forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


Wait how could I forget about the kid that watches you know what in band class, is awful to everyone, and has a YouTube channel where he goes on anti-feminest and anti-LGBT rants. And that other kid that girls are obsessed with even though he's awful, wishes he was black so he could say the n word, and says it anyway
Now that I think about it, there are a lot of shitty people in band. I'm assuming elsewhere too but I wouldn't know

e w
I know one kid who says the n word because his (black) cousin "gave him permission".


The worst "discrimination"(?) I've gotten was the typical anti-semitic stuff, being called Jewish slurs and people praising the holocaust in front of me on purpose, and I've also gotten a big rant from my friend which included death wishes for "everyone like me" and basically told me I was the scum of the earth. It was a funny rant until he got to the "I wish you people would just die" part.

Sounds like a bad person friend

He has his moments.
I think he's growing up a bit. We still get along, and he's not violent, so eh.


Here's a debate starter- is wearing a cross, when you aren't Christian/Catholic/a believer cultural appropriation? In other words, is it appropriate for people to wear a cross as an accessory when it holds no spiritual significance to the individual?

I say no, it is inappropriate, simply because the cross represents (at least mostly) the core of Christianity and the biblical story. If you don't believe in the significance of the cross, why wear it as apart of your outfit? Would you wear the Jewish Star of David or the Islamic Star and Crescent if they held no meaning for you? It can be insulting or annoying for believing individuals to see a sacred symbol thrown around as a "fashion statement". Personally, I don't want the cross to lose it's meaning that way. (All this being said, I would never dictate what a person can and can't wear. Freedom of expression. I'd rather have a discussion on should they wear it, rather than can they, because they certainly can.)

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this since the cross is often used in fashion and jewelry in a non-spiritual way. I'm pretty open minded about this subject, and not super grounded in my argument yet, so please comment.
What do you think? Is it really a big deal?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I agree completely. Especially since the fashion statement got started with frickin Madonna (iirc). It's a spiritual symbol that people should stop appropriating as a casual accessory. And also. It's a bit sick to wear a cross for any reason but Jesus imo.


I've never seen them worn in a non-religious way-

It's pretty common, especially in the music industry and e-boy culture

@HighPockets group

I've never seen them worn in a non-religious way-

It's pretty common, especially in the music industry and e-boy culture

Huh, weird
I mean I live in the Midwest so most of the time when I see it it's old church ladies


Ok, that first pic I posted looks edited, have this one instead lol

Crosses are commonly used on rapper chains in a secular way

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I used to want a ring like Nico's. I still want a silver ring with a black round stone. And also I would like three golden rings with pretty shiny identical stones of purple, red, and blue on each one. And maybe a chain necklace. But not too loose and also soft.

Deleted user

I mean a lot of rappers are men of god

they just sin a lot

@Moxie group

I mean a lot of rappers are men of god

they just sin a lot

Like all men of God do. Like freaking king David. That guy was a mess.

and like lowkey most likely a rapist?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I am on the fence and closer to agreeing with you. Because the counter argument would be to mention that she didn't say no. Which implies that no yes equals some form of consent. Which would imply that silence is yes. Big yikes.
So I say that with the little information we have, if we had to draw a line, it would be counted as rape. I am not certain though. I am very tired.