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@Pickles group

"I'll support your decisions even though I might not support them"

He referenced smoking as an example but I think my parents think I'm gay, probably since I make snide remarks about straight relationships on television and have had a total of one boyfriend that they know of
but smoking is disgusting and I'm not ever doing it


my parents are wack cuz I think I have pretty good parents but then other people are like "uh no that's toxic"
they're homophobic and I already came out to them and I mean,, I'm still living at home and not in danger so how bad is it really? (and they were both like "are you sure? you know this doesn't happen in our culture. it's not "wrong" but you're only 15 anyway" and stuff like that)
and they're not racist but I did have a small argument with my dad a few weeks ago about the riots cuz he was like "oh the protests are okay but the looting and rioting isn't"
I'm pretty sure they believe in mental health tho i've never actually talked to them about it
they're conservative as hell tbh but it's still not that bad
I complain about them but I do love em even if it's a weird relationship sometimes


my parents are pretty understanding about a lot of things but I think that if I ever told them the truth about how I feel about religion, it'd break them

@Pickles group

my parents are wack cuz I think I have pretty good parents but then other people are like "uh no that's toxic"
they're homophobic and I already came out to them and I mean,, I'm still living at home and not in danger so how bad is it really? (and they were both like "are you sure? you know this doesn't happen in our culture. it's not "wrong" but you're only 15 anyway" and stuff like that)
and they're not racist but I did have a small argument with my dad a few weeks ago about the riots cuz he was like "oh the protests are okay but the looting and rioting isn't"
I'm pretty sure they believe in mental health tho i've never actually talked to them about it
they're conservative as hell tbh but it's still not that bad
I complain about them but I do love em even if it's a weird relationship sometimes

Not to be a book ho but you should read The Henna Wars

@HighPockets group

my parents are wack cuz I think I have pretty good parents but then other people are like "uh no that's toxic"
they're homophobic and I already came out to them and I mean,, I'm still living at home and not in danger so how bad is it really? (and they were both like "are you sure? you know this doesn't happen in our culture. it's not "wrong" but you're only 15 anyway" and stuff like that)
and they're not racist but I did have a small argument with my dad a few weeks ago about the riots cuz he was like "oh the protests are okay but the looting and rioting isn't"
I'm pretty sure they believe in mental health tho i've never actually talked to them about it
they're conservative as hell tbh but it's still not that bad
I complain about them but I do love em even if it's a weird relationship sometimes

Same with mine
I love them, and we're pretty close but we argue a lot. They believe in mental health even if they don't really get it, and they're not too conservative (my mom's pretty conservative but she's also super religious and works at a church, my dad is an Enlightened CentristTM but probably a little more left-leaning?). I just avoid talking politics with them, and they don't know that I'm queer, idk if I'll ever tell them


(dang my internet went out and deleted what I'd already written)
it's organized religion and it's so cult like
there is good in it. upliftment programs to help people get back up and we planted trees for the environment and a lot of preaching that can be boiled down to "be a good person in the world"
but there's so many rules
some of them are like "no drinking, smoking, premarital s3x" and then there's stuff like "no music, no dogs"
and we have a leader and anything he says is law. if he said to do something, many people would without questioning it
and it's just a lot. there are church events super often and it always feels like there's no time for anything else. you really have to devote time to everything
things like marriage is such a big must that there's a camp that's a dating service with the intent of marriage
and it's okay for some people cuz most of the time, there's no harm intended but it's suffocating. it's hard to escape and to stop believing certain ideologies that you were raised with


but it's been better since I actually started coming to terms with how I feel about it

it's such a dumb rule like if you touch a dog you're supposed to take 7 whole showers?? I think the fuck not


but it's been better since I actually started coming to terms with how I feel about it

it's such a dumb rule like if you touch a dog you're supposed to take 7 whole showers?? I think the fuck not

have you ever had to do that? And how many times have you pet a dog? You don't have to answer that I'm just curious lol


it's one of those more minor rules that some people like me don't pay as much attention to. and it applies if you intentionally touch a dog. like if they touch you, you still have to wash your hands but if you intentionally pet them, you gotta do the whole 7 showers thing. I've touched dogs a lot just cuz I thought it was a dumb rule and didn't follow that rule
and it's chill to be curious! I'll probably answer them


ooookay yeah my parents aren’t perfect
dad’s reading the news and just said something about how outrageous it is that people are refusing to sell J.K Rowling’s books or turning against her for speaking “the truth”
mom responded something about liberals being snowflakes, i wasn’t paying much attention at that point
i just…
that’s a yikes on trikes from me fren


"oh the protests are okay but the looting and rioting isn't"

Does anyone disagree with this?

I agree with it

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

dad’s reading the news and just said something about how outrageous it is that people are refusing to sell J.K Rowling’s books or turning against her for speaking “the truth”

I think it's their dumb choice to make.