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I can't remember the exact title of the last horror film I saw (it was a couple years ago and if there is one part of my mind that doesn't work, it's the memory department), but anyway, it had me bored.

The story was not that compelling, and I am more of a plot person, which is part of what shapes my opinion.

The jump scares were uncalled for. Even the ones that made sense didn't startle me because I had too much time to prepare. Plus the jump scares don't really stay with you (or at least with me).

I wasn't invested in the characters because they were way too stupid to take seriously. Sometimes stupidity in characters can be hilarious and you aren't going to react rationally in a terrifying situation, but the level I have seen is a bit much.

I'd offer a better explanation, but like I said, my memory is a bit foggy.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate the entire horror genre. I love certain titles, especially psychological horror. Horror that messes with your mind and stays with you for a long time is my favourite. That, and I heard some of the newer titles have restored a bit of hope. Halloween (the reboot), while it may be a cash grab got a ninety-some percent on rotten tomatoes. If anyone's seen it, would you recommend it?

Deleted user

I see. A lot of horror is the jump scare and not actual situations that are messed up enough. In my opinion anyway.

I'd stay away from any 80's horror movie and/or any reboot made regarding it. Ridiculously lame.


Like I said, psychological horror is what does it for me, even if the element is something simple.

I actually have future plans for writing a pyschological horror book soon.

Deleted user

Nice to know that modern generations prefer mental fucked uppery instead of physical. XD

@HighPockets group

Here's my theory:
Modern generations seem to have more (diagnosed) mental health issues, while older generations didn't care as much about mental health as physical health.
So back then, a guy in a ski mask killing teenagers with a hatchet would be freakier than a person dealing with psychological horror.


Like I said, psychological horror is what does it for me, even if the element is something simple.

I actually have future plans for writing a pyschological horror book soon.

You'd really like Black Mirror then.


Like I said, psychological horror is what does it for me, even if the element is something simple.

I actually have future plans for writing a pyschological horror book soon.

You'd really like Black Mirror then.

I had somebody recommend that series recently. I plan on checking it out.

Deleted user

Black Mirror is dope.

Some of those episodes got me really good.


Here's my theory:
Modern generations seem to have more (diagnosed) mental health issues, while older generations didn't care as much about mental health as physical health.
So back then, a guy in a ski mask killing teenagers with a hatchet would be freakier than a person dealing with psychological horror.

I can actually support this. Back in even as recent as my brother's time (the 90's), it was uncommon for people to open up emotionally and psychologically, especially for boys and men. Now however, it is more common and acceptable for everyone to talk about their minds and feelings without being judged as well as being able to get help for those problems. That, and mental illness/unwellness is a lot higher than in the 80's, 90's and before then.

@HighPockets group

Also the whole 'millenials and gen z don't fear death' stereotype, it's true in the sense where if you put a bunch of gen z kids in a room and turned on a slasher horror film, they'd probably just laugh through it.
Probably because we've been forced to desensitize ourselves from violence and it doesn't phase us like it used to


(I bit into a peanut butter chocolate candy expecting it to have the sweet, delicious fake peanut butter stuff inside but no this is the real deal and now I'm disappointed…)

Well anyway… Anyone got any good debate topics/unpopular opinions?

Deleted user




Get out.

Deleted user

What's there to argue about?

Origins, current events, etc. I'm just curious. This may be more of a discussion than a debate.