forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


That's why I said most. Not all. Most.

Explain how you are not counting on democracy to judge morality.

Elaborate please. Do you mean to ask why I am not relying on public opinion to judge morality?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There are some genetic disorders that have been proven to be painful for people with them.

Very true I am sure. And you assume that will ruin the future of the person with such a disease to such an extent that it would be better for that person to be dead?

Deleted user

Sometimes death is a mercy for those who will not experience life.

Deleted user

Okay but if killing people was okay because they are suffering/will suffer, why would it only apply to babies? what about old folks who get dementia, or diseases you can’t cure? Or people who are suicidal, who don’t even want to live.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay but if killing people was okay because they are suffering/will suffer, why would it only apply to babies? what about old folks who get dementia, or diseases you can’t cure? Or people who are suicidal, who don’t even want to live.

Exactly! Kill everyone.
Playing Devil's advocate is so fun!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay but if killing people was okay because they are suffering/will suffer, why would it only apply to babies? what about old folks who get dementia, or diseases you can’t cure? Or people who are suicidal, who don’t even want to live.

Exactly! Kill everyone.
Playing Devil's advocate is so fun!

I know!

Deleted user

Sometimes death is a mercy for those who will not experience life.

Umm… I would like you to think about what you just said.

Why? My statement makes sense. If someone is going to be hooked up to tubes their entire life, in pain, invalid, and stuck in a hospital room with zero chance of being able to experience what life is outside of that room….death would be a mercy.

Deleted user

Exactly! Kill everyone.

Truth be told: We should.
Start all over. Clean slate.

Deleted user

I'm interested in what Dom has to say to that.

God has already gone a few rounds with humanity. Why not again?

Deleted user

I saw someone post about conservative versus liberal. I would have to say that conservativism makes more sense although in the end it’s up to the individual

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sometimes death is a mercy for those who will not experience life.

Umm… I would like you to think about what you just said.

Why? My statement makes sense. If someone is going to be hooked up to tubes their entire life, in pain, invalid, and stuck in a hospital room with zero chance of being able to experience what life is outside of that room….death would be a mercy.

I guess if you mean experience life as in have life like everyone else it is another matter. I read it as living. ^ I don't think you have the authority to say that. What do you know of being in that position? But if I accept what you say, do you agree that that person's death should only be decided by that person?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm interested in what Dom has to say to that.

God has already gone a few rounds with humanity. Why not again?

Well I was being sarcastic with the kill everyone, but I think if you follow the "kill the wounded" argument to it's natural end you find you can kill a lot of people.

Deleted user

Why? My statement makes sense. If someone is going to be hooked up to tubes their entire life, in pain, invalid, and stuck in a hospital room with zero chance of being able to experience what life is outside of that room….death would be a mercy.

I guess if you mean experience life as in have life like everyone else it is another matter. I read it as living. ^ I don't think you have the authority to say that. What do you know of being in that position? But if I accept what you say, do you agree that that person's death should only be decided by that person?

There is a difference between Life and Existing. Which is the point that I'm arguing.
Why don't I have the authority to state my opinion that death is a mercy to lose who suffer horribly? I do know what it is like to be stuck in a hospital bed unable to move, or tell someone that I was in pain, or lonely, or anything, and it is truly horrible. Luckily I was able to recover, but there are people that do not and they should be given the option and if they are incapable of making that decision the family should be able to make that decision on their behalf.

Death is not a horrid thing. It's nothing to be afraid of. From death comes wonderful things. Organs are donated to save other lives, bodies donated to research teach the next generation of doctors, or help cure diseases, someone who was suffering is free. It should be celebrated.

Deleted user

My grandpa enjoys being alive, thank you

No one was talking about your grandfather, ella…


My grandpa enjoys being alive, thank you

No one was talking about your grandfather, Ella…

I know you weren't, but by the logic of some of the arguments being made, he should've died 50+ years ago.

Deleted user

That's not what I'm arguing. I'm not saying that these people/babies should die. I'm saying that death is a mercy to those in pain/suffering/invalid/etc. The option should be considered and available to those people.


I found some controversial unpopular opinions from the internet (NOTE: THESE ARE NOT MINE. Please don't call me a psychopath, I disagree with quite a few of these.)

  • Binge-watching TV is not fun and quite difficult.

  • Wikipedia is a reliable source for information and if you don’t think so, you know nothing about Wikipedia.

  • Religion should not be taught to children.

  • Having kids shouldn't be expected from people.

  • Eating cereal with water is better than with milk

  • Not being attracted to someone who is fat is ok. Stop protecting fat people. They’re not special. They’re unhealthy.

Again, those were not mine. I'm not a monster, I eat my cereal with whole milk just like every normal human out there, just figured this place could use more subject ideas.

Now, a few of mine:

  • Skim milk is basically cow water

And that's all.

(You can keep arguing the current debate if you want, it just doesn't appear to be going anywhere so I figured I'd throw these in here.)