forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Pickles group

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Once again, you're playing the victim. That won't sit well no matter what you did less than 24 hours ago. This chat is for debating. You aren't doing that. You're repeating the same thing over and over and getting upset when people aren't agreeing.

Deleted user

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Expressing your opinion is fine, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT NOR MIS EDUCATE PEOPLEE.

Also you're not entitled to a second chance. Stop acting like your slate's wiped clean because of an apology, especially when you continue to act the exact same way.

This is not the exact same way. I'm not seeking attention I'm debating.

@Pickles group

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Expressing your opinion is fine, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT NOR MIS EDUCATE PEOPLEE.

"I'll respect your opinion as long as it doesn't disrespect someone else's existence" comes to mind. I agree completely. You're allowed to have an opinion when you're educated and not hurting people.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Expressing your opinion is fine, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT NOR MIS EDUCATE PEOPLEE.

I mean they can still have any opinion though. Even if it's dumb or evil.

Deleted user

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Once again, you're playing the victim. That won't sit well no matter what you did less than 24 hours ago. This chat is for debating. You aren't doing that. You're repeating the same thing over and over and getting upset when people aren't agreeing.

Okay now we're debating whether or not I'm debating? Cool. I thought I was.


Pretty much anyone from a predominantly white ancestry probably had some form of slavery involvement. I don’t know for sure on my family, but we’re swiss, and while swiss aren’t really known for involvement in slavery, we did play a part in it. And just given the fact a good portion of my ancestors were farmers, I would think at least a few owned slaves, and there was more than likely some racism, because teachings and opinions were different back then.

And to add on, slavery occurs not just in white communities, but in all sorts of communities.

Looking at America from my country and comparing it to others I can firmly say it’s freer than some other places, but I’m glad to not have been born in it. And it’s got a lot of flaws, particularly some major ones that should be changed and replaced with a better system (I’m looking at the police system especially. I believe in a law enforcement of some type, but what’s going on right now isn’t good.)
And change never comes easy, since America is a big country with a lot of people who disagree and agree and all sorts of stuff which seems all so incredibly chaotic. A friend asked me what I thought of America right now, my answer was “chaotic.”


I'm trying to have an honest debate, but I can't do that when you don't acknowledge peoples points

I've sent you a link to a really informative thread
Pickles sent you a link to a website about Why you shouldn't use ALM
I've posted facts and tried to educate you and so have others
So you're really going to tell me that I'm being "unfair?"

Deleted user

I mean you're doing a lot more than being patriotic. Be patriotic. It's a good thing. But also temper it with the knowledge that America still has a long way to go and is making several weighty mistakes.

Well said, I completely agree with you, we shouldn't beat people up just because they made mistakes you should point them out and try to help them fix it but never beat them up, it helps no one.

@Pickles group

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Expressing your opinion is fine, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT NOR MIS EDUCATE PEOPLEE.

Also you're not entitled to a second chance. Stop acting like your slate's wiped clean because of an apology, especially when you continue to act the exact same way.

This is not the exact same way. I'm not seeking attention I'm debating.

Do you understand the concept of playing the victim???? Because that's what she's talking about.

Deleted user

Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Expressing your opinion is fine, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT NOR MIS EDUCATE PEOPLEE.

"I'll respect your opinion as long as it doesn't disrespect someone else's existence" comes to mind. I agree completely. You're allowed to have an opinion when you're educated and not hurting people.

Am I hurting people? If so, how? Keep in mind, I'm 15 and not even someone who talks often about politics IRL. It's not like I have a loyal army of people to influence.


Why am I getting yelled at for expressing my opinions in a chat that's MADE FOR THAT? I wasn't even rude about it. And I apologized for the way I've acted before but nobody will give me a second chance. I'm really frustrated.

Expressing your opinion is fine, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HURT NOR MIS EDUCATE PEOPLEE.

"I'll respect your opinion as long as it doesn't disrespect someone else's existence" comes to mind. I agree completely. You're allowed to have an opinion when you're educated and not hurting people.

Am I hurting people? If so, how? Keep in mind, I'm 15 and not even someone who talks often about politics IRL. It's not like I have a loyal army of people to influence.

I'm 13 and still more educated than you. Your age is not an excuse.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm trying to have an honest debate, but I can't do that when you don't acknowledge peoples points

I've sent you a link to a really informative thread
Pickles sent you a link to a website about Why you shouldn't use ALM
I've posted facts and tried to educate you and so have others


Deleted user

My crime here is liking Ron Swanson and not fully agreeing with BLM's methods.

