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Deleted user

Not to mention it goes against most religious teachings.

Deleted user

Don't all religious teach peace in one way or another?

Even satanism


Don't all religious teach peace in one way or another?

Even satanism

No, you're right. Satanism does teach not to kill or bother anyone without a good reason.

Deleted user


There are actually several rules in satanism that say "do no harm, unless harmed on or for food/nurishment"


Yo Lui. Have you read Kingsmeat or other Orson Scott Card books?

I have read Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead, I plan on finishing that series soon(ish).



There are actually several rules in satanism that say "do no harm, unless harmed on or for food/nurishment"

I know. There is also a Destruction Ritual so you may take out your anger in a way that doesn't involve murder.

Deleted user

I'm intrigued by your knowledge of this.
Did you take a class on the occult?


I'm intrigued by your knowledge of this.
Did you take a class on the occult?

I practice Satanism. I just do it in a more casual sense because my confusing parents can't decide if they support me or not.

And I usually don't admit it because pitchforks.

Deleted user


That is fascinating! I've never spoken to someone who actually practices. I'm a practicing Druid and Wicca, so many people confuse our religions. Do you mind sharing some information regarding that?

Deleted user

And I usually don't admit it because pitchforks.

Relatable and completely understandable.



That is fascinating! I've never spoken to someone who actually practices. I'm a practicing Druid and Wicca, so many people confuse our religions. Do you mind sharing some information regarding that?

It would be my pleasure.

(This is coming from someone who cannot read the Satanic Bible at home, so bear with me.)

The concept of Satanism takes the idea that Satan does not exist, however he as Lucifer did make a prominent symbol of rebellion and individuality. We teach ideas of freedom, being yourself because it's okay to be different, and that our actions have consequences. The latter of the teachings is explained through the concepts of Greater and Lesser Magic. Lesser magic is basically Newtons Third Law applied to real life, while Greater Magic is the satisfaction through ritualism you can obtain (again, I have never done a ritual because of my parents). The main other teaching is to let live, and let be. Unless someone asks, don't be blurting out your opinion and try to shove it down others throats, because that is rather annoying to those around you. Also, as mentioned above, do not kill animals unless you are attacked or you need food, and don't kill a human unless they really deserve it, and the situation justifies it logically. Otherwise, you "curse" them during a Destruction Ritual.


When and why did you start following Satan?

I started following Satan a couple years ago. I had been going through rough times and was seeking answers in life, so I picked up a copy of the Christian Holy Bible. In the end, the ideas I found whilst reading didn't all match up to my own viewpoints and I was disgusted by the hypocrisy within certain church systems. So I continued looking and eventually found the teachings of Anton Szandor LaVey and the Church of Satan. The viewpoints I found lined up much better, so I continued to learn more and starting practicing the beliefs myself.

And let me make something clear (I'm not accusing you, I'm just making a general statement): I respect other people's belief systems because I have no idea what may or may not control our universe, but if anyone tries to agressively convert me or shun me into hiding due to my own beliefs, you will fail.

Deleted user

Very similar to my own journey into finding Druidism/Wicca.

I know that there is a lot of 'misunderstanding' regarding the practice, what are the common misconceptions that people have regarding the religion?


Very similar to my own journey into finding Druidism/Wicca.

I know that there is a lot of 'misunderstanding' regarding the practice, what are the common misconceptions that people have regarding the religion?

The most common are:

1) We actually believe Satan is a real being.

A: No we don't, he's a symbol.

2) We worship evil.

A: Again, no we don't. If rebelliousness is evil, then the founding fathers were too.

3) Our practices consist of nothing but sadomasochism, murder, and orgies.

A: This is laughable. If you are going to say this, then I can make some really fun accusations about other religions.

4) Witches worship Satan.

A: No they don't. We DO have a place on the hierarchy called "Witch" or "Warlock" (depending on ones physical sex and identified gender), but witchcraft, the Wiccan faith, Druidism, Paganism, etc. are very much different and have their own beliefs which do not involve Satan.


Very similar to my own journey into finding Druidism/Wicca.

I know that there is a lot of 'misunderstanding' regarding the practice, what are the common misconceptions that people have regarding the religion?

The most common are:

1) We actually believe Satan is a real being.

A: No we don't, he's a symbol.

2) We worship evil.

A: Again, no we don't. If rebelliousness is evil, then the founding fathers were too.

3) Our practices consist of nothing but sadomasochism, murder, and orgies.

A: This is laughable. If you are going to say this, then I can make some really fun accusations about other religions.

4) Witches worship Satan.

A: No they don't. We DO have a place on the hierarchy called "Witch" or "Warlock" (depending on ones physical sex and identified gender), but witchcraft, the Wiccan faith, Druidism, Paganism, etc. are very much different and have their own beliefs which do not involve Satan.

Oh and course: 5) The power of Christ compels you demon!

A: No it does not. Your crucifix neckalace does 0 damage.

(Someone did that to me before. I found it insulting yet hilarious at the same time)

Deleted user

Thank you for the information! (I'm taking notes like crazy actually.)

What do you find most fulfilling about it?


Thank you for the information! (I'm taking notes like crazy actually.)

What do you find most fulfilling about it?

Whoops, I accidentally started a debate topic. JK, it's good to see someone who actively seeks knowledge and I'm glad to aid that search.

Anyway… The most fulfilling part is it not having a bunch of hypocritical holes, and honestly just making a lot of sense when it comes to worldviews and practices.


Honestly I think the only seen viewpoint I disagree with when it comes to Satanism is that you can only kill with good reason. I would never kill somebody on purpose, even if my own life was in danger because I don't think anybody's life is mine to take, no matter what that person did. That's honestly probably a very idiotic belief, and if I ever find myself in a dangerous situation I'll most likely die, but I really just don't have the heart to kill somebody.


Honestly I think the only seen viewpoint I disagree with when it comes to Satanism is that you can only kill with good reason. I would never kill somebody on purpose, even if my own life was in danger because I don't think anybody's life is mine to take, no matter what that person did. That's honestly probably a very idiotic belief, and if I ever find myself in a dangerous situation I'll most likely die, but I really just don't have the heart to kill somebody.

In the situation of them deserving vengeance, it partially has to do with the vengeance based system presented in Satanism, in which case, you still don't need to kill the person. Vengeance in Satanism is yours to deliver or not deliver as you see fit in the way you see fit (within reason). So if you believed that justice through the American Justice system or just leaving the person alone is the right way to go about it, then you are still in the right. Nobody is forcing you to take a life, because that would be taking away your free will, the main principle of Satanism.

As for defending yourself in the moment, that is a much harder situation to deal with. Unless you know exactly how to disable a person without killing them, have the means to do so, and do so correctly in the moment, there are certain situations where you may not have a choice. I know somebody who went through a training program for a concealed weapons permit and the main thing that allows the law enforcement and program to decide if you are ready, is if you can use whatever weapon you have when you need too. (It doesn't even have to be a firearm. Some states consider those extending batons a concealed weapon.) If you cannot, you are only putting yourself, and others in danger by having the weapon. (That was my only real life example I could think of.)

It's not stupid to have a fear or regret of taking a human life. It's not an easy thing to deal with for a lot of people. In a way it actually can be viewed as a good thing, because it means you are a sympathetic person. You just need to be careful out there, the world can be a scary place.

(Not trying to frighten or dishearten you, I just want you to know there are two sides here but it doesn't mean you are wrong.)