's throats.

You can't just tell everyone you disagree with that their opinions don't matter.

Deleted user

But obviously you see that blaming the Jews is both wrong and illogical. I say the same with those who blame the SWMs for oppression against (insert here).

But why?? SWMs are to blame for the oppression they cause over others. It's not illogical to place blame where blame is due.
Africans were not richer, did not have better lives than the SWMs of the United States during slavery, and yet they were put down and considered wrong simply because of the color of their skin. So how was it the African's fault that they were oppressed?

Never said it was.

"SWMs are to blame for the oppression they cause over others." Well yes, but you can't use that as a definite argument if that is the thing we are arguing about.

Now about the slavery. There were black slave owners. Also many of the abolitionists were SWMs. If there are exceptions then it is a Generalization not a true statement.

Let's get a little personal here. I would be counted among the SWMs. I disagree but others wouldn't care about that. How is oppression my fault?

But that is the argument we are having? That SWMs are to blame for their own actions in oppressing others.

A generalization is still true and you did not answer my question. You are trying to shift the blame of the actions of SWM by saying 'Oh everyone else did it too so it is okay." when we all know that it is not. Let's not forget that the ratio of white to black slave owners is ridiculously out of proportion. That most black slave owners in Africa only participated to save their own people from the Whites. You tried to explain away the German reason for the murder of Jewish innocents because they 'were richer'. Acknowledge that SWMs are to blame for their actions and should be accountable just like every other race. They are not better and should not be treated as such. Most atrocities that have happened in modern history are because the SWM thought he was better than everyone else, when in fact his ego and volatile nature are to blame.

Oppression is your fault because you would stand back and let it happen. You would vote against Gay marriage. You would vote against women's rights to healthcare. Or you would not vote at all and let the other White Males speak for you.

Deleted user

It would suck, but that doesn't mean I could just kill the person, that's cruel and messed up…

As I also explained before, it's a humane process that I have witnessed myself. It's not cruel. If you did not have the right to control your body you wouldn't be so happy sunshine about the reason for that. Read the damn argument. I'm over this. When you have a proper argument other than 'It hurts my feelings', then we'll talk.

How bout: birthing is a completely natural process that allows humans to exist. Also, there are truely detrimental things that happen in our bodies that we do not control simply because we can, due to the fact it is nature.

Yea no. Firstly, not talking about birth, talking about pregnancy, which is a natural process, that I will agree on. But you know what else is? Abortion. The body can and will naturally abort a fertilized egg. This actually happens so commonly that most women think that it is a natural period. Miscarriages are also natural. Lastly, we can control anything and everything in our bodies, we remove sickness with antibiotics, we go through immense therapy to get rid of cancer. Sickness and Tumors are 'natural' and we get rid of them. Next time actually READ what I wrote in the argument before. We've talked about all of this already.

So are you of the sect that thinks if a fetus is lost in a miscarriage the mother shouldn't grieve?

I never said that at all????????????????????????????