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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

ACAB doesn't mean that literally all cops are bad, it means the system is corrupt. Which it is.

That's not quite what I meant. I was talking about that because of a few bad apples, some people are treating all cops like the plague. I agree that the system isn't perfect, but we need law enforcement of some kind or the country's gonna turn into the forward from Renegades yoooooo renegades fandom!! this probably isn't the time but

@Pickles group

Alright let's break this down

However, at the moment, all lives don't matter.
I also like to think of it as we're asking the government too much to say all lives matter too. Because if you think about it, If the government doesn't support black lives, then why should they support all lives.
Think of it this way
Billy got a heart attack and Bobby got a cut on his arm, they BOTH deserve medical attention, but we need to treat Billy first before we treat Bobby because his situation is more dire and severe then Bobby.
Do you see what I'm saying here?

More like if Bobby is totally fine, but good comparison

Deleted user

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


As someone who would be considered "liberal", no? If you're all "rah rah MAGA!!!" or something then maybe, but not for just being American :/

This is what I posted. I don't even support Trump.

@HighPockets group

ACAB doesn't mean that literally all cops are bad, it means the system is corrupt. Which it is.

That's not quite what I meant. I was talking about that because of a few bad apples, some people are treating all cops like the plague. I agree that the system isn't perfect, but we need law enforcement of some kind or the country's gonna turn into the forward from Renegades yoooooo renegades fandom!! this probably isn't the time but

Actually, that's not exactly true. There's several books, essays, and articles that go in-depth on how a policeless or smaller-policed system would work much better.

@Pickles group

Alright lets break this down

However, at the moment, all lives don't matter.
I also like to think of it as we're asking the government too much to say all lives matter too. Because if you think about it, If the government doesn't support black lives, then why should they support all lives.
Think of it think way
Billy got a heart attack and Bobby got a cut on his arm, they BOTH deserve medical attention, but we need to treat Billy first before we treat Bobby because his situation is more dire and severe then Bobby.
You see what I'm saying here?

But everyone has to explain black lives matter because it sounds like it only excludes black lives. Wouldn't it be easier to just say all lives matter in the first place? People would know what you meant, it requires no explanation but means the same thing. What it seems like is black lives matter MEANS all lives matter. And it feels wrong to say all lives don't matter. I'm just having trouble understanding still.

Or– or
You could educate yourself on why people are saying what they're saying through a quick Google search

Deleted user

Alright lets break this down

However, at the moment, all lives don't matter.
I also like to think of it as we're asking the government too much to say all lives matter too. Because if you think about it, If the government doesn't support black lives, then why should they support all lives.
Think of it think way
Billy got a heart attack and Bobby got a cut on his arm, they BOTH deserve medical attention, but we need to treat Billy first before we treat Bobby because his situation is more dire and severe then Bobby.
You see what I'm saying here?

But everyone has to explain black lives matter because it sounds like it only excludes black lives. Wouldn't it be easier to just say all lives matter in the first place? People would know what you meant, it requires no explanation but means the same thing. What it seems like is black lives matter MEANS all lives matter. And it feels wrong to say all lives don't matter. I'm just having trouble understanding still.

Or– or
You could educate yourself on why people are saying what they're saying through a quick Google search

I try but I don't really understand. Obiously I don't want discrimination. I think racism is real. It just sees like more people would accept the movement if it was called All Lives Matter, and that would be good for the cause.


ACAB doesn't mean that literally all cops are bad, it means the system is corrupt. Which it is.

That's not quite what I meant. I was talking about that because of a few bad apples, some people are treating all cops like the plague. I agree that the system isn't perfect, but we need law enforcement of some kind or the country's gonna turn into the forward from Renegades yoooooo renegades fandom!! this probably isn't the time but

You are right, not all cops are bad, but not all cops are good either. There might be a "few bad apples", but a few bad apples spoil the bunch. There's this term y'all have probably heard about already but its call ACAB ( All Cops Are Bastard or All Cops Are Bad.) The ADL (Anti-Defamation-League) clarifies that ACAB doesn't mean that each police officer as an individual person is nasty, sadistic, dishonest, etc. It means that every police officer is bounded by their job as an agent of the state. and this causes cops to act like "bastards"-whether or not they want to. Police Departments and their actively unjust behavior are favored over homelessness, education, wages, and more when it comes to funding.
In every level of our criminal justice system, black people are treated disproportionately poorly and make up about 40% of the incarcerated population. They are more likely to be stopped by Stop and Frisk Procedures, more likely to be stopped by police while driving, and more likely to be sentenced to the death penalty. Black Americans are also 3 times more likely to be killed by the police when stopped. Remember the factors that lead to disproportionate criminality amongst Black Americans include underfunded public programs, redlining, generalized poverty, bad schooling, and other factors that can be traced to racial bias. So Yes, our system is racist.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

ACAB doesn't mean that literally all cops are bad, it means the system is corrupt. Which it is.

That's not quite what I meant. I was talking about that because of a few bad apples, some people are treating all cops like the plague. I agree that the system isn't perfect, but we need law enforcement of some kind or the country's gonna turn into the forward from Renegades yoooooo renegades fandom!! this probably isn't the time but

Actually, that's not exactly true. There's several books, essays, and articles that go in-depth on how a policeless or smaller-policed system would work much better.

I'm not saying that a smaller system wouldn't work. I'm just saying that we need some sort of law enforcement or I think things will go south.
then again who knows i may be biased because i have an extremely conservative father

@Mojack group

To break it down…
Imagine you have a funeral for your father. Then someone comes along and says, “all fathers matter” and starts showing pictures of their father. Now, while the person may mean well…
…it comes off as insensitive to the other person, and taking away from the current matter at hand.

