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@Moxie group

Tell me about it. Tell me about it. I'm never gonna see a lot of people again. I'm never gonna see the campus I was at for two years again.
Listing them all out is too much
I'm never gonna get to do a lot of things again

Deleted user

Mox idk why it didnt occur to me that you drive

I mean it is kind of a new development

Its more like–since I've adopted you as my sister, you are now the age of my other sisters.
So when I read it I was like "Mox is four she can't drive."

And then I realized how ridiculous that was

I mean I get that logic
Okay Eris prepare yourself

I’m gonna be 18 in a month and I’m going off to college in August

ugly gasp

Deleted user


It's not the end of anything. You don't have to say 'goodbye' to all those things you love. They will still be there when all of this is over. Even better is that they will be waiting for you to return. Ready and primed for you to smile and laugh at the most minuscule things.
You don't have to say goodbye because it's not goodbye
There's never a goodbye.

Part of becoming an adult is letting go of things you love for the time being as you in your heart need time and space to grow. The universe is taking this time to remind all of us what is special to our hearts so we take it all seriously and nothing for granted. It's not goodbye, it's just a "ta for now" while I go experience something that will chance my life. That will help me grow. Because even though this situation sucks and it's hard we are all collectively, as humans, learning what it is to cherish the times we have together. The emotion that had been lost by callous times will come back in full force ans build from there.

Lets not forget how much you all are learning about yourselves as well. This is all a growing experience and you cant let it beat you down into the ground. So you're going to miss your senior prom–yea that really blows–by all of college is ahead of you that's full of experiences that are so much more meaningful than a dance with people you're probably not ever really going to talk to again. It's not the last time you'll be around friends, and I guarantee that it wont be the last time you look hot in dress–or tux–and certainly wont be the last time you dance. You may miss the chance to play your music and prove yourself to be the best, but that isnt the last chance…it's the first of many and you have to understand that you will triumph again and again as long as you let go of what's been taken from you. The universe took it, to give you something better. Who knows what the specifics are right now, but the time you have been given to grow yourself from the inside out, discover a new hobby, pick up an old hobby, strut your stuff by taking on more responsibilities is time that you will never have again. So take this opportunity and make it something that you can look back on and say "hell yea. I grew." even if it's just learning how to do the splits like my best friend and I are doing.

It doesnt have to be serious….but it has to be a journey that makes you feel more like you. We are all Kings and Queens of our own lives, but remember….one is never born King, or born Queen.

They become King.
They become Queen.

That's what all this life is all about, you know?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom you're gonna make me cry because I feel that so hard

this whole conversation is actually making me cry tbh.

Yeah. I feel like it almost is a time to cry. "I will not say 'do not weep' for not all tears are evil."


I just want to not be home right now. my family's great but it's kinda suffocating sometimes and I need my alone time but there's none of that since no one can go out
also I was supposed to be getting my driver's permit like a month ago and for the record, driving is terrifying, but the idea of it is so refreshing and I was kinda ready for ittt

@HighPockets group


It's not the end of anything. You don't have to say 'goodbye' to all those things you love. They will still be there when all of this is over. Even better is that they will be waiting for you to return. Ready and primed for you to smile and laugh at the most minuscule things.
You don't have to say goodbye because it's not goodbye
There's never a goodbye.

Part of becoming an adult is letting go of things you love for the time being as you in your heart need time and space to grow. The universe is taking this time to remind all of us what is special to our hearts so we take it all seriously and nothing for granted. It's not goodbye, it's just a "ta for now" while I go experience something that will chance my life. That will help me grow. Because even though this situation sucks and it's hard we are all collectively, as humans, learning what it is to cherish the times we have together. The emotion that had been lost by callous times will come back in full force ans build from there.

Lets not forget how much you all are learning about yourselves as well. This is all a growing experience and you cant let it beat you down into the ground. So you're going to miss your senior prom–yea that really blows–by all of college is ahead of you that's full of experiences that are so much more meaningful than a dance with people you're probably not ever really going to talk to again. It's not the last time you'll be around friends, and I guarantee that it wont be the last time you look hot in dress–or tux–and certainly wont be the last time you dance. You may miss the chance to play your music and prove yourself to be the best, but that isnt the last chance…it's the first of many and you have to understand that you will triumph again and again as long as you let go of what's been taken from you. The universe took it, to give you something better. Who knows what the specifics are right now, but the time you have been given to grow yourself from the inside out, discover a new hobby, pick up an old hobby, strut your stuff by taking on more responsibilities is time that you will never have again. So take this opportunity and make it something that you can look back on and say "hell yea. I grew." even if it's just learning how to do the splits like my best friend and I are doing.

It doesnt have to be serious….but it has to be a journey that makes you feel more like you. We are all Kings and Queens of our own lives, but remember….one is never born King, or born Queen.

They become King.
They become Queen.

That's what all this life is all about, you know?

I needed to hear that. Even without the context of the quarantine, I needed that.

@Pickles group

Pickles, you hellish, accursed fiend, I am the dramatic one D:

No. Stop coming for my brand

Twas my brand first and foremost.

Fucking bet. I've been dramatic since before you were even conceived

@HighPockets group

Pickles, you hellish, accursed fiend, I am the dramatic one D:

No. Stop coming for my brand

Twas my brand first and foremost.

Fucking bet. I've been dramatic since before you were even conceived

I was weeks late to my own birth, and still managed to be born on a holiday.

@Pickles group

Pickles, you hellish, accursed fiend, I am the dramatic one D:

No. Stop coming for my brand

Twas my brand first and foremost.

Fucking bet. I've been dramatic since before you were even conceived

I was weeks late to my own birth, and still managed to be born on a holiday.

You can't be late to your own birth, you came later than a doctor predicted and even that wasn't your choice. Even then, I was born much earlier than you

@HighPockets group

Pickles, you hellish, accursed fiend, I am the dramatic one D:

No. Stop coming for my brand

Twas my brand first and foremost.

Fucking bet. I've been dramatic since before you were even conceived

I was weeks late to my own birth, and still managed to be born on a holiday.

You can't be late to your own birth, you came later than a doctor predicted and even that wasn't your choice. Even then, I was born much earlier than you

I was supposed to be born on St. Patrick's Day, wasn't, and then was born on April Fool's Day. If being due on a day of good luck and being born on a day of pranks and foolery isn't dramatic (and relevant to my life thusfar), I'm not sure what it.

@Pickles group

Pickles, you hellish, accursed fiend, I am the dramatic one D:

No. Stop coming for my brand

Twas my brand first and foremost.

Fucking bet. I've been dramatic since before you were even conceived

I was weeks late to my own birth, and still managed to be born on a holiday.

You can't be late to your own birth, you came later than a doctor predicted and even that wasn't your choice. Even then, I was born much earlier than you

I was supposed to be born on St. Patrick's Day, wasn't, and then was born on April Fool's Day. If being due on a day of good luck and being born on a day of pranks and foolery isn't dramatic (and relevant to my life thusfar), I'm not sure what it.

You can't be late to your own birth, you came later than a doctor predicted and even that wasn't your choice. Even then, I was born much earlier than you