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@HighPockets group

Exactly. Somehow all the bad guys are way more developed and actually relatable. The Clone wars and Rebels versions of Maul were amazing…
And of course our classic Lego version of Sidious.

Lego Sidious is an icon, tbh.
Also TCW and Rebels made me go from being uninterested in Maul to him becoming one of my favorite villains ever!


Exactly. Somehow all the bad guys are way more developed and actually relatable. The Clone wars and Rebels versions of Maul were amazing…
And of course our classic Lego version of Sidious.

Lego Sidious is an icon, tbh.
Also TCW and Rebels made me go from being uninterested in Maul to him becoming one of my favorite villains ever!


@HighPockets group

Exactly. Somehow all the bad guys are way more developed and actually relatable. The Clone wars and Rebels versions of Maul were amazing…
And of course our classic Lego version of Sidious.

Lego Sidious is an icon, tbh.
Also TCW and Rebels made me go from being uninterested in Maul to him becoming one of my favorite villains ever!


Honestly TCW made him into someone I hated, and then Rebels more so into a love-to-hate, and now I just find him fascinating.
Also Spider-Maul is one of only two Star Wars scenes that have actually scared me, the other is Anakin being burned alive in the lava rivers of Mustafar.

@HighPockets group

The new ninjago characters vr. the old ones (i side with the old ones)

From a solely aesthetic perspective, the old ones are better. I don't like the colored eyes on the new minifigs, especially on Lloyd, they look tacky. In fact, I would say the only minifig with colored eyes that looks good is Grand Admiral Thrawn.

@V01DtheFae group

The new ninjago characters vr. the old ones (i side with the old ones)

From a solely aesthetic perspective, the old ones are better. I don't like the colored eyes on the new minifigs, especially on Lloyd, they look tacky. In fact, I would say the only minifig with colored eyes that looks good is Grand Admiral Thrawn.

i'm talking about how they replaced them in the actual show which made me really mad i actually stopped watching it

@HighPockets group

The new ninjago characters vr. the old ones (i side with the old ones)

From a solely aesthetic perspective, the old ones are better. I don't like the colored eyes on the new minifigs, especially on Lloyd, they look tacky. In fact, I would say the only minifig with colored eyes that looks good is Grand Admiral Thrawn.

i'm talking about how they replaced them in the actual show which made me really mad i actually stopped watching it

That's why I said it was from an aesthetic perspective, I've never seen the show but I collect Legos.

@V01DtheFae group

i know right and the new lloyd is a total duche bag and his hair is to tall for him cole looks like a caveman jay looks like he is 10 years old kai looks like a total idiot again with hair the size of his torso! Not to mention zane is a total wierdo, pixal is strange and Nia has a MOLE AND A MAN BUN!!!!!


Exactly. Somehow all the bad guys are way more developed and actually relatable. The Clone wars and Rebels versions of Maul were amazing…
And of course our classic Lego version of Sidious.

Lego Sidious is an icon, tbh.
Also TCW and Rebels made me go from being uninterested in Maul to him becoming one of my favorite villains ever!


Honestly TCW made him into someone I hated, and then Rebels more so into a love-to-hate, and now I just find him fascinating.
Also Spider-Maul is one of only two Star Wars scenes that have actually scared me, the other is Anakin being burned alive in the lava rivers of Mustafar.

That's almost my experience, except I was fine with the burning and was most scared of the Brain worms, Mother Talzin, and the spider scene. Somehow the person being burned just didn't scare my young self as much…
But Maul had amazing development. there's a book I read, and it followed Maul's childhood and gave him really good background. Far above, far above, we don't know where we'll fall… Far above, far above, what was once was great is rendered small. Anyone understand that reference?

@HighPockets group

Exactly. Somehow all the bad guys are way more developed and actually relatable. The Clone wars and Rebels versions of Maul were amazing…
And of course our classic Lego version of Sidious.

Lego Sidious is an icon, tbh.
Also TCW and Rebels made me go from being uninterested in Maul to him becoming one of my favorite villains ever!


Honestly TCW made him into someone I hated, and then Rebels more so into a love-to-hate, and now I just find him fascinating.
Also Spider-Maul is one of only two Star Wars scenes that have actually scared me, the other is Anakin being burned alive in the lava rivers of Mustafar.

That's almost my experience, except I was fine with the burning and was most scared of the Brain worms, Mother Talzin, and the spider scene. Somehow the person being burned just didn't scare my young self as much…
But Maul had amazing development. there's a book I read, and it followed Maul's childhood and gave him really good background. Far above, far above, we don't know where we'll fall… Far above, far above, what was once was great is rendered small. Anyone understand that reference?

The brain worms didn't scare me much, or Mother Talzin, but I have arachnophobia so the spider scene was not good for me lol.
Was it the Darth Maul in-character journal? I have that one!


I think it might have been! It had all his early training and apprenticeship, and he ended up killing the girl he liked at his school place?

@HighPockets group

I think it might have been! It had all his early training and apprenticeship, and he ended up killing the girl he liked at his school place?

I don't remember the girl being involved, but I remember a story involving Sidious getting pissed at him for being afraid of a venomous creature, and then siccing a ton on Maul so he would get attacked by them. It was kinda scary back when I read it.

@HighPockets group

yeah i know right it's dumb

The Lego Batman Movie ones were better, but still not great.


They did finally find a way to do hats with hair, so that's good, but some of the hair pieces look much better in animated films than on the actual minifigs.


I think it might have been! It had all his early training and apprenticeship, and he ended up killing the girl he liked at his school place?

I don't remember the girl being involved, but I remember a story involving Sidious getting pissed at him for being afraid of a venomous creature, and then siccing a ton on Maul so he would get attacked by them. It was kinda scary back when I read it.

I think I remember that… and he ended up getting sick? It's been a while since I read it.

@HighPockets group

I think it might have been! It had all his early training and apprenticeship, and he ended up killing the girl he liked at his school place?

I don't remember the girl being involved, but I remember a story involving Sidious getting pissed at him for being afraid of a venomous creature, and then siccing a ton on Maul so he would get attacked by them. It was kinda scary back when I read it.

I think I remember that… and he ended up getting sick? It's been a while since I read it.

Yeah, I haven't read it for a few years either.