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Just because a few other animals do something doesn’t make it good. If that was the case, then it would be completely socially acceptable to eat your own poop, lick strangers in public, kill and eat your own mother, or have children with your twin sister.

Deleted user

You think humans and all other animals are on the same level?

Yep. 200 million years ago this planet was ruled over by giant lizards, and they're still around, just in a different form. Who do we think we are saying that we're the best? Also, they'll still be here when we die out…soooo (shrugs) We're all just animals.

Deleted user

Just because a few other animals do something doesn’t make it good. If that was the case, then it would be completely socially acceptable to eat your own poop, lick strangers in public, kill and eat your own mother, or have children with your twin sister.

(sigh) once upon a time is was socially acceptable to do most of those things (depending on the culture).

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well we say that we are the best. No other creature has contested that. Perhaps the fact that we can say we are the best and the only creatures who are saying that that is not the case are other humans prove the fact.

Deleted user

Well we say that we are the best. No other creature has contested that. Perhaps the fact that we can say we are the best and the only creatures who are saying that that is not the case are other humans prove the fact.

Just because we say something doesn't mean its true. Humans aren't the best at anything.

Deleted user

I literally just facepalmed so hard. You've got to be kidding. It's been on the news every year that a hunter gets mauled by a bear/lion/wolf/etc. I'm sure if the animal had time to prepare to attack a Human they'd be more than 100% successful too.
Humans are not better at swimming/ breathing under water.
Humans are not better at flying.
Humans are not better at consuming lactose, or meat, or plants.
Humans can't see in the dark.
Humans sense of smell is a joke.
Humans can die from the common cold.

We. Are. Not. The. Best. At. Anything.

Deleted user

Important topic:

Immigration! For or against




For, to an extent. People who are victims of poor government or whatever their countries' situation is deserve a shelter they can easily get to, but at the same time a flood of people entering a country would possibly send another country crashing which would worsen the global situation. Which isn't something we want.
So countries should accept immigrants but split the onslaught of people with the other countries capable of accepting so they don't have to turn people away without sabotaging their own country.

Deleted user

I think you mean "We are not the best at everything"? There are many things humans are considered the best at

I know what I said and I meant what I said.
End of story.

Deleted user

For, to an extent. People who are victims of poor government or whatever their countries' situation is deserve a shelter they can easily get to, but at the same time a flood of people entering a country would possibly send another country crashing which would worsen the global situation. Which isn't something we want.
So countries should accept immigrants but split the onslaught of people with the other countries capable of accepting so they don't have to turn people away without sabotaging their own country.

Oh wow. I actually think that is a great idea. 10/10!


For, to an extent. People who are victims of poor government or whatever their countries' situation is deserve a shelter they can easily get to, but at the same time a flood of people entering a country would possibly send another country crashing which would worsen the global situation. Which isn't something we want.
So countries should accept immigrants but split the onslaught of people with the other countries capable of accepting so they don't have to turn people away without sabotaging their own country.

Oh wow. I actually think that is a great idea. 10/10!

Yeah, this is actually a pretty decent concept.

@Mojack group

My country Canada takes in a lot of immigrants. However it isn’t lickity split you’re in, woo-hoo welcome to Canada. It’s actually tricky to immigrate to Canada. Under certain conditions a country has to take in an immigrant. I’m not sure about you guys but the replacement birth rate for Canada is pretty low, so immigration overall helps our population stay somewhat healthy.

I’m for immigration, to an extent as well. You can’t really let everyone in, but I really like the concept that was said earlier.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think you mean "We are not the best at everything"? There are many things humans are considered the best at

I know what I said and I meant what I said.
End of story.

What about technology. What animal is better at creating sophisticated tools than humans?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

For, to an extent. People who are victims of poor government or whatever their countries' situation is deserve a shelter they can easily get to, but at the same time a flood of people entering a country would possibly send another country crashing which would worsen the global situation. Which isn't something we want.
So countries should accept immigrants but split the onslaught of people with the other countries capable of accepting so they don't have to turn people away without sabotaging their own country.

Oh wow. I actually think that is a great idea. 10/10!

Yeah, this is actually a pretty decent concept.

Well it's great in theory, but you'd need multiple countries to agree with one another as well as work together. Also what about immigrants who want to go to America but have to go to Canada because of the system?

Deleted user

I don't see how that would be a problem for them? Canada is an equally great country with many opportunities. I think immigrants would be okay in any safe country that wasn't the one they are practically escaping from.
Many countries that are allies have fair immigration policies that welcome immigrants. The US is really the only country that is getting wigged out lately by immigrants.