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Deleted user

XD I was the definition of Chaotic Neutral with a healthy serving of BDE.


I personally think they should only be accessible for research purposes by certain individuals, and you should have the permission of a history teacher to get them, possibly parent signatures as well

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

On Mein Kampf. I think banning something because you disagree with it is wrong.

So you want the Nazi ideologies to just float around then?

Nah. But just because I disagree doesn't means we have the right to force those ideas away. I think they are very valuable. Hitler was a great man. Evil, but great. I think it is wise to study him and his methods in order to prevent such things in the future.


This is a bit of tangent, but also the textbooks being softened to avoid teaching certain things to kids is a not a good thing. The most I have ever seen for historical events like the trail of tears in a textbook was in AP U.S. History in my junior year. It was maybe half a page, a page at most.

Anyway, what I'm saying is (which can sort of go with the other books being banned), history should not be censored because we cannot face the truth. If we leave out important historical details, people are going to make things up and we'll never know the truth; and like they always say, forgetting mistakes of the past will let us repeat them in the future.

History textbooks maybe don't need to go into "disgusting details" for younger children (such as elementary students), but they should not leave out large chunks just because there are things like racism, murder, etc.


This is a bit of tangent, but also the textbooks being softened to avoid teaching certain things to kids is a not a good thing. The most I have ever seen for historical events like the trail of tears in a textbook was in AP U.S. History in my junior year. It was maybe half a page, a page at most.

Anyway, what I'm saying is (which can sort of go with the other books being banned), history should not be censored because we cannot face the truth. If we leave out important historical details, people are going to make things up and we'll never know the truth; and like they always say, forgetting mistakes of the past will let us repeat them in the future.

History textbooks maybe don't need to go into "disgusting details" for younger children (such as elementary students), but they should not leave out large chunks just because there are things like racism, murder, etc.

I agree. When I was in elementary school, they didn't teach us about the Holocaust very was more of a "oh Hitler is bad and Jews are good" and that was it. I had to go to the library to find books on that subject!

Deleted user

I'm glad that there are students that are unsatisfied with the education they receive. It's important for future voters, board members, etc. It's important to our cultures to keep this knowledge alive as a lesson to the future.


I'm glad that there are students that are unsatisfied with the education they receive. It's important for future voters, board members, etc. It's important to our cultures to keep this knowledge alive as a lesson to the future.

I agree. If people in the future are to make good decisions, then they must use the greatest power of them all, knowledge. If people are able to leave half-truths behind and continue to learn and prosper, even if the knowledge they gain may not be what they have been taught, the future might be a brighter one.

No pun intended.

Deleted user

I like you. You are eloquent.

Thank you, you are as well.

I certainly try. When I get fired up I'm certainly less eloquent….and nice.


I like you. You are eloquent.

Thank you, you are as well.

I certainly try. When I get fired up I'm certainly less eloquent….and nice.

It is only natural. Emotions can often lead to one saying different things than what they would normally, but even I do that when the I see the subject to be personally offensive, so I would be a hypocrite to judge.

Also, I sound way less eloquent in real life because I get nervous when I have to answer on the spot, rather than think out my response.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I like you. You are eloquent.

Thank you, you are as well.

I certainly try. When I get fired up I'm certainly less eloquent….and nice.

It is only natural. Emotions can often lead to one saying different things than what they would normally, but even I do that when the I see the subject to be personally offensive, so I would be a hypocrite to judge.

Also, I sound way less eloquent in real life because I get nervous when I have to answer on the spot, rather than think out my response.

I think I like you.

Deleted user

lol and that my friends is how adults make friends. XD