forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So have you all heard about the individuals protesting in DC that are saying things like "Those who would give up liberty to purchase safety deserve neither" and "my constitutional rights are essential"?
That then poses the question do you think our American rights are being taken away right now, or are circumstances different because we're in the middle of a global pandemic?

Nah but I get the picture.

Deleted user

Zero rights are being taken away.
No if martial law was called to ''''''enforce'''''' this quarantine–then I'd have a problem

Deleted user

imagine stepping out of your house and a 12 year old kid with a yellow belt just dropkicks you

@HighPockets group

I think it all sort of ties into the freedom v. security debate. I agree with Eris in that I do not see restrictions as my rights being infringed on; even if I'm personally upset about not being able to go to the store, I understand that this is a situation in which what I want is detrimental to the larger picture. And also with what she said, I'm against a strictly enforced quarantine (unless for whatever reason there's an absolutely massive spike in cases).

Deleted user

Yeah I hate the quarantine. You guys are the reason I'm still alive.

I've had approximately 14 suicidal episodes and 2 self harm relapses so far

Deleted user

INFJ–I literally thrive on being alone in my head and even so im a little twitchy.


the quarantine's honestly been amazing for me, it's like normal, except i have people i can talk to and laugh with and all sorts of resources, content, hobby ideas, etc that can keep me busy

@HighPockets group

I'm definitely not doing as bad as I could be; I'm really not a very social person in general and I don't really go anywhere in my free time except for the library and some bookstores. Plus I'm fairly used to do school online (and I'm actually trying this time, so there's that.)

@Pickles group

I'm upset that I can't go to the dollar store and Walmart, or just go out and drive and blast show tunes, but I'm literally fine other than that. It's pretty nice, actually. I don't mind not seeing other people. I mostly just talk to y'all anyways is 80 something percent introverted

@HighPockets group

I'm used to going on weekly bookstore trips (I know I'm mentioning the bookstore a lot, but bookstores give me a sense of calm I don't get anywhere else, except for the library) with my dad and wow I really miss just being able to go on a car ride in the dark and listen to music.


i want to go to the mall.
i want to temporarily surprise adopt my best friend, bring her there, and then just walk around, try some teas, show her the Ultimate Almighty Weeb Central, cuddle the puppies at the shelter… you know, good stuff
that sounds like the best day ever and i've never been able to do that before
however, regardless of this quarantine, we can't go for a while longer, so i can't be too upset

@HighPockets group

Madison has a really nice amount of book stores, there's two Barnes and Nobles and two Half Price Books stores, and a really nice indie one on the west side. I miss Gamestop, they usually had the best figure selection, and Target. And the little indie action figure shops, I'd been meaning to go to one in Baraboo for a while but now who knows if it'll even reopen. That's the worst part, I think. Even once this is all done, some places will be gone for good.

@Pickles group

I wanna go to Barnes and Noble
if I lived closer to one, I'd apply there. Then again, hobby lobby is about the same distance. Hmm