forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Pickles group

My cat likes to come over and try to get to my food when she sees me get a plate and go over to the couch. It's really hard to eat that way


I don’t know why but cats seem to really like cheese flavored things?

Whenever I’m eating snacks in my room I’ve noticed that Ms. Gibbwit Da Nibwit becomes way more interested in foods containing cheese
Her all time favorite is Cheez-its, followed by nacho cheese Doritos and puffy cheetos

For some reason though she doesn’t like goldfish, regular Chex mix, potato chips, or cool ranch Doritos


(note: i’m not actually feeding my cat these snacks. they’re mine, i don’t even share with humans, I just notice she becomes more interested and tries to paw at my hand or bowl more with certain foods)

@Pickles group

My cat likes cheese sticks, turkey sticks, everyone's water but her own, leftover food anywhere, food dropped on the floor, and rice cakes

@Mojack group

One of my cats really likes cheezies.

He also goes after pretty much everything. In his previous home, he once stole a steak from a counter after the person left it unattended.

A steak.

Deleted user

Sounds about right for that a b s o l u t e u n i t o f a l a d

just read this and jynnie I'm in tears

@chaos_generator_13 language

Sounds about right for that a b s o l u t e u n i t o f a l a d

just read this and jynnie I'm in tears

My cat is trying to eat my blanket right not, and when I try to stop him, he bites me. I think it's time to get a fish.

Deleted user

oh my god y'all I have a video for you

it's of hershey so I know you'll like it

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

pickles you ho

yeah you got a problem

send me more memes ho

i have homework that's due at midnight that I've been procrastinating for two and a half days let me finish it first

you put the ho in homework

But can anyone hear put the sexy in dyslexia? Holy schist I spelled it right first try.

@HighPockets group

Give us the sweet sweet meme juice

Well you broke your Pinterest account so I'm not the one at fault here lmao

Oh so that's what happened.

It got blocked on my chromebook, so I went to the library and deactivated it on their wifi.