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people_alt 109 followers


I guess with the crystals because we sort of left off on that
I don't believe you can 'charge' crystals or that they have any actual effect on anything? They're basically pretty rocks and as far as I can tell, do nothing
We've got a few random crystals laying around from various vacations, but none of them do anything?
Like, supposedly some give good luck, but if my shit luck is any indicator, they haven't helped

@Moxie group

Okay I’ll say this. I am Christian. I am pretty Christian. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I take my faith pretty seriously. But. I also have a lot of friends that practice witchy religions (that doesn’t sound right but idk how else to put it). And I don’t think they’re ridiculous. Why? Because I realize how ridiculous my faith sounds to some people. And I’ve had friends tell me to my face. Really good friends. And it hurt. And after I sat with that I decided that if someone (who’s opinion I value) puts a lot of energy and belief into something it must not be that ridiculous, and I’m gonna respect it.


K? I mean, these crystals are supposedly a big part of your religion. Surely you can explain why you believe you can charge them, how you do so, or why you think they have certain abilities?

Deleted user

What am I supposed to say? You don't believe in crystas. I do. You believe in a man that lives in the sky. I don't.

If this is about convincing each other our religions are the 'right' ones, I'm out.


I feel like this debate mostly just comes down to religion and beliefs. It doesn't matter what you think but you still have to respect it. It's not like religion is super backed up by science and all that stuff and crystals are very much a part of Mir's religion.

Deleted user

I understand that, but what am I supposed to say? Like I said:

You don't believe in crystas. I do. You believe in a man that lives in the sky. I don't.


God is not exactly just "a man that lives in the sky"
Technically speaking, heaven is not a physical place, and God is not a physical person
The trinity, like a lot of things, is difficult to explain
I'm not going to sit here and say I'm a theologian or an expert on Christianity
I can only go off of what I know and have learned, and I don't have all the answers
But I'm really just curious about your religion
Obviously, it's different than mine and has very different beliefs
I don't know why you believe crystals have any sort of powers, or how you can charge an inanimate object. That's why I'm asking

Deleted user

Well, I can definitely explain some concepts to you

Deleted user

I think we all believe in religion because of logic.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I feel like this debate mostly just comes down to religion and beliefs. It doesn't matter what you think but you still have to respect it. It's not like religion is super backed up by science and all that stuff and crystals are very much a part of Mir's religion.

A religion that cannot be argued for seems unlikely. I respect things because some believe in them, but that's because of the person. I think Mir's crystals are…
But she also hasn't made a case for them so…

Deleted user

I have to go so I'm going to make this very short and choppy–

Well, crystals are simple. The basic idea is that they give off energies and 'vibrations.' That's how most Wiccans use them.
There's many ways to charge them. The purpose is to essentially recharge them, like you would with an electronic.
If that's what you meant, I guess.
Kinda tired. Confused.

I gotta go try to sleep. Any other Wiccans can definitely elaborate on this, I know there's more of y'all~~


But where do the energies come from? I think we agree that crystals aren't alive, but if some supernatural being or something is giving inanimate objects energy, that isn't really any more likely than a man in the sky making people, is it?

Deleted user

But to be honest, these religion debates are kinda dumb. We're still gonna have our own beliefs.

Now goodnight, kiddos.

@Anemone eco

(I would contribute to this debate, but I fear I wouldn't be able to say anything right, so I'll just watch.)