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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Since we're on the topic of school…..
How should sexual education be taught at schools? Should it be abstinence only? LGBTQA+ inclusive?

Well it shouldn't be until later. Abstinence is great, but I doubt the system would allow it. (And I mean teach them about sex not just say "Don't do it." because that's stupid.) The school is a government agency so definitely lgbt, though there should be an option to skip that for religious reasons etc. (Though that should be for all sex ed.) Teach kids all they need to know including menstrual cycles etc. to guys. Idk if it should be co-ed or not.

Deleted user

No no no. Co-ed is important! Boys should know what happens to women during menstruation and birth. It's not supposed to be a comforting subject, it's supposed to make one squirm and feel uncomfortable so they understand.

Deleted user

Since we're on the topic of school…..
How should sexual education be taught at schools? Should it be abstinence only? LGBTQA+ inclusive?

Firstly, it should be taught by actual medical professionals and everything should be explained in detail. From middle school up. Many females start puberty earlier than males so recognition and education of the changing body needs to start early.
Abstinence is a ridiculous thing to teach, and is a religious concept, so no it should not be taught in a public school system. Teachers and adults need to understand that their children are going to be having sex and doing what ever, not matter what they say. Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant. Young adults and teens are capable of making the decision for themselves when they want to start becoming sexually active. I have a friend who is still a virgin because she knows she's not ready. Adults need to start trusting teens/young adults with their own bodies.

Deleted user

4th grade. They did it in 4th grade.

So? I started puberty in the fourth grade?
You start out as a human with a body at birth, shouldn't you know how it works?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

No no no. Co-ed is important! Boys should know what happens to women during menstruation and birth. It's not supposed to be a comforting subject, it's supposed to make one squirm and feel uncomfortable so they understand.

It could easily be in the male curriculum without it being co-ed.

Deleted user

Nope. It should be taught as one unit. It does a disservice to everyone not to see how these thing affect everyone else. Boys need to see that girls are uncomfortable with birth and hear their complaints about menstruation. Girls need to see that boys are sensitive about their body functions too.
It's not boys v girls in this. Sex takes two people and those two people should be taught the ins and outs and the consequences together.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Since we're on the topic of school…..
How should sexual education be taught at schools? Should it be abstinence only? LGBTQA+ inclusive?

Firstly, it should be taught by actual medical professionals and everything should be explained in detail. From middle school up. Many females start puberty earlier than males so recognition and education of the changing body needs to start early.
Abstinence is a ridiculous thing to teach, and is a religious concept, so no it should not be taught in a public school system. Teachers and adults need to understand that their children are going to be having sex and doing what ever, not matter what they say. Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant. Young adults and teens are capable of making the decision for themselves when they want to start becoming sexually active. I have a friend who is still a virgin because she knows she's not ready. Adults need to start trusting teens/young adults with their own bodies.

First point seems legit except that it might cost more. Maybe a medical handbook with easy to understand language.
Abstinence is not ridiculous. It's the smart thing. Because babies.
Do you also support the free needles for druggies? Because that's the same argument.
You think teens are responsible enough about sex? Look at all the teen pregnancy.


I also wish to add onto this. For me, the actual classroom version of sex-ed should be taught soon before puberty, not on the mark of the average puberty or after it. The point of the class is to prepare, but that part's already been talked about, so let me get to the point. I also think that there is a very easy time for the parent to talk about the subject with their child.

"Mom/Dad, where do babies come from?"

Now, you don't necessarily have to give them the entire curriculum's worth of knowledge then and there, but it is basically a conversation starter. I'm just tired of the parents who pretend not to know or make really dumb excuses not to tell the basic truth, causing the child to know literally nothing when they get to the class, especially when the class teaches them next to nothing also.

Deleted user

Education on healthy living should not be reduced to nothing because of budget. If a school can pay for a dude to teach me how to use photoshop, they can afford a properly trained medical professional to teach Health.

Abstinence is ridiculous. When has the argument "you shouldn't do something because I said so/because it's bad" EVER worked with teenagers? Also, you don't get pregnant every time you have sex. T_T So 'because babies' is not a solid argument for abstinence.

Do you also support the free needles for druggies? Because that's the same argument.

WHAT??? How does: Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant. Equate to giving druggies needles????

You think teens are responsible enough about sex? Look at all the teen pregnancy.

You want to know one of the number of things teens tell obstetricians or nurses when they find out they they are pregnant? I'll tell you because I cannot stress how much I saw this during med school.
They said:
"I didn't know I would get pregnant by doing that."
"But he pulled out…"
"It was only one time…"
So tell me how Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant., doesn't counteract your argument?

It completely does, because that ^^^ is what doctors hear every single day because of the current system that teaches squat about anything to do with the body.


Since we're on the topic of school…..
How should sexual education be taught at schools? Should it be abstinence only? LGBTQA+ inclusive?

