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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

I get this question a lot being Bi actually.
Personally? It doesn't matter to me. If I were dating a man and then discovered that he was biologically a she, it wouldn't change how i feel about them as a person. Sure it would shift my plans with them future wise, but they're still a person. A person separate from their genitalia.

But I can see how that would really throw people off.

Do I think it's transphobic? No.
Is it weird? Yea a little.
I mean, as a hispanic woman, I don't date hispanic men. Does that make me racist? No.

You like what you like.


I'm just gonna drop in and say:

As a person on the other side of this exchange, I agree. It's a personal preference, and I can't fault anyone for that, however, I can fault them for being an ass about it.

That is all.

Deleted user

Personally, I find trans guys hella cute and find myself often attracted to them.

But I have rarely been attracted to a trans girl.

It's all preference, like we've been saying. And I could honestly see how nowadays, where sex is a bigger part of relationships, it could matter more.

Deleted user

I'm just gonna drop in and say:

As a person on the other side of this exchange, I agree. It's a personal preference, and I can't fault anyone for that, however, I can fault them for being an ass about it.

That is all.

also I'd date the hell outta Ace


I'm just gonna drop in and say:

As a person on the other side of this exchange, I agree. It's a personal preference, and I can't fault anyone for that, however, I can fault them for being an ass about it.

That is all.

also I'd date the hell outta Ace

How the hell did I not see this until now?!

@Anemone eco

smooth or crunchy peanut butter

Smooth. I don't want my nutty goodness to have a cronch factor.

Agreed. I just don't like the texture of crunchy peanut butter.

@Pickles group

The best recipe though is this:
One slice of bread (or more if you're feeling edgy)
Some peanut butter
A ton of semi-sweet (preferably mini) chocolate chips
Put the peanut butter on the bread. Dump on as many chocolate chips as you want because you're worth it, bitch

@HighPockets group

i like this recipe

I have yet to eat today, so I think I'm going to try that recipe out
For the science of course

Ah yes for science

Deleted user

smooth or crunchy peanut butter




Update on the science:

My father gave the sage advice to nuke it in the microwave the soften the thicc chips. Best advice. Best recipe. My heart and stomach are content.