forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


I stan the Progenitor of Ace.
He sounds wonderful.

Anyone else get "Wears Oxfords Unironically" vibes?

And sweater vests.

slap table

Throw in a pocket protector.

Nope. All of that was my hs English teacher, also a good friend of my father, and the most chaotic man I have met to this day.

My dad wears regular white button-ups with a tie, slacks, and sneakers. That way he can go "incognito" in public since his students never see him in casual clothing.

@HighPockets group

I stan the Progenitor of Ace.
He sounds wonderful.

Anyone else get "Wears Oxfords Unironically" vibes?

And sweater vests.

slap table

Throw in a pocket protector.

Nope. All of that was my hs English teacher, also a good friend of my father, and the most chaotic man I have met to this day.

My dad wears regular white button-ups with a tie, slacks, and sneakers. That way he can go "incognito" in public since his students never see him in casual clothing.

hs English teachers are either super boring or super chaotic and there's no in-between.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I stan the Progenitor of Ace.
He sounds wonderful.

Anyone else get "Wears Oxfords Unironically" vibes?

And sweater vests.

slap table

Throw in a pocket protector.

Nope. All of that was my hs English teacher, also a good friend of my father, and the most chaotic man I have met to this day.

My dad wears regular white button-ups with a tie, slacks, and sneakers. That way he can go "incognito" in public since his students never see him in casual clothing.

hs English teachers are either super boring or super chaotic and there's no in-between.

My English teacher is absolutely chaotic

Deleted user

I stan the Progenitor of Ace.
He sounds wonderful.

Anyone else get "Wears Oxfords Unironically" vibes?

And sweater vests.

slap table

Throw in a pocket protector.

Nope. All of that was my hs English teacher, also a good friend of my father, and the most chaotic man I have met to this day.

My dad wears regular white button-ups with a tie, slacks, and sneakers. That way he can go "incognito" in public since his students never see him in casual clothing.

Im almost offended that he doesnt wear oxfords.

Tell him I insist he take up the practice.


I stan the Progenitor of Ace.
He sounds wonderful.

Anyone else get "Wears Oxfords Unironically" vibes?

And sweater vests.

slap table

Throw in a pocket protector.

Nope. All of that was my hs English teacher, also a good friend of my father, and the most chaotic man I have met to this day.

My dad wears regular white button-ups with a tie, slacks, and sneakers. That way he can go "incognito" in public since his students never see him in casual clothing.

Im almost offended that he doesnt wear oxfords.

Tell him I insist he take up the practice.

Well he owns a pair, he just only wears them on special occasions cuz they make his feet hurt, even with those gelatin foot pad-cushions


My English teacher is super sweet, knits during class, and takes any excuse to let us watch Star Trek. I love him

That's adorable. I love him too.

@Pickles group

a lot of my friends know about y'all and I'm pretty sure my brother is tired of hearing about someone named Pickles lmao

:O you talk about me?

@Pickles group

My English teacher is super sweet, knits during class, and takes any excuse to let us watch Star Trek. I love him

That's adorable. I love him too.

I'm gonna miss him


My English teacher played dnd and apparently there was an assignment where you had to make your own dnd character
I didn't get to do it cuz it was a sophomore assignment and I'm still a freshman

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My English teacher is super sweet, knits during class, and takes any excuse to let us watch Star Trek. I love him

See here's one that isn't a bore or a god of chaos. Like my Prof, Gutierrez. Really chill guy, brings donuts (and for one night class that I sadly couldn't get it, pizza) and let us make a game instead of doing the fourth paper of the class, loves Smash Bros, and will spend a minute or two just chilling with students in the cafe.


a lot of my friends know about y'all and I'm pretty sure my brother is tired of hearing about someone named Pickles lmao

:O you talk about me?

I talk about everyone cuz y'all are chaotic and it makes me happy

@Pickles group

He also graduated from a nearby (ish) Christian college that I'm not sure I'm allowed to say, but it's pretty well known if you're a Christian in Ohio, and gave us puzzles at the beginning of every class and made the tests super easy cause we were a CP class

@Pickles group

a lot of my friends know about y'all and I'm pretty sure my brother is tired of hearing about someone named Pickles lmao

:O you talk about me?

I talk about everyone cuz y'all are chaotic and it makes me happy


Deleted user

I stan the Progenitor of Ace.
He sounds wonderful.

Anyone else get "Wears Oxfords Unironically" vibes?

And sweater vests.

slap table

Throw in a pocket protector.

Nope. All of that was my hs English teacher, also a good friend of my father, and the most chaotic man I have met to this day.

My dad wears regular white button-ups with a tie, slacks, and sneakers. That way he can go "incognito" in public since his students never see him in casual clothing.

Im almost offended that he doesnt wear oxfords.

Tell him I insist he take up the practice.

Well he owns a pair, he just only wears them on special occasions cuz they make his feet hurt, even with those gelatin foot pad-cushions

I am satisfied with this fact actually. Especially the "gelatin foot pad-cushions"
Eris is pleased

@Mojack group

Hey so I thought this might be the sort of chat to put this here, since it has A LOT to do with politics - given that politics usually result in a debate (although I’m unsure of any debate questions as of this time, so if anyone thinks some up, i just want to try and spread awareness with what’s going on right now and given the situation right now is incredibly disheartening to someone who’s been following the situation for several months now..)

With COVID19 on the news (and not saying that’s not important, it’s just other things aren’t as known because the pandemic is the main subject) other topics haven’t really been able to be seen unless you’re looking for them.

Hong Kong is a place which has reached the news many times, although I haven’t seen it on my country’s news that much. However, I’ve been following the situation since sometime last year (at least a bit before September 2019) and it has been going on for a long time.
In case you are unfamiliar, the events I’m speaking about here are the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests, more information can be read here–20_Hong_Kong_protests
As well on the Hong Kong subreddit, located here
(Just be careful with sources)

The protests have been going on for 6 or so months, most of the protests that have been happening are very consecutive
The protesters only have five demands, all of which can be read here

There are many, many reasons why you should care about Hong Kong (even if you don’t live there.)
As of recently (today or yesterday,) China is planning to pass a security law. This would mean the CPC is basically bypassing the Hong Kong legislature, forcing HK to function like mainland China. A CNN article here explains it a lot better than I can.

Basically, this security law could prove to be the end of Hong Kong if it goes by. And with the pandemic going on, people would be less willing to participate in a mass protest. (Arguably, 2047 is the end of Hong Kong, again an article could probably word it better than myself)

Here is a reddit post which displays ways that you can help Hong Kong from abroad;