forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 109 followers


While we'll still have our own beliefs, we'll understand each other's beliefs better and why we believe such things
Then we're not just being blatantly against what other people believe without knowing much about it

Deleted user

So, at about 3 am last night, I came to the decision that I don't want to be in a 'debate' about our religions. Like I keep saying, there's no 'right' thing to practice.
So… Yeah.
Respect mine and I'll respect yours.

@HighPockets group

Mir, is there a way to fix a crystal that has a chip in it? I think I've talked about my quartz necklace before (a six-sided clear quartz crystal that I sort of pretend is a kyber crystal because I'm a nerd) and it got chipped somehow, and I'm scared that more will break.

Deleted user

I don't imagine it'll cause any more to break. But you can use a file to even it out of put a bit of clay on the chip for support.

Deleted user

Clear nail polish works the best. Maintains the shine too!

Deleted user

is sad that we aren't talking about stuff

then debate dude
we believe in you