forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@HighPockets group

Friendly reminder that the right to protest is a fundamental American right <3

Exactly! That's why I love America!

Yeah, how is protesting when you're being shot at, sprayed, and gases. Sure you can protest, but that doesn't mean the government is going to play nice.

EXACTLY. The government can't take away those rights but there's nothing stopping them from punishing and discouraging you however they can, legally or illegally in some cases.

Can we also talk about the Michigan protests where white men with guns stormed the capital building and spit in the faces of police officers?
Where were the bullets and tear gas then?

Oh my gold WHAT time to go look that up holy pumpkins

(You didn't see that on the news when white people were PROTESTING THE CORONAVIRUS?!)
(I'm not yelling at you pickles, but just so our friend over here can see.)

This, 100%
Compare the footage of cops interacting with the mostly white, upper/middle class middle aged people protesting the lockdown with the footage of cops interacting with BLM protesters. It's night and day.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Please don't call me out too, but I think you're being a bit harsh. It's okay to point someone out when they're wrong, and after all, this is the debating chat. But I feel like you're targeting her now. I feel like you're just all trying to roast her instead of pointing out her mistakes. I'm not saying that she's completely innocent, I just think this has escalated a bit.


Also, on the violence in the protests
It’s been found that a lot of the people using violence are right wing extremists and boogaloos hoping to spark something up. Most of the actual protesters actively try to prevent and stop those people from doing that, from what I’ve seen in videos.

I saw one of a few protestors who found a stack of bricks that spontaneously materialized- no construction anywhere near there. They suspected someone placed it there to encourage protestors to become rioters and use the bricks as projectiles.,I believe it. People like antifa are hijacking peaceful protests.

(You do realize that ANTIFA isn't actually a terrorist organization, but a collective group of people with similar beliefs right?)

(Yeah, Antifa is simply a collection of anonymous people who are, as the name says, anti-fascist. There's no leader or registry, it's simply a set of ideals. Which is why Trump's suggestion of labeling them a terrorist group is so asinine.And if someone is anti anti-fascist, what does that make them?)

Aw shit, my bad I got my facts wrong. I heard somewhere that antifa were the ones sparking violence at protests. Turns out that's not the case, I should've looked it up first. Also I never said it was a terrorist group, and don't believe that. I didn't know Trump was labeling them as such, I think that's a bit off. Anyways yeah, that's on me I got that one wrong lol.

@Pickles group

I'm going to protect my mental wellbeing and be done debating for now, that's my right. I never said black lives don't matter or that police brutality is okay. I think I get why people say Black Lives Matter instead of All Lives Matter now but I still enjoy being patriotic and I love America and nobody gave me a good reason not to. My country isn't perfect but I love it, that's all.

We tried to explain to you why people say All Lives Matter and you ignored us.

I JUST SAID I read more and learned. I'm not going to keep saying All Lives Matter. I like being patriotic, that's unrelated.

You should have done that when we first gave them to you, not ignored it and continued a tangent on why you don't get it.

I still didn't get it. I can't take time to process and learn?

Sigh You didn't TRY to get it. You didn't go to the sources we gave you. Please read all of my comments for maximum effect and efficiency, more understanding and knowledge, and overall a less sense of frustration and repetitiveness

Now if y'all will excuse me, I have to go eat dinner


( I've gotten so stressed from this debate, I'm going to go on a walk and when I get back, I will continue this conversation, I promise.)

@Pickles group

I am done debating. I got ahead of myself because it seemed like people attacked ME instead of my argument. I understand know why we should use BLM. I'm done for the day please stop.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm not well spoken? I have perfect grammar, punctuation, and usually spelling unless I'm tired. Whether or not you like me that's well spoken. Can anyone actually LISTEN to me? Instead of jumping down my throat?

Big yikes. That's not what well spoken means.

(Grammarly, has found so many errors on this, it's funny.)

You have a similar sense of humor I see.


Also, on the violence in the protests
It’s been found that a lot of the people using violence are right wing extremists and boogaloos hoping to spark something up. Most of the actual protesters actively try to prevent and stop those people from doing that, from what I’ve seen in videos.

