forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

I want to go to Starbucks and sit in the tall tables by the windows and drink cold frappucinos.
I want to go to the mall and waste time in RagStock and Hot Topic and the photobooths.
I want to go on late night Old Navy and Hobby Lobby runs.
I want to go to the library on Saturdays and then walk around in the streets.
I want to go downtown and walk by the river and past the brick buildings and shops.
I want to go to parties where we spend the night falling in love with people we'll never see again.
I want to go to school and sneak out of classes and watch kids have their lockers raided for drugs in the halls.
I want to go to the Tainter Theater and take pictures and listen to the ghost stories while someone plays piano.
I want this to be fucking over.

Deleted user

I love B&N
The one by my house has comfy suede couches in the cafe area

@Pickles group

I plan on applying there or at the library. It'll depend on how I can or can't get there.

Oh yeah. I forgot about the library

@HighPockets group

I want to kill time at the library. I want to bike there and see my friends, and buy cookies from the little shop and eat them while loitering in the hallways since it's not allowed inside. I want to get up early and go garage saling with my mom and my aunt, and get snacks from Kwik Trip as we drive to some other town. I want to go to Door County and watch a show in the woods after a day of biking in the park and a fish boil. I want to take the ferry to Washington Island and go to the lavender farm and the little bookshop up there. I want to go back to my clubs and extracurriculars.

@Pickles group

I want to go back to guard just because I like throwing things in the air. I want to sit above dlm with my friends while we talk about teachers and pretend to study for exams which is something I was fully planning on doing this year and now I can't. I want to go to a coffee shop and just sit and read and eat a cookie while I ignore my schoolwork
Ignoring my schoolwork doesn't have the same appeal at home than it does somewhere cool

@Moxie group

I want to take stupid videos of my friends across the classroom.
I want to hide from my teacher for the chance to talk to my friends for just a few more minutes.
I want to walk around the school in circles with my friend and talk about our days.
I want to drive too fast and yell at morning commuters.
I want to sit on the beaten-down carpet of my bookstore and browse books for hours.
I want to find hidden gems in thrift stores.
I want to drink milky iced tea at Peets and let the sun filter through the window on me while I do homework.
I want to laugh with my friends and casually throw my arm over their shoulders.
I want a reason to wear jeans.
I want to show off the clothes I'm wearing.
I want my bed to be relief, not just one more place to go.
I want to walk on the beach and shiver in my hoodie as I stand there and watch the waves.
I want to drink way-too expensive coffee and eat donuts.
I want to stop being trapped.
I want to go back to life.

Deleted user

I want to smile and laugh with other people in real life.
I want to experience that rush of love I get for everyone around me as they interact with me and smile at me and meet my eyes.
I want to go to the mall and go dress shopping with my friends and show off the dresses I can wear to prom.
I want to go to prom with my junior friends and be the laughing, happy “date” for my friend who is graduating this year.
I want to experience band class as a hopeful drum major, not have the stress of auditioning and finding out who else is doing it ripped away from me.
I want to pick spring music and guess our summer show with the band.
I want to hug my friends again.
I want to make solid eye contact and look away awkwardly when caught staring.
I want to see everyone, even the people I claim to hate.
I want the stupid, petty drama of high school. I want my friends telling me their life, I want to hear about their relationships, I want to hear about their prom dresses being too small.
I want to laugh with my friends and boyfriend, so hard we can’t breathe. I want to feel the gentle touch of love and tuck my head away into the neck of the one I love.

I want this to be over.

@Pickles group

At least I won't be with a singular friend at prom. Because none of my friends are old enough and I can only bring one "date"

@Moxie group

Fuck I want to go to prom

I'm not a prom/party person but it must fucking suck to be missing senior prom, I'm sorry for you :(

Thank you 😭

Deleted user

Mox idk why it didnt occur to me that you drive

I mean it is kind of a new development

Its more like–since I've adopted you as my sister, you are now the age of my other sisters.
So when I read it I was like "Mox is four she can't drive."

And then I realized how ridiculous that was

@Moxie group

Mox idk why it didnt occur to me that you drive

I mean it is kind of a new development

Its more like–since I've adopted you as my sister, you are now the age of my other sisters.
So when I read it I was like "Mox is four she can't drive."

And then I realized how ridiculous that was

I mean I get that logic
Okay Eris prepare yourself

I’m gonna be 18 in a month and I’m going off to college in August

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just want out.
I want to be able to run around downtown with a friend and try to help her with her photography.
I want to see the stupid people at college where I can hear dumb jokes and trade words with a professor.
I want to sit in an actual classroom and lose my mind and fiddle with my chair because I can't listen.
I want to meet all the new people in my classes and tick off another quarter where I am a student that will be the one that's remembered by the teachers and students alike.
I want to have a chance to say goodbye to some people I might never see again.
I want to be able to hug my friends goodbye and hello everyday. Hell, I just want to be touched.
I want to be able to cry a little when Josh insists we can't get close to each other because he's been exposed.
I want to be able to have long talks on the roof of a building with Mikayla and try to sort through her problems.
I want to meet up with my Friday school pals and just do something together.
I want to go swimming with my friends that live five miles away.
I want to be able to go to my probably last dance.
I want to sleep over with a friend and know that I'm needed.
I want to prepare with certainty for long hours at the fair booth where I'll be wanted in the chaos.
But most of all? I just want to be out.

Deleted user

this whole conversation is actually making me cry tbh.

Deleted user

but for real… If I'd known what all this was gonna turn into… I would have said goodbye for longer to so many people and done some things just one more time before this.