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@HighPockets group

If I had to kill a person to save the entire town, then yes, I would support the Lottery.

Hmm. Well I think people shouldn't be killed. Unless perhaps they have done some grievous crime.

I agree. I'm against the death penalty in most cases, but if we're discussing this dystopian future where one must die to save the rest, I will place the good of all above the good of one.

Would you die for the cause? Would you kill your father? Your friend?


You'd kill me to save someone else. insert Flynn Rider ouch How rude.

It'd be a noble death. Maybe you'd even count as a martyr.

@Pickles group

If I had to kill a person to save the entire town, then yes, I would support the Lottery.

Hmm. Well I think people shouldn't be killed. Unless perhaps they have done some grievous crime.

I agree. I'm against the death penalty in most cases, but if we're discussing this dystopian future where one must die to save the rest, I will place the good of all above the good of one.

Would you die for the cause? Would you kill your father? Your friend?


You'd kill me to save someone else. insert Flynn Rider ouch How rude.

Going from Flynn Rider to Stephanie Tanner that fast gives me whiplash

@HighPockets group

If I had to kill a person to save the entire town, then yes, I would support the Lottery.

Hmm. Well I think people shouldn't be killed. Unless perhaps they have done some grievous crime.

I agree. I'm against the death penalty in most cases, but if we're discussing this dystopian future where one must die to save the rest, I will place the good of all above the good of one.

Would you die for the cause? Would you kill your father? Your friend?


You'd kill me to save someone else. insert Flynn Rider ouch How rude.

Going from Flynn Rider to Stephanie Tanner that fast gives me whiplash

That's what it's like when I'm in the living room with my little sister.

@HighPockets group

It'd be a noble death. Maybe you'd even count as a martyr.

That's not how martyrdom works. Honestly, Jynneth, I'm quite miffed that you would kill me.

I hope that if it came down to it, you would be selfless enough to kill me for the sake of others.

@Pickles group

It'd be a noble death. Maybe you'd even count as a martyr.

That's not how martyrdom works. Honestly, Jynneth, I'm quite miffed that you would kill me.

>Coming from the friend part or the father part?


with this whole 1 innocent to save 1000 more thing
…what if some of those 1000 people were also innocent?
should those individuals have to lose their lives all for one person, when they've done nothing to deserve it?

@HighPockets group

with this whole 1 innocent to save 1000 more thing
…what if some of those 1000 people were also innocent?
should those individuals have to lose their lives all for one person, when they've done nothing to deserve it?

Exactly, why should 1,000 innocents die to save one innocent? What makes the single person worth more?

Deleted user

If I had to kill a person to save the entire town, then yes, I would support the Lottery.

Hmm. Well I think people shouldn't be killed. Unless perhaps they have done some grievous crime.

I agree. I'm against the death penalty in most cases, but if we're discussing this dystopian future where one must die to save the rest, I will place the good of all above the good of one.

Would you die for the cause? Would you kill your father? Your friend?


You'd kill me to save someone else. insert Flynn Rider ouch How rude.

Personally, I'd kill you to save a larger group of people.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It'd be a noble death. Maybe you'd even count as a martyr.

That's not how martyrdom works. Honestly, Jynneth, I'm quite miffed that you would kill me.

I hope that if it came down to it, you would be selfless enough to kill me for the sake of others.

No I would absolutely not! It is not selfless to kill another!

Deleted user

But also? I'd kill a lot of you to save someone I know and really fucking love.
Not that I don't love y'all.
But, like, if it came down to killing my brother or 50 of you, I wouldn't kill my brother.

Deleted user

best case scenario I'd kill myself
then everyone else lives and I get to commit suicide? Goals.

@HighPockets group

It'd be a noble death. Maybe you'd even count as a martyr.

That's not how martyrdom works. Honestly, Jynneth, I'm quite miffed that you would kill me.

I hope that if it came down to it, you would be selfless enough to kill me for the sake of others.

No I would absolutely not! It is not selfless to kill another!

It's selfless to kill a friend to save the others. To care more about the world than for yourself. If you had to kill me or save 50 innocent lives, I hope to God that you choose to kill me.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It'd be a noble death. Maybe you'd even count as a martyr.

That's not how martyrdom works. Honestly, Jynneth, I'm quite miffed that you would kill me.

>Coming from the friend part or the father part?

Lol both Ig.

@HighPockets group

Dom, you seem to forget that not everyone is a novel protagonist with an intense inner moral dilemma.

Hey, not every novel protagonist has an intense moral dilemma!

@Pickles group

Mm, not quite. If we both agree that a fetus was indeed a fully-fledged human, then the parents would be the ones able to give consent, since parents are legally bound to do so with their children. So, if the parents consent, then legally the fetus-child also consents.

Ironically, the same happens for parents giving their children the said vaccines.

Oh yes. But according to that, the parents can give consent for the child in anything. Think about what that entails. Sure makes incest cases a lot more difficult.

No Dominic, you cannot give your child consent to do illegal things.

But then that means if it became legal, the parent could consent for the child.

Dom we are not talking about incest here. It's unrelated.

And yet you haven't answered yet. Sometimes a problem cannot be solved unless you go outside it. (Like the rule of Indirect Proof shows us. I love logic!)

I have a Thing to do, give me a bit and then I will if you wish

It is still very much rape. Legalizing incest ≠ legalizing rape. I had more to say but I can't remember