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people_alt 109 followers


Well if I lived in an unsafe country, I'd be happy to be anywhere safer than there. If that meant a different country than the one I want, I'd be okay with it.

Deleted user

I agree with AFT actually.
The problem with immigration lately is that most of these people coming into our country are refugees, they're escaping to a place where they know they will be safe from their home country. I don't think many would oppose going to Canada or other safe countries as long as they were free of the oppression and violence and poverty. If they want so bad to be american citizens then they can go through the process after they have settled.

Deleted user

I just fundamentally disagree with what was happening a few months ago at the US/Mexican border, people were being put in cages or prisons just for trying to cross the border. families were separated. some children had to wait months before seeing their parents again. that’s very wrong

@HighPockets group

Well if I lived in an unsafe country, I'd be happy to be anywhere safer than there. If that meant a different country than the one I want, I'd be okay with it.

Yeah, if I lived in a country that was super unsafe, I wouldn't care if I ended up in Canada instead of the US. I'd just want to be safe.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just fundamentally disagree with what was happening a few months ago at the US/Mexican border, people were being put in cages or prisons just for trying to cross the border. families were separated. some children had to wait months before seeing their parents again. that’s very wrong


Deleted user

I just fundamentally disagree with what was happening a few months ago at the US/Mexican border, people were being put in cages or prisons just for trying to cross the border. families were separated. some children had to wait months before seeing their parents again. that’s very wrong

i’m not a Trump supporter by no means but what was happening at the southern border was started by Obama not trump

@HighPockets group

I just fundamentally disagree with what was happening a few months ago at the US/Mexican border, people were being put in cages or prisons just for trying to cross the border. families were separated. some children had to wait months before seeing their parents again. that’s very wrong


There are so many ways to handle the situation that would actually be humane and not against basic human decency that would have been much safer, smarter, and humaner, and for some godforsaken reason they literally chose the worst possible option.
Like, that's some dystopian level shit.

Deleted user

I just fundamentally disagree with what was happening a few months ago at the US/Mexican border, people were being put in cages or prisons just for trying to cross the border. families were separated. some children had to wait months before seeing their parents again. that’s very wrong

i’m not a Trump supporter by no means but what was happening at the southern border was started by Obama not trump

Obama's approach to the situation was entirely humane and not a disgrace to humanity. Trump's administration has been completely abhorrent to immigrants seeking asylum.

Deleted user

There are so many ways to handle the situation that would actually be humane and not against basic human decency that would have been much safer, smarter, and humaner, and for some godforsaken reason they literally chose the worst possible option.
Like, that's some dystopian level shit.

It's racism, my dear. Complete and utter racism.

@HighPockets group

There are so many ways to handle the situation that would actually be humane and not against basic human decency that would have been much safer, smarter, and humaner, and for some godforsaken reason they literally chose the worst possible option.
Like, that's some dystopian level shit.

It's racism, my dear. Complete and utter racism.

I read that in a Sherlock Holmes voice

Deleted user

Question: what are y’alls opinions on the white house offering money to help restore notre dame when actual US states/territories like Puerto Rico, or flint michigan are still in a crisis?

@Moxie group

My opinion is that the Catholic Church has 10 billion dollars and can pay for it themselves. Like I think that restoring the cathedral is important, but I think the church can pay for it. A lot of billionaires have been promising money to help pay for the damages, but I think their money could be spent in so many other, more helpful ways.

Deleted user

I think it is a nice offer, considering that it is a part of almost 800 years of human history, but I think the US should focus on helping our own people first. Puerto Rico is suffering terribly with minimal help because of the Trump administration, our main focus should be there.

Deleted user

It’s a nice sentiment, but a billion dollars have already been donated by individual citizens all around the world

Deleted user

that’s probably true, the american midwest isn’t renowned for its mexican food lol


Well, in that case, I also haven't had good American food either.

Unpopular opinion # I lost count:

Hot dogs and fast food hamburgers are really gross (the hamburgers from nice restaurants are okay)

Deleted user

Oh yeah, totally. Fries though? I would die for fries