forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


Sorry I disappeared, but Dom, you support the Bible literally right? Which is why you're anti-LGBTQ. So why not support the demon possession = mental illness thing? Because it's pretty clear on that.


Could you provide an example on where that is in the Bible? I'd like to engage on that topic, but we need a clear starting point.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry I disappeared, but Dom, you support the Bible literally right? Which is why you're anti-LGBTQ. So why not support the demon possession = mental illness thing? Because it's pretty clear on that.

Is it? I mean, I'm pretty willing to believe demons interefere with mental health but also for all the reasons scientifically.
I have this sort of saying I made up: "The stars are balls of gas millions of miles away it is true. But does that take away from the beauty of the night sky?"
It's kind of about how the spiritual and scientific really don't cancel eaxh other out and can coexist on multiple levels.

Deleted user

My own word should be law.
I’ll support anyone with any morals and any views

*My own law for my own life


Completely unrelated to this since I don't think that I am fit to talk on this and sorry to shift the talk but

They're trying to cancel Sebastian Stan, the Winter Soldier, the sweetest guy ever…
for something his girlfriends did in 2018? And he had nothing to do with it?


She dressed up as a Geisha which is a Japanese Women Dancer/Entertainer, which I don't understand why it's racist as an Asian American? I mean it might be just me, but I wouldn't mind of people wore my culture's clothing. Honestly I would be quite honored if someone thought that my clothing was pretty enough that they'd want to wear it. Like for example the Qipao which is a traditional Chinese dress, but has been changed to suit modern times, people shame other people for wearing it even though as an Asian community we take no offense to it?


Wow cancel culture's really stretching. And this-

I wouldn't mind of people wore my culture's clothing. Honestly I would be quite honored if someone thought that my clothing was pretty enough that they'd want to wear it.

Is quite touching, Brooklyn.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's all stupid Leftist white people (Note that I don't blame white people, (or Leftists) I blame those white people) who have no idea about anything but insist that they know better about what is right and wrong, often contradicting pocs who are chill with most things.


I feel like cancel culture is over hyped. If a few people on twitter say they don't like sebastian stan anymore, it's not really going to affect him. Canceling would entail him getting fired… but I know I'm going to be streaming The Falcon and Winter Solider when it comes out.


Also "dressing up" as someone's culture feels a little weird, especially in some instances. If you do your due diligence and research/credit your source, sure, it's cute, but if you're being gimmicky (See Nicki Minaj or Lana del Rey) then it's kinda dumb.


Wow cancel culture's really stretching. And this-

I wouldn't mind if people wore my culture's clothing. Honestly I would be quite honored if someone thought that my clothing was pretty enough that they'd want to wear it.

Is quite touching, Brooklyn.

Thank you Owens! Sorry people for shifting onto another topic (kinda) here, but whew we I feel like people need to know. From my own experience, so I don't know if I speak for everyone who is Asian, but a lot of Asian Americans feel the need to have to be white growing up. As if you didn't or couldn't fit in because you weren't "white" enough. As a result of this, most Asian kids end up throwing away any acknowledge of the culture and the language it's self and I just think it's really sad. I, myself am I result of this, and I'm trying to learn as much of my culture as possible. The Asian Community is often looked upon as a "model minority, when in fact we are not. For example, Officer Tao, one of the officers who stood by as they watched Officer Chauvin kill George Floyd. We are not perfect, and we will not be your "little" pet, America. Also since America is trying to be "less racist" all these random people are trying to defend the Asian community for the wrong thing? We like it when people wear our clothing and try and speak our language, shut the fuck up.
Also a little etiquette here since some morans just seem to not pick up any

DO NOT call any Asian, Ling Ling, Ching Chong, Cho Chang (Yeah cho chang in harry potter? Her name is the British equivalent to Ching Chong.) YOU might not realize it those are SLURS, it is xenophobic, racist and highly disrespectful

NO, WE DON'T EAT FUCKING CATS AND DOGS, some cultures do and you know why? THEY NEED TO SURVIVE. Why do you care about what other people eat?


Please. I. Am. BEGGING. You
Don't go up to someone and ask them if they're chinese/japanese/korean UNLESS you know for certain. Just a reminder that NOT ALL ASIANS are the same, there is more than just Chinese. If you are unsure, just go up to someone and ask what their ethnicity is. Thats literally it, that's all you have to do. I can positively tell you that it is so offensive when people come up to me and ask. Indians are asian, Filipinos are Asian, Vietnamese are asian, Isreal is part of Asia, so is Iran and Pakistan, Irag, Nepal, I could name so much more.


Saying all Asians have squinty eyes is the same as saying all blacks aren't educated.

Also not all Asians are smart, yes, we are held to extremely high expectations by society and our family, which also leads to depression. NOT ALL ASIANS ARE SMART

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I have spoken, that is all, good night


Also "dressing up" as someone's culture feels a little weird, especially in some instances. If you do your due diligence and research/credit your source, sure, it's cute, but if you're being gimmicky (See Nicki Minaj or Lana del Rey) then it's kinda dumb.

I think that it might vary for each culture and what they say. I think its fine, but like if you're wearing something sacred or ceremonial, then that's taking it too far.


What if it's cosplay? Does it count if I cosplay as somebody from the Wano arc?

As long as you're not being tacky ofc! I'm talking about using slurs like Brooklyn mentioned, making fun of accents, using blackface etc, wearing afros, stuff like that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think that it might vary for each culture and what they say. I think its fine, but like if you're wearing something sacred or ceremonial, then that's taking it too far.
