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@HighPockets group

I'm sorry, but if you're getting turned on while reading that, the issue is not with the book.
In this case, anyways. There are authors who romanticize

but I've read Speak and it definitely does not.

@HighPockets group

I'm reading through these lists and they're wild. Apparently The Hunger Games is anti-family??? despite the entire plot happening because Katniss loves her sister so much that she's willing to die for her??? And apparently Saga is anti-family too, and while I haven't read it yet, isn't it about a couple that's literally on the run because they love each other and aren't allowed to be together due to laws? How much more pro-family can you get than "I'm so devoted to my siblings that I would give my life for them" and "I would risk it all to be with the person I love"? People baffle me sometimes, they really do.

@Anemone eco

The graphic novel is amazing, some of the best art I've seen in one.

Agreed. I really did love the graphic novel and the regular version. I recommended it to almost everyone I knew because it has a special place in my heart among literature.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And all practitioners find their craft logical.

Are you saying you believe in it because feelings?

Not at all (except subconsciously). It sounded like you were saying that with "We believe because it makes sense to us in our hearts, our souls. This is how we connect to a greater ''consciousness''".

@HighPockets group

I would chime in about the books, but you guys seem to have a good handle on it. No sex scenes until college I'd say.

So high schoolers shouldn't be taught 1984 because of the sex? I think that the message is important enough to warrant it being allowed.

@HighPockets group

Also I feel like banning teaching books with sexual content from being taught would definitely devolve into a slippery slope situation (sorry for using that fallacy lol), seeing as people are already banning books that include

queer characters, books that deal with teenage coming-of-age and sexual awakening, and sometimes even just books that include kissing (apparently someone tried to ban The Hunger Games for "sexual content" when the most sexual thing in the book is Peeta and Katniss's few kisses) under the vague banner of "sexual content".

@HighPockets group

Yep. Also, the aforementioned "anti-family"
And the violence and stuff, but even then I don't see why you'd ban it, especially at a high-school level. My Catholic K-8 had multiple copies of the series, but you needed to be in middle school to check it out.

Deleted user

Americans are so sheltered now adays.
christ alive

@HighPockets group

I literally cannot imagine the thought processes of the book banners. Like, are you really that angry that books about queer people exist? And that teens sometimes swear and have sex? Are you that upset, Karen? I think you might need some help.

@Anemone eco

Honestly. My Australian friend was afraid to say anything to me for a while when she first me because of how sheltered and sensitive she knows Americans are.

@Pickles group

he is risen indeed
How terrible that these children who are already having sex would read about kissing. Truly appalling, what has our country come to, it's very good that it was banned. They shouldn't be allowed to read about some manipulative kisses

@HighPockets group

Ugh, how dare Suzanne Collins indoctrinate the children into caring about their siblings and helping take care of their depressed mother? It's anti-family, I say! Anti-family!!!

@Pickles group

Honestly. My Australian friend was afraid to say anything to me for a while when she first me because of how sheltered and sensitive she knows Americans are.

Are we really that sheltered though? Like, adults like to think we are, but they also barely know how to work the internet
Then again, they also like to think that we're all super rebellious and all doing the nasty all the time

@Pickles group

Ugh, how dare Suzanne Collins indoctrinate the children into caring about their siblings and helping take care of their depressed mother? It's anti-family, I say! Anti-family!!!

Maybe they're angry that the cat is like, the first one introduced