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@Moxie group

Actually anything less than yes is not yes. “I don’t really feel like it” and “maybe not” is no. Anything less than an enthusiastic yes is no. We don’t mess around with consent in this house

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If people got married and loved each other this wouldn't be a deal. You could bang whenever you both felt like it. And if one person didn't want to they would say it. Oh wait were' talking about rape so that doesn't matter. It's just that all the consent stuff feels sterile like bleach on the counter. Just get married then you can bang without worry.
That's the Dom advice of the day.

Deleted user

Just get married then you can bang without worry.

u know marital rape is a thing right

@Moxie group


  1. If you’re consent is sterile, you’re doing it wrong. Consent can be made fun if you do it right (sorry trying to keep it pg)
  2. Married people can still rape their partner. I mean like not in the laws eyes but just because you’re married doesn’t guarantee you the right to sex every night


David was a rapist (or at least had an affair, but probably a rapist) murderer who kinda sucked at following God. He's Jesus's grandfather and wrote most of the Psalms.
Rahab was the town prostitute. She's Jesus's grandmother.
Paul was a religious zealot who murdered people if he thought they weren't following God correctly. He wrote about half the new testament.
That's only three Bible characters I could think of. There are so many more messed up people.
The whole point of the Bible is that God redeems people. God takes shitty people and makes them not shitty to show everyone his love and power.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Do you mean like great grandmother/grandfather? Bc a lot of years went by.
But your point is right.
Also Judith is pretty sweet. And Ehud. That guy is awesome. And Raziz but he's in Maccabees.

Deleted user

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American, when they're American too and I'm not even conversative, I'm in the center and slightly liberal if anything. I feel like I shouldn't be guilted for loving my country. Everyone should love their country, that's why it's your country. And I don't think all cops are bad, and I think all lives matter. I don't get why that's controversial. Black lives are included in all lives. I'm just sick of being yelled at for saying reasonable things and not being too far left or too far right. Can I debate this here?


My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American, when they're American too and I'm not even conversative, I'm in the center and slightly liberal if anything. I feel like I shouldn't be guilted for loving my country. Everyone should love their country, that's why it's your country. And I don't think all cops are bad, and I think all lives matter. I don't get why that's controversial. Black lives are included in all lives. I'm just sick of being yelled at for saying reasonable things and not being too far left or too far right. Can I debate this here?

I don't even follow this but

Deleted user

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American, when they're American too and I'm not even conversative, I'm in the center and slightly liberal if anything. I feel like I shouldn't be guilted for loving my country. Everyone should love their country, that's why it's your country. And I don't think all cops are bad, and I think all lives matter. I don't get why that's controversial. Black lives are included in all lives. I'm just sick of being yelled at for saying reasonable things and not being too far left or too far right. Can I debate this here?

I don't even follow this but

I agree nobody should be discriminated, but I still feel like all lives matter includes black lives and black lives matter doesn't include all lives. So why couldn't it change to All Lives Matter instead? It's a good statement and it's not like the first time anyone EVER said it was after black lives matter.

@Pickles group

People aren't using All Lives Matter to include other minorities. It's white people that feel like BLM leaves them out or something. And we need to end the racism that's causing their lives to be undervalued by the government. There are lots of articles about it, but I like this one.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American, when they're American too and I'm not even conversative, I'm in the center and slightly liberal if anything. I feel like I shouldn't be guilted for loving my country. Everyone should love their country, that's why it's your country. And I don't think all cops are bad, and I think all lives matter. I don't get why that's controversial. Black lives are included in all lives. I'm just sick of being yelled at for saying reasonable things and not being too far left or too far right. Can I debate this here?

I'm more on the conservative side, but I agree with you. I think that all lives matter, black lives included. Those cops were definitely bad and deserve their punishment, but that doesn't mean all cops are bad. But all this chaos is starting to make me want to move somewhere else.
Sorry if I got too political.


Alright let's break this down

However, at the moment, all lives don't matter.
I also like to think of it as we're asking the government too much to say all lives matter too. Because if you think about it, If the government doesn't support black lives, then why should they support all lives.
Think of it this way
Billy got a heart attack and Bobby got a cut on his arm, they BOTH deserve medical attention, but we need to treat Billy first before we treat Bobby because his situation is more dire and severe then Bobby.
Do you see what I'm saying here?

Deleted user

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


They do. I posted something for the fourth of July and they got mad about it.

@HighPockets group

My more liberal friends want to make me feel bad for being patriotic, or just BEING American


As someone who would be considered "liberal", no? If you're all "rah rah MAGA!!!" or something then maybe, but not for just being American :/

Deleted user

Alright lets break this down

However, at the moment, all lives don't matter.
I also like to think of it as we're asking the government too much to say all lives matter too. Because if you think about it, If the government doesn't support black lives, then why should they support all lives.
Think of it think way
Billy got a heart attack and Bobby got a cut on his arm, they BOTH deserve medical attention, but we need to treat Billy first before we treat Bobby because his situation is more dire and severe then Bobby.
You see what I'm saying here?

But everyone has to explain black lives matter because it sounds like it only excludes black lives. Wouldn't it be easier to just say all lives matter in the first place? People would know what you meant, it requires no explanation but means the same thing. What it seems like is black lives matter MEANS all lives matter. And it feels wrong to say all lives don't matter. I'm just having trouble understanding still.