forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Moxie group

  1. Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from schools and libraries?
  2. Should plastic bottled water be banned?
  3. Should corporal punishment be used in grade school (Kindergarten-12th grade)?
  4. Should felons who have completed their sentence (incarceration, probation, and parole) be allowed to vote? (I'm particularly close to this one)

@HighPockets group

I feel like in the case of books, it depends on the circumstances.
Banning a book like 50 Shades from a middle school? Yes.
Banning a classic for swearing? No.
If a book promotes something that's harmful (like Mein Kampf, Adam, Melanie's Marvelous Measles, etc.) then it should be removed from shelves.


Can agree on 50 shades, but I feel like maybe for educational purposes we should still keep the other stuff, if only for research purposes. I literally can’t find shit on a lot of historical figures due to book bans bc the person in question was a communist or murderer

@Pickles group

I feel like in the case of books, it depends on the circumstances.
Banning a book like 50 Shades from a middle school? Yes.
Banning a classic for swearing? No.
If a book promotes something that's harmful (like Mein Kampf, Adam, Melanie's Marvelous Measles, etc.) then it should be removed from shelves.

I agree with that but some history classes read parts of Mein Kampf, but not in high school as far as I know. Sorry, wanted to share that tidbit and I'm gone again. (Although I definitely don't think it's something that people should read for recreation or anything) (also I really only wanted to say the but about history classes, me saying I agree wasn't really important, I just don't want people to think I disagree and expect me to explain)

Deleted user

The fact that books are being banned for ridiculous reasons is what bothers me.

Harry Potter banned for witchcraft. » Religion should not have a place governing schools unless it is a private institution owned/run by the church.
Anne Frank banned for violence. » It was the fucking Holocaust. An incredibly important event in history that should not be softened. Its brutality should be taught so children/teenagers understand what generations lost and were forced to go through. Many students have family that are survivors and school are taking out their history.

I could go on….I have a list but I'm forgetting what they are right now.

@HighPockets group

Can agree on 50 shades, but I feel like maybe for educational purposes we should still keep the other stuff, if only for research purposes. I literally can’t find shit on a lot of historical figures due to book bans bc the person in question was a communist or murderer

True, but they should be in another area maybe? Not available for any student to read.

@Moxie group

The handmaids tale was banned from schools but the sophomores at my school read it last year cause my school's charter and we do what he want

@HighPockets group

Huh we have that in our school library.
They also have all of Anne Rice's vampire books, ACOMAF, and used to have IT and Deadpool comics so there's that.

Deleted user

Dude. Anne Rice is my shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
They got banned at my high school though and I got a week of detention for bringing one as a private reading book. My lockermate ratted me out so I put shaving cream in the locker and ruined all her stuff. (Got another week of detention for it)