forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

awkwardly compliment people until the small talk stops and the debates begin once more.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My side to it is that there is a point to which it is okay, but there are demeaning things parents do all the time that can permanently harm the child.
Never, never, never pour a glass of water on a child while cussing at them to clean themselves up and then make them clean it up and have them find you got their school computer wet.

Or take food away.


I found some more unpopular opinions that aren’t mine, this time they’re from people I know/people I’ve seen on YouTube:

Political, social justice, and pro-LGBT+ messages shouldn’t be forced into children’s clothing designs, why should they be a walking billboard for things they don’t understand?

There are only two genders (Note from this person: trans/non-binary/genderfluid/etc are definitely valid and should be treated as such, but they don’t count as their own individual “genders”)

Little girls shouldn’t be wearing bikinis

Instead of making UNI free, we should make it harder to access for all and instead have employers not set such high F-ing standards for jobs that are barely above minimum wage, most of these degrees don’t mean S—- anyway.

Lower life expectancy in the US has nothing to do with lack of universal healthcare

And now one of mine:

Soda tastes better flat.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

There are only two genders (Note from this person: trans/non-binary/genderfluid/etc are definitely valid and should be treated as such, but they don’t count as their own individual “genders”)

Technically, biologically speaking, there are only two genders. Note that most other genders are variants of these two genders.

Little girls shouldn’t be wearing bikinis

No they should not.

Soda is better flat for some flavors. Not all.

Deleted user

how dare you. i can’t believe this. flat soda is the worst

Deleted user

It's better than the feeling of your tongue disintegrating into thin air

mmmmm love that feeling


Unpopular opinion: being gay is not, and never was, a sin. There are very few parts in the bible that talk about homosexuality. And when it is talked about, it's usually been mistranslated/misinterpreted. For instance, the whole thing on sodomy and how sodomites are sinners isn't about homosexuality being a sin. It means that gay rape is a sin (this was determined by looking at the story where the word sodomite originated, which was a story about men wanting to rape male angels)


I can send you a few things about it if you want? I can send the original story and the things I read that talk about what sodomy might mean