forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


Ok buuuuut those papers were from 1983, realesed in 2003, and they're really kinda just speculation theories. Neurology, and like, the rest of science has come a long way since 1983.


Hello it's me popping in uninvited but…
the CIA essentially did a bunch of unethical and unfruitful research on the human mind and consciousness
and to try and make up for the wasted time, the tax dollars, and the scrutiny
they published the hologram thing.
the CIA is full of shit is what I'm saying
hope this doesn't get me put on a list somewhere


MK Ultra is my favorite true conspiracy theory
my least favorite true conspiracy is the Contra-Crack cocaine one
both are by the CIA what a surprise


ST spoiler

Deleted user

Me last year: I wish Stranger Things was real.
Me now: …Nevermind o.o


tiktok/twitter conspiracy that the furniture company wayfair is selling missing kids
the proof varies from person to person, but from what I can tell the most concerning things are:

  1. the prices are way too high for normal pieces of furniture
  2. the names on the furniture correspond with missing individuals
  3. wayfair sells to ICE, which has lost (sold) 3000 kids in the past couple of years