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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Also–human trafficking could have a loophole by making sex work/prostitution legal.

Deleted user

Green Bay is a huge hub for human trafficking, it's part of why I don't like it there very much.

facts, but I love Green Bay

@HighPockets group

Green Bay is a huge hub for human trafficking, it's part of why I don't like it there very much.

facts, but I love Green Bay

It's too busy for me. It's close to Door County and I vibe a lot better there.

Deleted user

Haha I was right, rip Eris

Im so sad D:

also controversially offended by Pluto erasure! my poor poor planet that I love because of the Moon called ME

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Indeed. But back to the sex work talk, I think it should be legal. But I really hate that. Especially because it's so easy to be abused in that field. So if it was strictly regulated. But Idk. As much as I find the idea abhorrent, people shoul be able to do what they want.


we need to save this debate for tomorrow because I can’t take this conversation seriously when every mention of sex is changed to hecking yiffy wiffy

@HighPockets group

I think that if sex work was legal, it would be easier for those abused in that field to get justice/come forward about their abuse, since it would hopefully destigmatize it a bit. And, y'know, people would probably be more willing to come forward if the sex work wasn't illegal as well.

@Moxie group

So have you all heard about the individuals protesting in DC that are saying things like "Those who would give up liberty to purchase safety deserve neither" and "my constitutional rights are essential"?
That then poses the question do you think our American rights are being taken away right now, or are circumstances different because we're in the middle of a global pandemic?

@Pickles group

sorry all I can think of is the guy from Missouri was it? Who was licking things and was like ItS mY gOd GiVeN rIgHt to lick whatever the fuck I want!

@Moxie group

oh my god I fucking forgot about that. if I remember correctly I think he was going into supermarkets and licking stuff