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@HighPockets group

Ugh, how dare Suzanne Collins indoctrinate the children into caring about their siblings and helping take care of their depressed mother? It's anti-family, I say! Anti-family!!!

Maybe they're angry that the cat is like, the first one introduced

Pushing the feline agenda of demanding treats and having a preferred owner. Truly sad to see. Think of the children!

@Starfast group

I'm reading through these lists and they're wild. Apparently The Hunger Games is anti-family??? despite the entire plot happening because Katniss loves her sister so much that she's willing to die for her???

There's something that's so funny to me about people who just drastically miss the point of certain books like this. Apparently Fahrenheit 451 was also banned at one point. It doesn't matter why, but you really have to appreciate the irony of banning a book that's about banning books.

@HighPockets group

I'm reading through these lists and they're wild. Apparently The Hunger Games is anti-family??? despite the entire plot happening because Katniss loves her sister so much that she's willing to die for her???

There's something that's so funny to me about people who just drastically miss the point of certain books like this. Apparently Fahrenheit 451 was also banned at one point. It doesn't matter why, but you really have to appreciate the irony of banning a book that's about banning books.

Exactly. I genuinely do not believe that most of them even read the books they ban.

@Pickles group

We all know they read the SparkNotes or something similar. And didn't read ahead when writing the first movie
And then had the AUDACITY to tell whoever it was right before a q&a to say he read all the books. Only to have him and the entire cast completely embarrass themselves when they got a question about blue food.
But that's off topic

@Pickles group

Areadersworld has at least one video on it. She also did a dramatic reading of Rick's emails and I can't. I love her

Deleted user

Th amount of people my age that cannot take care of themselves tells me "yes Americans are stupid sheltered"


Not only are we ridiculously sheltered but the number of people my age the believe all of the propaganda that has been pumped into us from a young age is astonishing. In the middle of my history class we were talking about how the 13 colonizes rebelled and I said something along the lines of "You know they weren't really that justified." And the entire class looked at me like I was crazy, the responses included things like "But we had like no rights." Like my dudes, we had more right's then the majority of the people living in England, we had this thing called religious freedom, also we could say, "Yo dude, that's my land now" and just own lots of land, and just kinda build stuff and build it, we were so free you could get away with most crimes and be fine England didn't really care, they just sent all of their prisoners over, it was kinda expected
. "But our tea bro, they taxed it." …. Honey no, just no. We threw tea in the ocean because Taxes on tea were lowered, yah. We got mad because people started buying actual English tea from the English (Sorta, It was from India but it's fine) and not the Tea that we smuggled in. Honestly that's the most America thing we've ever done, start a war over smuggling becoming less profitable.
"But like, Taxation with out Representation." … Guy's We were paying for a war that we asked England to fight for us. We were like, 'Heyyyyyy the Frenchies are like trying to take the land we have all the rights to because you know… we're white… and have guns… so could you like come fight them off." and the British were like, "Ugh, Fine but Ya'll better help pay for it." and then the British were like, "Ok we beat up the French and gave all of their land to Spain well except Canada we kept Canada, but we broke now so pay up." And we said "… You want us to pay for the war that we asked for Gasp Why would we do that?!" British:".. Because we fought the french for you?" The Colonies:"… REVOLUTION!"
Don't even get me started on their opinions of the French revolution. I will just say that if you think that murdering innocent children is justified you are a sick twisted discussing monster.
In conclusion, as an American kid, we are sheltered as all heck, we've been stuffed full of so much propaganda and Nationalism we vomit Red, White, and Blue. It disgusts me.

Deleted user

Americans are so sheltered now adays.

Are you sure about that. I mean, I am. (Which I am more than fine with.) But based on the conversion yesterday(? What is time?) I would say not.

Dom, teenagers having yiffy wiffy has little to nothing to do with how sheltered we are as Americans.

Deleted user

go for it

because I have Follow Up Thoughts on how the American school system is a crock pot full of boiling shit

@HighPockets group

Okay so
The average English curriculum is a fucking mess, we're learning grammar in 10th grade that I learned back in 7th grade. My school doesn't have honors options or an AP option for English 10 despite having one for 9th grade. This year (not even discussing quarantine) we've read two books. Two. We read Night and then did a small group book, and we're finishing out the year with a play (A Raisin in the Sun, it was supposed to be M-cbeth). What else have we done? We spent weeks doing short stories (despite there being a creative writing class that you can take), an informative essay, and a TED Talk. That's it.

I hate the way that classics are taught, how they'll just toss you a classic and a glossary and tell you to read. I hate that they try to shove reading, grammar, creative writing, and anything else vaguely English related into one class and then we end up trying to balance it all and learn nothing. I hate that we're still reviewing basic grammar in high school (one of my friends took normal English 9 and literally had to take a test on there, their, and they're). Ugh, it's just a mess.

@HighPockets group

I'm not sure if I agree with the "English shouldn't be a required course post-certain grade" stance, but I'm open to having my mind changed on that.

@Mojack group

Ayo this is definitely rooted from a conversation I had on twitter but is saying that you wouldn’t/prefer not to date a trans person transphobic?? twitter gets really heated with this question,, wanted to come here and ask it instead

I personally believe it can be depending on your reasoning behind it. Like you may accept trans people for who they are anyways, you just wouldn’t date them (but you’d be friends with them) and that’s okay in my book. What wouldn’t be fine is not dating them because they’re not a real woman/man…

..Because they are valid but that’s not really a valid reason to not date them. There’s a lot of other reasons too, but those are just two I thought of right off the top of my head