Here's actual debate material. What don't you like about BLM methods?

I disagree with violent protests and some of the things they say really seem like they want ALL white people to feel bad. And If violence is what they're protesting, why cause more violence while protesting, and steal things and destroy people's livelihood? I think we need kindness and not hate. Of course, that means people oppressing African Americans need to be kind too, but why can't the protesters lead by example?


What about the rioting?
Let's get one thing straight here. The rioters and the protesters are 2 separate groups. The rioters are usually white supremacists, people hired to make the protesters look bad, opportunistic people, and even the police themselves causing damage to property. There are even videos of protesters handing over rioters to the police. If anything, the police are the ones who are being violent and escalating the situation even more by shooting protesters AND MEDICS (Shooting medics is a war crime.)
with rubber bullets, spraying pepper spray and mace, and throwing tear gas.

Deleted user

Also, for people saying all the rioters are not BLM, some of them are. And I disagree with riots.

@HighPockets group

I'm trying to have an honest debate, but I can't do that when you don't acknowledge peoples points

I've sent you a link to a really informative thread
Pickles sent you a link to a website about Why you shouldn't use ALM
I've posted facts and tried to educate you and so have others


And you just ignore them. Brooklyn made a whole-ass post of different anti-BLM talking points and debunking them, it's on the main page of the general chat. You seem to be actively ignoring any chances of actual education, which is, quite frankly, immature and babyish.


My crime here is liking Ron Swanson and not fully agreeing with BLM's methods.

Here's actual debate material. What don't you like about BLM methods?

I disagree with violent protests and some of the things they say really seem like they want ALL white people to feel bad. And If violence is what they're protesting, why cause more violence while protesting, and steal things and destroy people's livelihood? I think we need kindness and not hate. Of course, that means people oppressing African Americans need to be kind too, but why can't the protesters lead by example?


Deleted user

What about the rioting?
Let's get one thing straight here. The rioters and the protesters are 2 separate groups. The rioters are usually white supremacists, people hired to make the protesters look bad, opportunistic people, and even the police themselves causing damage to property. There are even videos of protesters handing over rioters to the police. If anything, the police are the ones who are being violent and escalating the situation even more by shooting protesters AND MEDICS (Shooting medics is a war crime.)
with rubber bullets, spraying pepper spray and mace, and throwing tear gas.

I know a police officer who said that people have been throwing things at her. Full cans, which are heavy and can leave a mark. People are instigating things, not just cops.


I'm 13 and still more educated than you. Your age is not an excuse.

Beautiful. I can't believe such a well spoken youngling has come into our midst. So proud.

(Thank you, Dom? That's your name right? Am I allowed to use it?)

@Pickles group

I'm 13 and still more educated than you. Your age is not an excuse.

Beautiful. I can't believe such a well spoken youngling has come into our midst. So proud.


@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

What about the rioting?
Let's get one thing straight here. The rioters and the protesters are 2 separate groups. The rioters are usually white supremacists, people hired to make the protesters look bad, opportunistic people, and even the police themselves causing damage to property. There are even videos of protesters handing over rioters to the police. If anything, the police are the ones who are being violent and escalating the situation even more by shooting protesters AND MEDICS (Shooting medics is a war crime.)
with rubber bullets, spraying pepper spray and mace, and throwing tear gas.

I know a police officer who said that people have been throwing things at her. Full cans, which are heavy and can leave a mark. People are instigating things, not just cops.

And cops aren't people?
People are doing that shit to cops because, guess what, cops do that shit to other people. Does that mean protesters start everything? No. Is it fair that all cops are treated that way? No.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here's actual debate material. What don't you like about BLM methods?

I disagree with violent protests and some of the things they say really seem like they want ALL white people to feel bad.


And If violence is what they're protesting, why cause more violence while protesting, and steal things and destroy people's livelihood? I think we need kindness and not hate.

Well most protesters aren't rioters as far as it seems.

Of course, that means people oppressing African Americans need to be kind too, but why can't the protesters lead by example?

What do you want? The protests are nice enough, most of them.

Deleted user

Okay I'm done debating for now. I'll read more soon and maybe I'll understand. (Also I'm 15 and well spoken but suddenly it doesn't matter if I don't agree with everyone)