I saw one of a few protestors who found a stack of bricks that spontaneously materialized- no construction anywhere near there. They suspected someone placed it there to encourage protestors to become rioters and use the bricks as projectiles.,I believe it. People like antifa are hijacking peaceful protests.

(You do realize that ANTIFA isn't actually a terrorist organization, but a collective group of people with similar beliefs right?)

(Yeah, Antifa is simply a collection of anonymous people who are, as the name says, anti-fascist. There's no leader or registry, it's simply a set of ideals. Which is why Trump's suggestion of labeling them a terrorist group is so asinine.And if someone is anti anti-fascist, what does that make them?)

Aw shit, my bad I got my facts wrong. I heard somewhere that antifa were the ones sparking violence at protests. Turns out that's not the case, I should've looked it up first. Also I never said it was a terrorist group, and don't believe that. I didn't know Trump was labeling them as such, I think that's a bit off. Anyways yeah, that's on me I got that one wrong lol.


@HighPockets group

(Nah it's fine Owen! I didn't mean you specifically, I'm just annoyed at Trump's proposition in general since due to Antifa not having any sort of registry or anything, any left-wing protester or counter-protester could be labelled "antifa" and therefore a terrorist.)


They said a few times they get why they shouldn't say ALM, so I think the goal was achieved. At this point we'd be beating a dead horse.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So I know you're going to tell me that it's a first-world problem and no one cares, but I just need to say this.
I consider myself a conservative, but with all the anti-conservative stuff in the media and news, I almost feel guilty for being one. I know that conservatives have a bad rap, but we aren't all that way. But with all the negativity surrounding conservatives these days, i feel pressured to not be one.

I get what you mean. Just continue to stand for what you believe and debunk negative stereotypes.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm 13 and still more educated than you. Your age is not an excuse.

Beautiful. I can't believe such a well spoken youngling has come into our midst. So proud.

(Thank you, Dom? That's your name right? Am I allowed to use it?)

You are most welcome. Of course you may. Dad Mode™ has kicked in and I am Happy with this child.

( I've never had a dad before, thank you)

Ooooh! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I want to give you hugs and advice now. Someone tell Maddie she might be getting a sister.

( I was Kinda (I don't really want to talk about my situation rn.) joking, but thank you, your so sweet uwu. )

(That's fine. If you want to talk about anything my PMs are open to you.) Thank you! Come to me for anything and I'll see what I can do. Very much glad to have met you more thoroughly.

@Pickles group

Please don't call me out too, but I think you're being a bit harsh. It's okay to point someone out when they're wrong, and after all, this is the debating chat. But I feel like you're targeting her now. I feel like you're just all trying to roast her instead of pointing out her mistakes. I'm not saying that she's completely innocent, I just think this has escalated a bit.

I'm not trying to call you out but while yes, this has escalated, we were trying to explain that they need to educate themselves and are being ignorant. And none of us are trying to roast them. My roasts are like "wow we get Eva, you have bad taste in characters"

@HighPockets group

Please don't call me out too, but I think you're being a bit harsh. It's okay to point someone out when they're wrong, and after all, this is the debating chat. But I feel like you're targeting her now. I feel like you're just all trying to roast her instead of pointing out her mistakes. I'm not saying that she's completely innocent, I just think this has escalated a bit.

I'm not trying to call you out but while yes, this has escalated, we were trying to explain that they need to educate themselves and are being ignorant. And none of us are trying to roast them. My roasts are like "wow we get Eva, you have bad taste in characters"

Yeah, pointing out that they're willfully ignorant and spreading misinformation is not a "roast"
I do and I embrace that.

@Pickles group

I feel like it isn't in this context though.

^^^^ calling someone uneducated/an uncultured swine because they haven't seen The Princess Bride maybe is (and it's true), but saying that someone isn't educated about the blm movement really isn't.


To the person who called me ching chong and other Asian slurs.
As a member of the Asian Community, I'm not afraid to ching chong my foot up your ass.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.