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people_alt 109 followers


Uh I think "stolen" is a little harsh. What else are the chickens gonna do with unfertilized eggs?

Well the point is that they are supposed to be fertilized. And if their not it's probably because humans interfered. But I eat fertilized eggs all the time. And without all that. I still would say stolen as we aren't exactly being nice and asking permission.

Why do you say they're supposed to be fertilized? It's not always due to human interference. (This next part might be gross for some, but) I'd like to point out the infertalized eggs that a hen will lay is the equivalent of a human period. In human and hens, if the egg isn't fertilized (aka if neither are impregnated) the bodies will dispose of the egg, because pregnancy didn't occur. Eggs are just chicken periods. The hens got rid of them on purpose. It's a natural process that occurs without human interaction. I hardly think it's considered stealing to take something their bodies purposely disposed of.
(Correct me if any information is wrong, I didn't google hen anatomy prior to this, but I'm pretty sure I'm not far off)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Uh I think "stolen" is a little harsh. What else are the chickens gonna do with unfertilized eggs?

Well the point is that they are supposed to be fertilized. And if their not it's probably because humans interfered. But I eat fertilized eggs all the time. And without all that. I still would say stolen as we aren't exactly being nice and asking permission.

Why do you say they're supposed to be fertilized? It's not always due to human interference. (This next part might be gross for some, but) I'd like to point out the infertalized eggs that a hen will lay is the equivalent of a human period. In human and hens, if the egg isn't fertilized (aka if neither are impregnated) the bodies will dispose of the egg, because pregnancy didn't occur. Eggs are just chicken periods. The hens got rid of them on purpose. It's a natural process that occurs without human interaction. I hardly think it's considered stealing to take something their bodies purposely disposed of.
(Correct me if any information is wrong, I didn't google hen anatomy prior to this, but I'm pretty sure I'm not far off)

I guess you have a point here. But in the spring/summer, they're programmed to be hatching eggs.
Nice talk though.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

Do they though? Because when a beekeeper takes the honey (to my knowledge) the bees must be fed with sugar water to last through the winter.


Back to the thing about cannibalism, and with envisioning a person walking around with an extreme urge to be eaten (for whatever reason that's not sexual and most definitely doesn't come from a healthy place). That scenario is equivalent to a person walking down the street with an urge to be shot in the arm. Neither of those are healthy desires because they cause pain and are damaging to one's physical body. If someone is craving physical pain, that's typically not okay. Of course I'm not going to indulge in their desire and assist with it, the same way I'm not going to shoot someone in the arm because they want to be shot in the arm.
Overall, we need a more solid reason for someone to want to be consumed.


Well see there we get to a more touchy (and more interesting) issue. Why stop self harm?

Maybe give us some reasons why someone shouldn't stop self-harm first?

@Pickles group

Farewell, Dominic. See you later, mayhaps.

Are you trying to imply that one of you is gonna die? Because those are the vibes I'm getting

@Moxie group

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

Do they though? Because when a beekeeper takes the honey (to my knowledge) the bees must be fed with sugar water to last through the winter.

I’m gonna need sources on that

@Anemone eco

Farewell, Dominic. See you later, mayhaps.

Are you trying to imply that one of you is gonna die? Because those are the vibes I'm getting

Well, not quite.

Deleted user

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

Do they though? Because when a beekeeper takes the honey (to my knowledge) the bees must be fed with sugar water to last through the winter.

I’m gonna need sources on that


@Moxie group

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

Do they though? Because when a beekeeper takes the honey (to my knowledge) the bees must be fed with sugar water to last through the winter.

I’m gonna need sources on that


Not the bee movie, I've seen the bee movie
You won't bamboozle me Miriam

Deleted user

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

Do they though? Because when a beekeeper takes the honey (to my knowledge) the bees must be fed with sugar water to last through the winter.

I’m gonna need sources on that


Not the bee movie, I've seen the bee movie
You won't bamboozle me Miriam

I have a strong sense that I successfully bamboozled you

@Moxie group

You did not.
I hovered over the link thingy and in the corner of my screen, it showed me that it was the bee movie script.
I know better than to just click on random links you hooligans post.


Because the thought of chopping part of yourself off so someone can monch should not be desirable

yeah exactly

anyway when do you want to come pick up my bones, they're still fresh

i know it's been more than a day since i made this joke but i just now remembered it was nie who was going to eat the crunchy bones and not pickles
so my joke failed

@Pickles group

Because the thought of chopping part of yourself off so someone can monch should not be desirable

yeah exactly

anyway when do you want to come pick up my bones, they're still fresh

i know it's been more than a day since i made this joke but i just now remembered it was nie who was going to eat the crunchy bones and not pickles
so my joke failed

Absolutely fucking NOT
You promised them to ME first. I will kill Nie for both sets of bones