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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I am hated the most by the radical left groups because I am a straight white(ish, but they would think so.) male who is religious, homeschooled, is more conservative, pro-life, distrusts the government and doesn't support lgbt.
Not to say that sexism is more against men, but straight white men are a target.


I think overall, there's judgement towards everyone. Literally every kind of person will probably be judged and/or be discriminated against because of race, skin, gender, or choices. It happens everywhere in todays culture, it can really just depend on where you live and what kind of people you're around.

@HighPockets group

straight white men are a target.


You've never heard that stuff?

Being a target is when people go out of their way to hurt you, belittle you, and invalidate you. Straight white men have not, and never will be, a target.
One joke made about straight white men isn't targeting them ffs.

@HighPockets group

Honestly, if you truly think that straight white men are a target, you need to go outside and look around for yourself to see how utterly bullshit that is.

@HighPockets group

No, they aren't. People complaining about the actions of straight white men and occasionally joking about them isn't targeting. Harassment, firing people from their jobs, and relentlessly bullying people is targeting.

Deleted user

I personally don’t have much of a stance, I mean, both sexes are often judged unfairly

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no

You think men are rarely judged unfairly?

Name one thing that men have/experience that isn't better than what women have/experience.

Deleted user

Oh don't get me wrong! They're the lowest on the pole for sure. But it does exist.

No. No it doesn't. White men are 'hated' because they have everything everyone else is fighting for. Things that should be a given right to all, not some.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I personally don’t have much of a stance, I mean, both sexes are often judged unfairly

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no

You think men are rarely judged unfairly?

Name one thing that men have/experience that isn't better than what women have/experience.

Looks Lol.

Deleted user

And people get furious and blame SWM instead of whoever's fault it is.

Who's fault is it then? Immigrants for being born in a different country? Jewish citizens peacefully worshiping? Women for being born without a dick?

When is it not their fault???
African American men getting gunned down by Straight White Male cops who get little to no jail time.
Women's rights to their own bodies getting put down in congress by Straight White Male politicians.

Just some prime examples.

Deleted user

I personally don’t have much of a stance, I mean, both sexes are often judged unfairly

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no

You think men are rarely judged unfairly?

Name one thing that men have/experience that isn't better than what women have/experience.

Looks Lol.

See? You can't come up with an answer. So don't go and say that men are judged unfairly. Men are given everything simply because they are men.

Deleted user

Okay. Great.

So are you wanting to join in on the debate or…?