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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A very basic run down
Palm Sunday:
Jesus: shows up
Everyone :DDD YAY
Good Friday:
Jesus: stayed
Everyone: KILL HIM
Easter (Also Sunday):
Jesus: Surprise I'm back

I'm considering making an Ask the Christians Chat. Anyone think that could be a thing?


My city was bombed twice accidentally in WW2

Deleted user

My city's name sounds like Sandwich

Wait what?

The city I live in sounds like Sandwich. Lol that's pretty self explanatory Dom :P

Deleted user

I just live in Orlando, we love ourselves a tourist trap

Deleted user

A very basic run down
Palm Sunday:
Jesus: shows up
Everyone :DDD YAY
Good Friday:
Jesus: stayed
Everyone: KILL HIM
Easter (Also Sunday):
Jesus: Surprise I'm back

I'm considering making an Ask the Christians Chat. Anyone think that could be a thing?

Please do!

Deleted user

I also present: Pikes Place Market and the First Starbucks (which actually ISNT the first starbucks!)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A very basic run down
Palm Sunday:
Jesus: shows up
Everyone :DDD YAY
Good Friday:
Jesus: stayed
Everyone: KILL HIM
Easter (Also Sunday):
Jesus: Surprise I'm back

I'm considering making an Ask the Christians Chat. Anyone think that could be a thing?

Please do!

Deleted user

Should sex work/prostitution be legal?
It is in Germany (my home <3), and I feel it could be an interesting conversation.

Deleted user

The risks should be known by anyone who wants to be a sex worker.

Deleted user

Of course it doesn't. But one should know it can be a dangerous job.

Deleted user

Doing a job in order to support yourself is not asking to be murdered.

this is a valid point.

Deleted user

Of course it doesn't. But one should know it can be a dangerous job.

this is also valid. and I think a lot of women that do it the ''''''''''''right'''''''''' way (escorts/porn/etc.) have a very clear idea of what that is because they work with agencies.

it's just sorting out the good agencies from the bad