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@Moxie group


Because the thought of chopping part of yourself off so someone can monch should not be desirable

Why not?

Cause its not natural?
Our goal as living things is to stay alive a really long time
Usually being eaten does not help you stay alive

@Moxie group

Okay yeah thats a good point.
But if we're talking about morality I think a human would be the most immoral thing to eat out of all the things that are considered edible. I mean think about how many people are vegetarian or won't even touch something made with animal products because its "inhumane". So by that logic you can imagine how even more inhumane it would be to eat someone of your same species.

Goddamnit Dominic why are you making me debate cannibalism on my birthday

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay yeah thats a good point.
But if we're talking about morality I think a human would be the most immoral thing to eat out of all the things that are considered edible. I mean think about how many people are vegetarian or won't even touch something made with animal products because its "inhumane". So by that logic you can imagine how even more inhumane it would be to eat someone of your same species.

Goddamnit Dominic why are you making me debate cannibalism on my birthday

Ah but doesn't that have to do with the stealing of a life? If the person was eaten by will or only partially and saved that would deflect such a problem.
evil laughter

Deleted user




@Moxie group

Okay yeah thats a good point.
But if we're talking about morality I think a human would be the most immoral thing to eat out of all the things that are considered edible. I mean think about how many people are vegetarian or won't even touch something made with animal products because its "inhumane". So by that logic you can imagine how even more inhumane it would be to eat someone of your same species.

Goddamnit Dominic why are you making me debate cannibalism on my birthday

Ah but doesn't that have to do with the stealing of a life? If the person was eaten by will or only partially and saved that would deflect such a problem.
evil laughter

Okay but what about veganism? Chickens don't die to lay eggs. Bees don't die to make money. Sheep aren't killed for their wool.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay yeah thats a good point.
But if we're talking about morality I think a human would be the most immoral thing to eat out of all the things that are considered edible. I mean think about how many people are vegetarian or won't even touch something made with animal products because its "inhumane". So by that logic you can imagine how even more inhumane it would be to eat someone of your same species.

Goddamnit Dominic why are you making me debate cannibalism on my birthday

Ah but doesn't that have to do with the stealing of a life? If the person was eaten by will or only partially and saved that would deflect such a problem.
evil laughter

Okay but what about veganism? Chickens don't die to lay eggs. Bees don't die to make money. Sheep aren't killed for their wool.

Point. But the eggs are stolen, so I think my point still stands unless you know of another reason that prompts vegans to act as they do.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Uh I think "stolen" is a little harsh. What else are the chickens gonna do with unfertilized eggs?

Well the point is that they are supposed to be fertilized. And if their not it's probably because humans interfered. But I eat fertilized eggs all the time. And without all that. I still would say stolen as we aren't exactly being nice and asking permission.

@Moxie group

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

@HighPockets group

Okay but honey is technically stolen but the bees actually benefit from beekeepers taking it because they make too much honey. We've all seen the Bee Movie people.

And then they sued us.