Firstly, it should be taught by actual medical professionals and everything should be explained in detail. From middle school up. Many females start puberty earlier than males so recognition and education of the changing body needs to start early.
Abstinence is a ridiculous thing to teach, and is a religious concept, so no it should not be taught in a public school system. Teachers and adults need to understand that their children are going to be having sex and doing what ever, not matter what they say. Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant. Young adults and teens are capable of making the decision for themselves when they want to start becoming sexually active. I have a friend who is still a virgin because she knows she's not ready. Adults need to start trusting teens/young adults with their own bodies.

First point seems legit except that it might cost more. Maybe a medical handbook with easy to understand language.
Abstinence is not ridiculous. It's the smart thing. Because babies.
Do you also support the free needles for druggies? Because that's the same argument.
You think teens are responsible enough about sex? Look at all the teen pregnancy.

A lot of teen pregnancies are from the lack of knowledge that Eris was talking about. There are plenty of immature teens who will make poor decisions, but their decisions could be better if they knew more. Plus there are quite a few adults that make poor decisions too, and have accidents from ignorance (or more accurately, stupidity) , or a lack of proper knowledge. Abstinence is not a good idea for sex ed because it does not actually teach the student what they need to have sexual experiences in the future. Plus, teenagers will not listen to "don't do it." There is a chance though that they might implement a class that actually teaches them how to make decent decisions however.

Also, druggies and needles being compared to sex is a bad comparison. While the chemical reactions associated with sexual intercourse can be compared to the reactions of drugs in your body. Drugs are not needed by the human brain, will not be desired by the human brain through addiction until they are done, and are not a natural thing for you to do. Sex is a natural thing that all humans are compelled to do after puberty for the sake of reproduction. Drugs on the other hand are not implemented into your brain.

@Mojack group

I also wish to add onto this. For me, the actual classroom version of sex-ed should be taught soon before puberty, not on the mark of the average puberty or after it. The point of the class is to prepare, but that part's already been talked about, so let me get to the point. I also think that there is a very easy time for the parent to talk about the subject with their child.

"Mom/Dad, where do babies come from?"

Now, you don't necessarily have to give them the entire curriculum's worth of knowledge then and there, but it is basically a conversation starter. I'm just tired of the parents who pretend not to know or make really dumb excuses not to tell the basic truth, causing the child to know literally nothing when they get to the class, especially when the class teaches them next to nothing also.

I agree with so much with what you said. I’m not exactly sure which country you’re talking either, though in my country, Canada (might vary from area to area of Canada) we did learn a fair bit about birth control (and also learned birth control didn’t have one use) and condoms and STDs and all sorts of things. I suppose it was kinda expected at that age that you’d know about sex and all that sort of thing. While I’m pretty sure my class and I did, I was never taught about it in school, though other classes were. It was a bit weird, so I think once you get to a certain grade, you should be taught about sex-ed.
Even if there’s two classes of the same grade because there were so many students that year, I personally think both classes should’ve been taught sex-ed.


I also wish to add onto this. For me, the actual classroom version of sex-ed should be taught soon before puberty, not on the mark of the average puberty or after it. The point of the class is to prepare, but that part's already been talked about, so let me get to the point. I also think that there is a very easy time for the parent to talk about the subject with their child.

"Mom/Dad, where do babies come from?"

Now, you don't necessarily have to give them the entire curriculum's worth of knowledge then and there, but it is basically a conversation starter. I'm just tired of the parents who pretend not to know or make really dumb excuses not to tell the basic truth, causing the child to know literally nothing when they get to the class, especially when the class teaches them next to nothing also.

I agree with so much with what you said. I’m not exactly sure which country you’re talking either, though in my country, Canada (might vary from area to area of Canada) we did learn a fair bit about birth control (and also learned birth control didn’t have one use) and condoms and STDs and all sorts of things. I suppose it was kinda expected at that age that you’d know about sex and all that sort of thing. While I’m pretty sure my class and I did, I was never taught about it in school, though other classes were. It was a bit weird, so I think once you get to a certain grade, you should be taught about sex-ed.
Even if there’s two classes of the same grade because there were so many students that year, I personally think both classes should’ve been taught sex-ed.

I am from the land of Big Macs and near-civil war starting elections. (The U.S.) Part of our problem is the weird paradox of us being a nation that for some reason, makes sex seem like an evil and impure concept that should never be talked about. Then when we are "supposed" to talk about it, the classes skip a lot of key points for similar reasons.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Education on healthy living should not be reduced to nothing because of budget. If a school can pay for a dude to teach me how to use photoshop, they can afford a properly trained medical professional to teach Health.


Abstinence is ridiculous. When has the argument "you shouldn't do something because I said so/because it's bad" EVER worked with teenagers? Also, you don't get pregnant every time you have sex. T_T So 'because babies' is not a solid argument for abstinence.

