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people_alt 109 followers


that just sounds like demi with extra steps

It started out as a squish
How did it end up like this
It was only a squish
It was only a squish..

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The ability to own in general. Especially the fact that all are owed the legal right of self ownership.

Is anyone going to challenge this? This is a philosophical breakthrough. For me anyways.

@Pickles group

You mean we have the legal right to not be a slave? Or what?


I've been discussing this with multiple people, feel free to ignore.
The NHS is using the rainbow as their symbol ever since the quarantine. Should it be considered theft or something of the sort of the LGBTQ Community's symbol?


It's the National Health Service, it's the public health service in the UK, so people are using the symbol to thank the NHS for what they've been doing over the course of the quarantine

@HighPockets group

Ah. No, it's not theft. We don't own the rainbow, and it's sort of dumb to say "you can't use these six colors together!"
It'd be one thing if the NHS was using some sort of symbol like the Apple apple or the Nike swoosh, but honestly it's really ridiculous to say it's theft to use the rainbow.


That's fair. I'm just going to argue opposite for the sake of it~
It feels like the rainbow has always kind of been universally acknowledged as a queer symbol and has represented the community for a long time, and that giving it a different meaning kind of takes away from what it's come to mean.

@HighPockets group

Not really a long time though. And it's not like it's really that universal. That's like saying that any piece of clothing with a rainbow on it is a queer symbol, which is untrue.


And I didn't know that, that's interesting.
It may be argued that it represents the LGBTQ community in a more public way than it does in religion. It's used during Pride, on merch and all sorts, because it's recognisable as being related to pride.


Not really a long time though. And it's not like it's really that universal. That's like saying that any piece of clothing with a rainbow on it is a queer symbol, which is untrue.

That's a good point

@HighPockets group

You can't claim a group of colors. Just because something has red, white, and blue on it doesn't necessarily mean it's appropriating the American flag (or any of the other flags with those colors)

@Pickles group

Being recognizable doesn't equal owned. Y'all recognize me as Pickles but that doesn't mean I own all pickles or everything named Pickles. And y'all recognize Eva as Jyn but that doesn't mean she owns Star Wars

@HighPockets group

Being recognizable doesn't equal owned. Y'all recognize me as Pickles but that doesn't mean I own all pickles or everything named Pickles. And y'all recognize Eva as Jyn but that doesn't mean she owns Star Wars

God I wish-


I agree with you guys. Rainbows have been used as symbols of luck, promise, peace, sexuality for some time, and they appear in countless logos. It's just a part of nature. The order of colors is appealing, and not owned by anyone.