forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Well, you keep attacking Ella instead of the topic, and when you do talk about the topic, it's not about the topic, which is "should we teach children religion?", you're talking about converting. Which I suppose you all are, but I only see Ella pointing that out. Thank you, that's all, I'm going to go eat peeps and go to sleep now

The topic is whatever we want it to be?????? Conversations EVOLVE. Good grief….

@Pickles group

Well that’s just lazy on your part lmao. Why are you in the debate chat and actively posting when you can’t debate and, as you say, “don’t care to get better?” Cmon pal.

Okay, I'm really not. When I actually have something to say, I post it. Or when I get too angry. I'm only following this still because I'm waiting for it to get to something interesting that I might educate myself on for future reference. I came because I like watching debates, and sometimes I can add something here and there. I like watching videos of my friends playing brass solos on the recorder. Is it something I want to be good at myself? No. So if you don't MIND, I have a huge test tomorrow and I have to go to bed.


Okay guys, leave them alone, maybe they just don't know a ton about the current subject and don't want to embarrass themselves on their first try, or maybe they're just stalking so they can learn more about stuff. They don't have to participate, and that's perfectly fine.

Yeah, but there's a difference between observing and running in here to say "this person is right!" And then just running off

Excuse you, Ella. I came here because I found an interesting debate. I personally enjoy debating, so therefore I came here to provide my opinion. As said above, there is a difference between that and the "stalking" you speak of.

Deleted user

@"Lui Vongi"

Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Eris, The creator/moderator of this chat.
I like it when we get new blood in on these debates so feel free to jump in. :)


Okay guys, leave them alone, maybe they just don't know a ton about the current subject and don't want to embarrass themselves on their first try, or maybe they're just stalking so they can learn more about stuff. They don't have to participate, and that's perfectly fine.

Yeah, but there's a difference between observing and running in here to say "this person is right!" And then just running off

Excuse you, Ella. I came here because I found an interesting debate. I personally enjoy debating, so therefore I came here to provide my opinion. As said above, there is a difference between that and the "stalking" you speak of.

Furthermore, what about learning is bad? The way you speak of people "stalking" for the sake of knowledge is as if you are saying that people who attempt to learn by reading and partaking in debates are doing something wrong.

Deleted user

(ugh oof I want to join this debate but i don’t have my lappptooopppp )


@"Lui Vongi"

Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Eris, The creator/moderator of this chat.
I like it when we get new blood in on these debates so feel free to jump in. :)

Lui is one of my best friends and I'm proud to say that, he's heckin awesome and really good at debating


Furthermore, what about learning is bad? The way you speak of people "stalking" for the sake of knowledge is as if you are saying that people who attempt to learn by reading and partaking in debates are doing something wrong.

…What? I didn't say or mean any of that… I used to stalk debates, I don't think it's a bad thing at all, I'm confused as to how you got that idea. Can you explain where I may have said that/hinted at it?


@"Lui Vongi"

Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Eris, The creator/moderator of this chat.
I like it when we get new blood in on these debates so feel free to jump in. :)

Thank you Eris, I'm Lui, it's a pleasure to meet you. I saw your chat, and as said, I love to debate, so I found it as a great opportunity to do so.


Well that’s just lazy on your part lmao. Why are you in the debate chat and actively posting when you can’t debate and, as you say, “don’t care to get better?” Cmon pal.

Okay, I'm really not. When I actually have something to say, I post it. Or when I get too angry. I'm only following this still because I'm waiting for it to get to something interesting that I might educate myself on for future reference. I came because I like watching debates, and sometimes I can add something here and there. I like watching videos of my friends playing brass solos on the recorder. Is it something I want to be good at myself? No. So if you don't MIND, I have a huge test tomorrow and I have to go to bed.

Sorry, I thought I edited this in my initial follow up response? But I will say again, stalking for debate pointers and the sake of liking debates is totally okay. Just the way you initially worded it made it seem like you were just here to say your stance and refuse to debate because you don’t want to get better. Apologies for the misconception


Well that’s just lazy on your part lmao. Why are you in the debate chat and actively posting when you can’t debate and, as you say, “don’t care to get better?” Cmon pal.

Okay, I'm really not. When I actually have something to say, I post it. Or when I get too angry. I'm only following this still because I'm waiting for it to get to something interesting that I might educate myself on for future reference. I came because I like watching debates, and sometimes I can add something here and there. I like watching videos of my friends playing brass solos on the recorder. Is it something I want to be good at myself? No. So if you don't MIND, I have a huge test tomorrow and I have to go to bed.

Sorry, I thought I edited this in my initial follow up response? But I will say again, stalking for debate pointers and the sake of liking debates is totally okay. Just the way you initially worded it made it seem like you were just here to say your stance and refuse to debate because you don’t want to get better. Apologies for the misconception

Yes, that is all I meant. By the connotation of your terminology "stalking", I might have mistakingly thought you were attempting to shed a bad light of the concept.


(Oh hey Lui! Nice to see you around here again.
I'm also just stalking this at the moment because I love any opportunity to learn about religions and how they operate not to mention watching debates is always interesting too. They just really fascinate me. Yes, I research on my own time, but it's refreshing to hear natives of the religion speak freely about it instead of an objective online article.
I have my own beliefs. Do not try to convert me, as it is futile and a waste of your efforts, which could be used elsewhere in a more helpful manner. I am just here to learn and observe. That is all.)

@Mojack group

I’ve been stalking as well.

I like researching religions and all sorts of gods. We’re researching ancient Egyptian gods right now, and they’re very interesting. However, I would consider myself to be (mostly) atheist. I’m chill with people being religious. My dad and I have conversations about politics and stuff, sometimes religion comes into the topic as well and while some older members of my family are Christian we’re not. I’m open into the studying of religion, however. What I don’t like is when people attempt to convert me. If they’re respectful, it’s a bit better, but I most likely won’t convert to whatever religion they’re asking of.

I am also here to learn and observe.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys. Sikhism though. Isn't it great! I once spent up until one in the morning reading on it. I looove reading about other religions. Also, Eris, do you view the Bible in the way I would view, say, the Book of Mormon, the Koran, etc?

Deleted user

(Wow I'm actually kind of surprised at how many people are interested in this chat. aheh)

Deleted user

Guys. Sikhism though. Isn't it great! I once spent up until one in the morning reading on it. I looove reading about other religions.

I too love reading up on other religions so I find this subject incredibly interesting to talk about, since we also have an interesting group of people to discuss it. I know a few of you are Catholic, a few are Christian, there's an atheist somewhere right?, and I'm a practicing Druid…. so this is aweeeeesome. :D

Also, Eris, do you view the Bible in the way I would view, say, the Book of Mormon, the Koran, etc?

I'm not sure what you mean by this because I'm not sure who you view those texts. Explain for me please? I do not want to assume.

Deleted user

Oh! Of course. Why wouldn't I? It's a historical text filled with allegories and such about the time period and a minor example of a certain way of life. I would use any religious text in the name of research.

Deleted user

I can't tell if that is supposed to be sarcastic or not :P