Yes, all lives DO matter, but in order for all lives to matter, we need black lives to matter as well. And unfortunately, in some places, they don’t. Which needs to change. And there are other factors, changes, etc, which need to be taken into account as well, but you should probably refrain from saying ALM when someone says BLM.
Chances are the person saying BLM knows that ALM, but they’re looking at what’s going on right now, on something that needs to change.


My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


it might not be common here on notebook since everyone's chill but this is actually pretty plausible imo
hate using reddit as an example again but saying good things about america in some communities there is treated about the same as saying good things about trump, you can have your opinion but everyone's gonna think you're a racist dog


Alright lets break this down

However, at the moment, all lives don't matter.
I also like to think of it as we're asking the government too much to say all lives matter too. Because if you think about it, If the government doesn't support black lives, then why should they support all lives.
Think of it think way
Billy got a heart attack and Bobby got a cut on his arm, they BOTH deserve medical attention, but we need to treat Billy first before we treat Bobby because his situation is more dire and severe then Bobby.
You see what I'm saying here?

But everyone has to explain black lives matter because it sounds like it only excludes black lives. Wouldn't it be easier to just say all lives matter in the first place? People would know what you meant, it requires no explanation but means the same thing. What it seems like is black lives matter MEANS all lives matter. And it feels wrong to say all lives don't matter. I'm just having trouble understanding still.

Or– or
You could educate yourself on why people are saying what they're saying through a quick Google search

I try but I don't really understand. Obiously I don't want discrimination. I think racism is real. It just sees like more people would accept the movement if it was called All Lives Matter, and that would be good for the cause.

You're right, all lives do matter and that is the end goal. However, by saying "All Lives Matter" it implies that all lives are at the same level of risk which is not true. Black Lives Matter was created to bring awareness that Black Lives were explicitly at risk. All Lives Matter was only created after Black Lives Matter meaning that the phrase was only used to invalidate and silence Black Lives. By saying Black Lives Matter we're not saying that Black Lives matter more than other lives, we're saying that Black Lives is just as important as other lives.

Deleted user

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


it might not be common here on notebook since everyone's chill but this is actually pretty plausible imo
hate using reddit as an example again but saying good things about america in some communities there is treated about the same as saying good things about trump, you can have your opinion but everyone's gonna think you're a racist dog

Exactly. I only posted a Ron Swanson meme and they said it was in "bad taste"


My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


it might not be common here on notebook since everyone's chill but this is actually pretty plausible imo
hate using reddit as an example again but saying good things about america in some communities there is treated about the same as saying good things about trump, you can have your opinion but everyone's gonna think you're a racist dog

Exactly. I only posted a Ron Swanson meme and they said it was in "bad taste"

But not everything that happened before that date was a mistake? I mean yeah, a lot of bad things happened, but they all lead to where we are today, which is also a racist society so you're also correct.

@Pickles group

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


it might not be common here on notebook since everyone's chill but this is actually pretty plausible imo
hate using reddit as an example again but saying good things about america in some communities there is treated about the same as saying good things about trump, you can have your opinion but everyone's gonna think you're a racist dog

Exactly. I only posted a Ron Swanson meme and they said it was in "bad taste"

I think they didn't know you were joking. And if you weren't.. yeah they're right, it is in poor taste.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Chances are the person saying BLM knows that ALM, but they’re looking at what’s going on right now, on something that needs to change.

That's highly likely, and if so, I respect that. But I know that some people think that only black lives matter, and I personally disagree with that viewpoint.
I also have a strong agenda against violent protests. If ur just carrying signs and maybe yelling a lil bit, go ahead. Speak your mind. It's a constitutional right. However, if things become violent without being provoked (for example, looting someone's business just because you're angry, not because they're racist or have done anything to you), that's where I have a problem.


Can someone give me a brief rundown on what we’re currently debating?
Been a hot minute since I’ve been around in general.

@Pickles group

Can someone give me a brief rundown on what we’re currently debating?
Been a hot minute since I’ve been around in general.

It started not even a whole page ago


Can someone give me a brief rundown on what we’re currently debating?
Been a hot minute since I’ve been around in general.

We're talking about Black Lives Matter and Policing.

Deleted user

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


it might not be common here on notebook since everyone's chill but this is actually pretty plausible imo
hate using reddit as an example again but saying good things about america in some communities there is treated about the same as saying good things about trump, you can have your opinion but everyone's gonna think you're a racist dog

Exactly. I only posted a Ron Swanson meme and they said it was in "bad taste"

But not everything that happened before that date was a mistake? I mean yeah, a lot of bad things happened, but they all lead to where we are today, which is also a racist society so you're also correct.

OMG it's not like I mean it literally. It's just a quote from the character related to the holiday. I like Parks and Rec and they know that. They make me feel like if I don't hate myself for being a white American, I'm a bad person (I do hate myself, just not for that).

Deleted user

Chances are the person saying BLM knows that ALM, but they’re looking at what’s going on right now, on something that needs to change.

That's highly likely, and if so, I respect that. But I know that some people think that only black lives matter, and I personally disagree with that viewpoint.
I also have a strong agenda against violent protests. If ur just carrying signs and maybe yelling a lil bit, go ahead. Speak your mind. It's a constitutional right. However, if things become violent without being provoked (for example, looting someone's business just because you're angry, not because they're racist or have done anything to you), that's where I have a problem.
