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@Moxie group

Unpopular opinion: those cookies are gross
But I can’t eat them now anyways, so maybe I’d like them now. Guess we’ll never find out…


Pineapple on pizza is totally awesome. I don't mind if you don't like pineapple but don't care if others do, but if you think it's just wrong let me know! XD

@HighPockets group

Pineapple on pizza is totally awesome. I don't mind if you don't like pineapple but don't care if others do, but if you think it's just wrong let me know! XD



Unpopular opinion: those cookies are gross
But I can’t eat them now anyways, so maybe I’d like them now. Guess we’ll never find out…

This is at the top of the page for me so there's no context… what cookies?

NVM, found it. And they are gross, too soft and sweet and eww the ingredients…


This is at the top of the page for me so there's no context… what cookies?

(If you go back a page you'll see them)

These delicious things

You mean those gross things? Yeah, those.



You literally just said it. Styrofoam cookies. But nice user!


I’ll give you all of those gross cookies I get Ella

I like this idea. I'll take the delicious styrofoam cookies, you can have these disgusting spicy peppermints.


Eh, I'll still eat the Mexican food. I like it, it's just not as great as everyone on the internet claims.

What kind of Mexican food are we talking? Chipolte or Taco Bell?

@Mojack group

Mint is delicious, those styrofoam cookies are as well, and I love pineapple on pizza. I’ve been told by my friends I can’t have an opinion on food anymore because I told them I plan on trying fried tarantula as well.

Oh, and putting maple syrup into clean snow. Yum.


Alright, I discovered something I figured would be common sense that's actually a food-related debate topic:

Are these magical cookies delicious, incredibly delicious, or extremely flipping delicious?

Please no.


Chalupas are my vice tbh

Yes, I have tried a Chalupa twice I believe (once at a Taco Bell. It was Taco Bell… Then later at a fairly decently traditional Mexican place.) They are probably my second favourite mexican food.