forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


My main issue with it is that it doesn't take into account the different ways of thinking and learning, which not a lot of schools think about actually. Teachers very rarely take into account that people learn in their own time and with the technique that works for them. It's especially a problem in my school system which is the french system, because they're all based off of the AEFE system and endorse strict and one-way teaching methods

@HighPockets group

I agree with Altogether, it doesn't help kids whose learning style is different than 'the norm'. I'm really good at standardized testing, but I still hate it because it basically is 'hand kids a massive packet of questions and give them an hour to answer'


Exactly. Plus those tests aren't even that accurate. School isn't even about learning. It's about cramming information into your brain long enough until you need it. I barely remember anything from Texas History last year.

Deleted user

Standardized Testing is so the countries can show off how smart their students are. It's a ridiculous system mostly because nothing in the education system adheres to the notion that each brain works differently and that students are all individuals. (at least not in the US…I heard some countries up north have incredible systems of education)


Yeah that's true. Some countries for example now start later and end later because kids have trouble waking up but can stay up later. I mean if you're going to spend so much time teaching us at least adjust the system to make sure we're learning properly

@HighPockets group

I don't know what standardized testing is but it sounds awful.

Basically it's a big test that schools make their students take that's a compilation of what they've learned, it's not good.

Deleted user

I thought that having a night school option for high school students was a bad ass idea. It would have been so much easier on students.

Deleted user

Since we're on the topic of school…..
How should sexual education be taught at schools? Should it be abstinence only? LGBTQA+ inclusive?

I will respond to this! (but lunch calls to me.)


Oh god, anything but abstinence only. A friend of mine went to school with a girl who got pregnant at 13 bc no one told her what sex even was, just to not do it. Like that was it, that was all she was taught