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people_alt 109 followers


I still have arguments after all that researching, but we've moved on, unfortunately. Not to mention I'm still researching the current one so don't change the topic to something that interesting yet

Deleted user

but… i had good arguments ready

if your arguments include taking away a women's right to her body then I really do not want to hear it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And people get furious and blame SWM instead of whoever's fault it is.

Who's fault is it then? Immigrants for being born in a different country? Jewish citizens peacefully worshiping? Women for being born without a dick?

When is it not their fault???
African American men getting gunned down by Straight White Male cops who get little to no jail time.
Women's rights to their own bodies getting put down in congress by Straight White Male politicians.

Just some prime examples.

Perfect example of the attitude. I mean, sure, it's not their fault. And it is true that there is some hard evidence in a few cases. But neither did Jews ruin the German economy . (I apologize for using that as an example but it works.)

Deleted user

I really don't see how not being allowed to kill another human is taking away a woman's right to her body, but whatever. Moving on…

You can refer back to the pages where I explained it thoroughly then. And think about how it would suck if you didn't have control over what happened inside you.

Deleted user

And people get furious and blame SWM instead of whoever's fault it is.

Who's fault is it then? Immigrants for being born in a different country? Jewish citizens peacefully worshiping? Women for being born without a dick?

When is it not their fault???
African American men getting gunned down by Straight White Male cops who get little to no jail time.
Women's rights to their own bodies getting put down in congress by Straight White Male politicians.

Just some prime examples.

Perfect example of the attitude. I mean, sure, it's not their fault. And it is true that there is some hard evidence in a few cases. But neither did Jews ruin the German economy . (I apologize for using that as an example but it works.)

….How does that example work? Hitler was a Straight White Male that murdered 6 million people because he didn't like them. He is to blame.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Perfect example of the attitude. I mean, sure, it's not their fault. And it is true that there is some hard evidence in a few cases. But neither did Jews ruin the German economy . (I apologize for using that as an example but it works.)

….How does that example work? Hitler was a Straight White Male that murdered 6 million people because he didn't like them. He is to blame.

It happens against the nonSWMs. Ergo, it's their fault.
We are in poverty the Jews (hypothetically) are not. Ergo, it's their fault.

Deleted user

Perfect example of the attitude. I mean, sure, it's not their fault. And it is true that there is some hard evidence in a few cases. But neither did Jews ruin the German economy . (I apologize for using that as an example but it works.)

….How does that example work? Hitler was a Straight White Male that murdered 6 million people because he didn't like them. He is to blame.

It happens against the nonSWMs. Ergo, it's their fault.
We are in poverty the Jews (hypothetically) are not. Ergo, it's their fault.

You…you are blaming the Jews for the Holocaust….instead of the SWM that killed them….?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Perfect example of the attitude. I mean, sure, it's not their fault. And it is true that there is some hard evidence in a few cases. But neither did Jews ruin the German economy . (I apologize for using that as an example but it works.)

….How does that example work? Hitler was a Straight White Male that murdered 6 million people because he didn't like them. He is to blame.

It happens against the nonSWMs. Ergo, it's their fault.
We are in poverty the Jews (hypothetically) are not. Ergo, it's their fault.

You…you are blaming the Jews for the Holocaust….instead of the SWM that killed them….?

Um, No.

Deleted user

It would suck, but that doesn't mean I could just kill the person, that's cruel and messed up…

As I also explained before, it's a humane process that I have witnessed myself. It's not cruel. If you did not have the right to control your body you wouldn't be so happy sunshine about the reason for that. Read the damn argument. I'm over this. When you have a proper argument other than 'It hurts my feelings', then we'll talk.