You misrepresent abstinence. All the things listed are not the problems of abstinence only education.

Do you also support the free needles for druggies? Because that's the same argument.

WHAT??? How does: Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant. Equate to giving druggies needles????

And giving free needles will help prevent disease as well. Also educating people on how to do drugs properly will increase good health as well.

You think teens are responsible enough about sex? Look at all the teen pregnancy.

You want to know one of the number of things teens tell obstetricians or nurses when they find out they they are pregnant? I'll tell you because I cannot stress how much I saw this during med school.
They said:
"I didn't know I would get pregnant by doing that."
"But he pulled out…"
"It was only one time…"
So tell me how Recognizing it and properly educating the masses on safe sex and health practices will prevent the spread of STDs and unplanned/teen pregnancies. Accidents things happen because people are ignorant., doesn't counteract your argument?

It completely does, because that ^^^ is what doctors hear every single day because of the current system that teaches squat about anything to do with the body.

Well then that's a problem of the system isn't it?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A lot of teen pregnancies are from the lack of knowledge that Eris was talking about. There are plenty of immature teens who will make poor decisions, but their decisions could be better if they knew more. Plus there are quite a few adults that make poor decisions too, and have accidents from ignorance (or more accurately, stupidity) , or a lack of proper knowledge. Abstinence is not a good idea for sex ed because it does not actually teach the student what they need to have sexual experiences in the future. Plus, teenagers will not listen to "don't do it." There is a chance though that they might implement a class that actually teaches them how to make decent decisions however.

Well that's abstinence done wrong then. Not a problem with the thing itself. Just like the argument for socialism these days.

Also, druggies and needles being compared to sex is a bad comparison. While the chemical reactions associated with sexual intercourse can be compared to the reactions of drugs in your body. Drugs are not needed by the human brain, will not be desired by the human brain through addiction until they are done, and are not a natural thing for you to do. Sex is a natural thing that all humans are compelled to do after puberty for the sake of reproduction. Drugs on the other hand are not implemented into your brain.

You make a good point.


Alright, I was writing a really long essay thing about the current debate along with multiple other topics from that list but unfortunately, my terrible excuse for a little sister threw a tantrum and closed all my tabs… I'll return once I've processed just how many hours it will take to regain the stuff she deleted all because I wouldn't let her play video games while grounded.

Deleted user

You misrepresent abstinence. All the things listed are not the problems of abstinence only education.

Um no. I do not misrepresent. My first Health class ever in middle school was an abstinence class. The teacher preached "Don't do it, because we said it's bad." like a mad woman. After the teacher left, literally every boy said he was going to go out and bang a chick because they said it was bad and being a rebel is fun. The problem with abstinence is that it is a closed minded religious teaching. Proper education isn't biased. Sex isn't bad, so it should not be taught as such.

And giving free needles will help prevent disease as well. Also educating people on how to do drugs properly will increase good health as well.

That is a massive leap and you know it. This cannot be your only argument against what I said. We both know that educating people on how to do drugs properly will increase good health is a complete lie. Drugs fuck up your body no matter how you take them, safe or unsafe. Come on.

Well then that's a problem of the system isn't it?

Isn't that what I've been saying….?

Deleted user

I am from the land of Big Macs and near-civil war starting elections. (The U.S.)

Same. D:

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alright, I was writing a really long essay thing about the current debate along with multiple other topics from that list but unfortunately, my terrible excuse for a little sister threw a tantrum and closed all my tabs… I'll return once I've processed just how many hours it will take to regain the stuff she deleted all because I wouldn't let her play video games while grounded.

DUDE! Press Control and Shift and T at the same time. It will bring all your tabs back instantly!

Deleted user

DUDE! Press Control and Shift and T at the same time. It will bring all your tabs back instantly!

Reblog to save a life

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You misrepresent abstinence. All the things listed are not the problems of abstinence only education.

Um no. I do not misrepresent. My first Health class ever in middle school was an abstinence class. The teacher preached "Don't do it, because we said it's bad." like a mad woman. After the teacher left, literally every boy said he was going to go out and bang a chick because they said it was bad and being a rebel is fun. The problem with abstinence is that it is a closed minded religious teaching. Proper education isn't biased. Sex isn't bad, so it should not be taught as such.

Then that was done wrong. And by that I say Abstinence is not inherently bad, but it can be done badly as demonstrated above.

And giving free needles will help prevent disease as well. Also educating people on how to do drugs properly will increase good health as well.

That is a massive leap and you know it. This cannot be your only argument against what I said. We both know that educating people on how to do drugs properly will increase good health is a complete lie. Drugs fuck up your body no matter how you take them, safe or unsafe. Come on.

Fair. That was a relatively dumb argument.

Well then that's a problem of the system isn't it?

Isn't that what I've been saying….?