forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@HighPockets group

I never got past the first few chapters of The Red Pyramid.
What are everyone's thoughts on the 'Rick Riordan Presents' books? Is it a cash grab? AN attempt to prop up new authors? Are they good or bad?

Deleted user

I hate coming back and seeing that the children have taken over my debate chat. T_T

Deleted user

Bring back the lame food conversation and I will ban you from the chat

Deleted user

opinion: standardized testing is bad, and doesn’t reflect the student’s knowledge, it reflects their ability to take a test. fight me.


Anime is a poor excuse for people to be rude to Japanese people in America.

That's not an opinion, that's common sense.

opinion: standardized testing is bad, and doesn’t reflect the student’s knowledge, it reflects their ability to take a test. fight me.

I don't fully understand the whole standardized testing thing, but from what I do know… I have to agree with you

@HighPockets group

opinion: standardized testing is bad, and doesn’t reflect the student’s knowledge, it reflects their ability to take a test. fight me.

Can't fight bc you're right


Unpopular opinion (I think): Most horror movies do not accomplish their own goal well, nor are they compelling works of fiction.

@HighPockets group

I think the best horror movies are the ones that are ambiguous enough to let people come to their own conclusions, and not uber-unrealistic.

Deleted user

Unpopular opinion (I think): Most horror movies do not accomplish their own goal well, nor are they compelling works of fiction.

oooooooh further explanation?

Deleted user

I think the best horror movies are the ones that are ambiguous enough to let people come to their own conclusions, and not uber-unrealistic.

(curious minds love a good horror movie)